Once in a Lifetime Caves

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Created on:
February 11, 2024 23:21
Last changed on:
February 21, 2024 11:41

Once in a Lifetime Caves

Rowten Cave: Tanguy Racine
"This is my shameless attempt at getting another 'cave' added to my tally. Rowten cave was fine, just fine."
-- Tanguy Racine, Yorkshire Winter Tour, 2016

All caves are equal - but some are more equal than others. Below is a list of caves that we consider you can visit once as a counting trip. They are easy to exploit in pursuit of increasing numbers, so after that one trip, no more! (You can of course go there, but you don't get to pump up your cave numbers with them.)

Typically these are caves with not much going for them in the sporting sense. Several are even simpler than "beginner" caves. Often you can visit them in just your normal clothes with a headtorch.

We don't include touristy show cave visits even as once in a lifetime caves. Of course, doing a proper caving trip in them - such as in White Scar Cave, Ingleborough Cave, and many foreign show caves - is a different story.