Once in a Lifetime Caves
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Once in a Lifetime Caves
Rowten Cave: Tanguy Racine
"This is my shameless attempt at getting another 'cave' added to my tally. Rowten cave was fine, just fine."
-- Tanguy Racine, Yorkshire Winter Tour, 2016
All caves are equal - but some are more equal than others. Below is a list of caves that we consider you can visit once as a counting trip. They are easy to exploit in pursuit of increasing numbers, so after that one trip, no more! (You can of course go there, but you don't get to pump up your cave numbers with them.)
Typically these are caves with not much going for them in the sporting sense. Several are even simpler than "beginner" caves. Often you can visit them in just your normal clothes with a headtorch.
We don't include touristy show cave visits even as once in a lifetime caves. Of course, doing a proper caving trip in them - such as in White Scar Cave, Ingleborough Cave, and many foreign show caves - is a different story.
Powell's Cave, South Wales - a roadside favourite of anybody walking to/from OFD 1 to/from the SWCC.
"Ellie and Davey went to Powell's cave on the way back to the car but Ana and I had been already and it cannot contribute to our cave count so we knew it was a pointless endeavour." -- Rebecca Diss -
Yordas Cave, Yorkshire - the bottom part only, which you can simply walk into. You'll usually get this as part of a trip where you descend into it from Yordas Pot above. It can count many times like that. Abseiling is real caving, you see.
Cwm Dwr III, South Wales - "It is essentially 3 minutes of walking, ending in a dig. Worth it for the cave count though." -- Matti Mitropolous
Rowten Cave, Yorkshire - the shallow horizontal cave system carrying the stream that enters Rowten Pot from just below the surface at the northern end. see Tanguy's quote above
Jingling Cave, Yorkshire - the sink of Jingling Beck, located a few metres away from Jingling Pot. Jingling Cave links into Rowten Cave.
Aveline's Hole, Mendip - a horizontal cave beside the road in Burrington Combe. Archaelogically interesting.
"It was big enough to require us turning on our headlights, so we felt happy to count this as a cave, but given it's right next to the car park it should probably be included in the "once in a lifetime" series of caves..." -- Ben Richards -
Victoria Cave and Jubilee Cave - caves east of Settle that feature on the OS maps around the area. Pop in on a Sunday hike.
"In both caves, Ana managed to do through trips between the entrances and argued that both should count as once-in-a-lifetime caves..." -- Fiona Hartley