
Write-ups from the '1995 & Migovec '95' logbook. As these were typed up in 2024, some of the less "politically correct" descriptions of antics from the original reports have been omitted (typically sexist descriptions, occasionally racist epithets).

[square brackets indicate 2024 editorial notes]

[It was somewhat upsetting to write up the middle of this logbook, due to the presence of crumbling 30-year old vomit on one of the pages.]

Mendips 20/10/1995


GB: Colm Carroll, Tony Hayden (Tonx), Ann

Managed to escape from the others and scramble down a fairly big passage way scattered with boulders. Entered a big chamber and then explored all the separate passageways. Tight squeeze (especially with my hips) into the small chamber below the Great Chamber [illegible] sling up advisable when you have a desire to swing through the air just to liven things up a tad. Back via Devil's Elbow which was god crack. The formations were impressive but quite a few have been broken. Well worth a visit!


Longwood: Jim Evans, Tim Wright (Shed), Iain McKenna, Kathryn Atherton, Richard

The entrance was quite a shock at first, but I soon got used to it and enjoyed crawling and squeezing through the holes. The first pitch was a small 4m ladder, and our first area where we were able to stand up! We followed the stream down, it was a gentle climb down, over a [illegible] to the next pitch, a 6m ladder. After that was a climb down to the streamway. We followed the stream down, and eventually got to a section we had to crawl through. We all got completely soaked. There was a few more climbs to the end where the stream disappeared. We came back up via Augusts chimney which was quite tight, but good fun. It comes highly recommended.


Tight, smelly, scary blah blah. Pretty good really. Scared shitless initially but Jim's calm demeanor worked wonders and by the end wondered what all the fuss was about. Cheers!

Richard 'blind as a bat' Percival

Swildon's short round: Sarah Wingrove (Scuz), Joel Gustavsen, Mack, Jackshit's bro Rasmus

It was as excellent as rge first time I'd done it two years ago to the day but quite a lot shorter since we (i) didn't get lost as Mack knew the way, and (i) did several ducks which were lower than before. (In fact did one of them twice for a photo opportunity.) Shame about the geezer who wound me up so much that I got a bit annoyed with his stupid questions. turned out he wanted to ban us (IC3 - the only caving club) from Charterhouse Permit caves. That'll teach me to speak to strange men!! (or else to kill all men on sight)


[an illegible report]

Swildons (sump 2): [illegible], Fat controller, Jane, Tim


Burrington: Pete Hambly, Mark Evans, Kathryn Atherton, Tony Hayden (Tonx)

Took a crack squad and did Pierres Pot, Sidcot and Goatchurch. Small caves, tight and crawly but a god Sunday option. We particularly liked Sidcot but it can get a bit crowded. Take a rope for Lobster Pot if you've got freshers with you. Nice one!


GB: Iain McKenna, Duncan, Sarah Wingrove (Scuz), Richard

Put my foot in it again by asking someone at the entrance whether there was any water close by for my carbide! Did the usual trip. Had a few problems finding another way into the great chamber and, when we found it, had to wait for Richard to loose weight at the squeeze in order to get through. Several parties down under including Coventry Uni (-yea, I'm sure) who lfet most of the group at our ladder to the main chamber while 2 experienced people (-without their own ladder to rig to get back down) went ahead, navigating with a ball of string!! Devil's Elbow well worthwhile - fotunately didn't meet anyone going other way.

Sarah AKA Scuz

Rhino Rift: Colm Carroll, Jim Evans, Tim Wright (Shed), Joel Gustavsen, Anne

Bit of an abortive trip - took about 1hr to find the entrance - then found that 1st pitch was a 4 bolt tension traverse (ish) - not particularly suitable for a 1st SRT trip. JS [Joel] rigged the first pitch and then had to wait for 2hrs at the bottom while Tim got stuck on the ropes, after sorting him out we decided to cut our losses and exit the cave. Looks like a cave worth doing at some point.


Freshers Trip Mendips 27-29/10/95


Burrington: Mark Evans, Christian Roberts (Sos), Tilly, Carina, Claire

Went for a jaunt down Pierre's Pot, Sidcot and a five min run around Goatchurch.


Pierre's Pot was interestingly cramped but fun - getting stuck in the Lobster pot was an unexpected highlight - luckily Sausage's head was a useful foot rest as otherwise I might still be down there. A series of crawly bits connected smaller cave. I found Sidcot surprinsgly [illegible] small cave sequence - we were only down for ~ half hour but it was a good freshers trip.


Goatchurch - ran from one entrance to another, duration of trip was 5 minutes, but well worth the effort. The equal of any cave I have ever done. Sausage rating - one limp banger, gone mouldy behind the fridge.


Swildon's (sump 2): Bruce Drinkwater, Tony Hayden (Tonx), Fat Cont, Dave, Mike

Whilst Blob filled in forms we had some fun. Mike abandoned the cave after a couple of minutes as he did not like the tight entrance. (It couldn't be that tight as Tim(Fat Cont) finds it easy.) After a couple of minutes it was apparent that Bruce and Dave were very competent and we carried on at a fairly rapid pace. I rigged the ladder and lifelined everyone down with no probs. One way down we did the Barnes Loop. No problems at sump 1 on way in. On way out Tim had stitch before sump 1 and after a rest on the other side it looked like he would have a cardiac arrest trying to keep up with us three. We surface after a total of 3 hours Tim still looking ill and met Mike at entrance.


GB: Jim Evans, Paul Wilcox, and Pawly's mate Nick, + Sky

Good trip.


Aye Jimmy's Right!


Yes it was.


Girlies Go Down Eastwater: Sarah Wingrove (Scuz), Ann

Decided we had to get our 50p's worth down this cave. Found the entrance easily but that's just about where the navigation skills ended. With us we had a tackle bag with 3 bits of rope (but no hangers - they were in London!) and the Mendips-waffle-waffle-guidebook which makes interesting light reading. Found our way through the boulders no probs -- the bit of string helped! Then I cunningly managed to go straight to the 40 degree bedding plane where we both had several babies - (a large family now lives down there) - and Ann got a bit stuck through trying to go the same way as I did. (She didn't know that I always go through the tightest squeezes.) At the top of the slope... "didn't the Evans say go left?" So we did a bit of a detour here, and thereafter all the time until we came to signposts saying 'Danger-go no further', blatant dead ends or 'CROSSROADS' when we finally realised where we were! Had a bit of a natter about shitting, then did the S-bend, found Dolphin Chimney, and a couple of pitchs to the lower traverse, before stopping again for a natter about some other shits (-yes, I hate men). Went out at a leisurely pace. Definitely got 50p's worth!



Singing River Mine: Tim Wright (Shed), Paul Wilcox, Michael (fresher), Andrew

Michael, the german fresher who seems to have very similar personality traits to the dear lamented Greg, was talked into this Sunday trip. I also agreed, but at that stage the hangover was still in its early gestation period. However, ten minutes brisk cross country drive in Tim's car (with no shock absorber) was starting to make me question whether stuffing in a large greasy breakfast was a particularly good idea. At the cave entrance, Michael's increasing panic at not being able to find his right glove and then his harness was beginning to exacerbate the headache that stayed with me 'til 4pm. After locating said items, I tipped the contents of my kit bag out and found that I was also (and genuinely) missing a fairly major piece of kit viz an oversuit, which was still in the drying room. Deciding to press on in an undersuit alone, I then had my second shock of the morning when it became apparent that my earlier 'in-situ' trouser repairs had resulted in me sewing my trousers to my boxer shorts. Anyway, this is all padding to disguise the fact that the trip was terse to say the least, as we failed to find the way on to the lower passages and instead spent 1 1/2 hours pissing around going round in circles feeling, on my part at least, more and more sick and less enthusiastic. Blah Blah Blah


GB: Bruce Drinkwater, Mark Evans, Coreena, Tilly

Always a fine cave. Decided to try and find the [something, reads like car] (mostly to prove that it existed!). Couldn't actually find it. Did however find the ladder dig and a dodge (rope!) climb into great chamber. Bruce and Coreena managed well, Tilly was getting cold by then.

This was especially enjoyable since we are in the middle of being banned by Charterhouse caving company. (TWATS!)


Eastwater: Dave Mountain, Tony Hayden (Tonx), Christian Roberts (Sos), Dave, Sky

Swildon's short round: Jim Evans, Sarah Wingrove (Scuz), Ann

Scuzza keen to do short round trip again, just like last w/e. Tonk said he would last night but no way this morning! Mark -- 'on your bike' and all the freshers put off by this definate no-no from their leaders. But Jim jumped at the chance, and Ann was volunteered to make up the trip before she was asked, so that was settled. Ann and I got changed but then had to sit around while Jizza stripped off and farted about changing in the van. Met loads of seven year olds on their way out at the entrance and passed crowds on the way to the ladder but fortunately didn't have to wait in either direction. Didn't go wrong way at all due to some very lucky guesses. Through first sump duck. Found first duck in Troubles to be a sump. (There was airspace last week!) Waited about 20mins for Siphon to be effective but Ann and Jizza were too sensible and made the decision to go back the same way since otherwise we'd be back too late. Detoured to have a look at sump 1 on way out. A fine jaunt. Must do it again properly sometime.

Oh, forgot to mention that Ann was practically naked (on the near side) throughout the trip, her arse even worse than Jizza's after a trip in Torn T! Still Jim helped her up a few tight squeezes by putting a carbide flame right there - what initiative eh?! Sazza, following behind, stayed back to admire the formations!

Scuzza (AKA Saz)

Are those Jim's formations you're admiring Scuz?


Fireworks in Yorkshire

Rowten Pot: Gavin Hayman, Kathryn Atherton, Rob Lea (Blob), Frank Cooke

Sherpa = Gav

Sunsetting, Paragliders, Sherpa sent for beer, whilst Kathryn rigged the first pitch. Rob, Gav + Frank played "silly game" for 2 decades before Kathryn had finished and was down to the ledge.

4-5hrs! later emerged after even I had rigged a small pitch, Iain having completed Bull Pot and caught us near the bottom.

Didn't quite finish as too few hangers brought and probably not enough rope.

Good time was had by all back at NPC. Barrel of Dent was actually finished. NPC members annoyed re: Belgian incident. Gav gracefully shouldered most of the blame.

Dr. Frank



Whitewalls, South Wales

Saturday 18th Nov

some tiny cave to the left of the hut as you walk out the door: Iain, Tony, Chae, Nathalie

Probably the least impressive days caving I have ever done. A full 22yds of cave completed but at least it was a relatively interesting 22yds. Previous worst days' caving have included:

  1. Reaching Bull Pot Farm and finding that Pippikin Pot was a 3 mile walk to the entrance - result sat in car for 4 hours 'deciding what to do'.

  2. Getting 'stuck' in the pub (Hill Inn) with Andy when we should have done something really pleasant close by (its name escapes me)

  3. Lying by the River Soca near Tolmin, Slovenia, summer '94 (also with Andy)

  4. Scotland, Winter tour 93/94 caves? I can't see any caves - too much snow


For a first time CRAP! BUT I must say it broke the psychological barrier.

Chae [I think]

Agen Allwedd: Jim Evans, Mark Evans, Sarah Wingrove (Scuz), Oliver Mann, Christian Roberts (Sos) and Ann

The only way to start a cave when its freezing - crawling through water filled boulders first to get you in the mood. Sos and Ol surging on ahead route finding - success - a big walking passage with strange, beautiful crystals that looked like little toy soldiers. More boulder chocks and wading into rivers. Climbing animals come in two species - 'the high flying 'yeh it's easy' scramble up everything' and the 'short-arse crawling through mud experts'. Even thought there were 6 observant peeps in the way in, we still did some extra deviations on the way out.



Daren Cilau: Mark Evans, Oliver Mann, Christian Roberts (Sos)

Well yes, Mark had a look at the entrance, a small hole in a quarry cliff, for a few minutes. "Er it looks a bit horrible." Sos has a look "Er it's horrible." Two minutes later "fuck it" Sos disappears. Oliver looks "ooh it's horrible". I crawl flat out, half my face in muddy water for a few metres. It's not nice. Round the corner, yes, I can crawl, great. It gets worse. We spend 50 mins crawling mostly through water, sometimes flat out, mild squeezing and occasionally able to straighten our backs and stand up. First bit is 'orrible, middle is not too bad, last bit, passage defined by the water level and pretty formations, the evil seductress, 'orrible.

Opens up to a stand up passage. We got left then second oxbow then along to a biggish chamber. Mark (standing right over the narrow passage "I don't know where to go now") eventually finds a bedding plane crawl behind a boulder flake. Overall, this bit were nice, crystals nice mud floor cracking.

Anyway, went back the way we came (ooh er) then spent another, not so torturous, 50 mins to get out.

Good trip. fun entrance series, nice walk about passages, fun entrance series.


Derbyshire 2/12/95

(ogof) Giant's: Tim Palmer, Harry Lock

Rpid trip down to the sump - turned round to find that Tim was no longer with us. Completed a circuit via Magins Rift, various free climbs, Giants Windpipe, back to Crabwalk and out. 3 hour steady trip.


It's a bit better than you would think from above.


Tim's Bit of the cave was fairly shit i.e. the passage got too narrow, and my comrades weren't there to pull me!

Tim P

Giant's Ol' The Sequel: Paul Wilcox, Duncan, Oliver Mann, Tony Hayden (Tonx)

Got off to a good start at 2.00pm with me leading somewhat over-confidently. After only one wrong turning (admittedly at the only point where it was possible to make one) we got to the pitch hang where there were at least 3 ladders already. Proceeded from here along crabwalk (where there was no opportunity of any further wrong turnings for the next 25 minutes). Also passed Tim Rogers going the other way somewhere around here. Then I said we had to climb up. So we did. Not the right place mind. When we did climb up the right place I immediately spotted the entrance to Giant's windpipe. We crawled through that (it wasn't) and I found myself somewhat lost again. We ambled on a bit further until Ollie found a low wet crawl which obviously wasn't the way. So we gave up and started to head back. Then we met some Tabs (Cambridge students for those of you who went to provincial university) who pointed us in the right direction (fucking bastards). So we went back down the long wet crawl, slid down the rift into the Crabwalk and headed out.


Jackpot [P8]: Bruce Drinkwater, Tim Wright (Shed), Tim Palmer, Mark Evans

After a bit of a trek we found the entrance in the fog. The cave was fairly cave-like with 2 walls, a roof and floor with a bit of water. The walls had clearly been etched by fast flowing water and the rock contained loads of fossils. We went down fast (being tough caver types) doing 2 x 10m pitches with SRT. After the second pitch we took the easy route which soon became difficult and ended with a sump (probably sump D on the map). Time was up so we headed on out. No problems. Total trip time around 2.5hrs.


In the TSG hut.........

Paul's version:

11.45pm: Left pub. Went to hut. Ate cheese on toast 12:00pm: Went to bed. Slept 5:30am: "Pretty Vacant" - Sex Pistols. Slept again ~6:30am: "Road to Nowhere" - Talking Heads. Interupted by power cut but restarted at beginning (aren't CD players wonderful?) Slept again 10:00am: Woke up. Fresh as a daisy

Tonx's account

12:00am: Slept 2:00am: TSG returned & put on music. Every half hour someone says "thought IC were a party club" or "where's the girls?" 4:00am: Fuse pulled (by Sheffield) reinstalled by TSG pissed off. 6:00am: Fuse pulled by TSG hut warden pissed off. 8:00am: Hut warden goes apeshit throws everything out window 10:00am: Got up

Yorkshire Dec 15-16th 1995

Large Pot: Gavin Hayman, Sarah Wingrove (Scuz) [and presumably other people]

Gavins experience from the horses mouth --> oops. Death or rather near death is a strangely unenlightening experience. Basically I was 30m (out of 60) up on the final pitch of large having endlessly wondered round new rift and found the obscure connection, prussicking away like a vertical [illegible] with the light of those below reduced to tiny point, the [illegible] was ok, we were coming out etc when my harness came undone. Perhaps you can imagine the scene... that sickening moment of realisation that something had truly gone wrong; that awful slackness when there is nothing really attaching you to the rope and your left there hanging in oblivion. I remember shouting below "my harness has come undone" to which Sarah (bless) cheerfully replies "well do it up" --> trouble was, and this was the real bugger, my mayon had popped out of the harness (as these things are so apt to do). I'd just taken my glove off and my hands after were covered with a viscous frictionless layet of mud. I was just about to prussick up so I was left there like an absolute wazz. I can remember a note of high, involuntary panic in my voice and the Spirit of Elvis Presley entering my body. I couldn't move without falling out of the harness and the mayon (open) could be stretching. The only think I could think of was the scene in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy where Arther Dent remonstrates with the Giant Bird he has landed on.

"Don't tip me off I'll die"

"Well it's your habitat not mine"

"It's not a question of whose habitat it is, it's how hard you hit it"

Story continues later...

Gavin [presumably]

[the story does not continue later]

Second term calendar

Date Destination
20/1/96 - 22/1/96 Yorkshire
3/2/96 - 5/2/96 Yorkshire
17/2/96 - 19/2/96 Mendip
2/3/96 - 4/2/96 Yorkshire

South Wales

Daren Cilau: Jim Evans, Mark Evans, Oliver Mann

Having some experience in this cave there was no messing about this time. Notes taken from the book and careful study of the survey on the hut wall enabled us to progress through some fairly tricky navigating effectively. Very dodgy ladder pitch before large white passage, well I filled my pants anyway. We travelled up to hard rock cafe to discover the kings road sign. Made very good time on the way back despite going up crystal inlet to find some rather attractive red crystrals in the stream. Entrance series endured with patience and overall posed no real difficulty. An excellent trip. Sex, drugs and rock n roll.


Ogof Draenen: Jim Evans, Mark Evans, Duncan, Cecile

This is what Cecile thought of the entrance:

The right place where to try for the first time my brand new oversuit (a birthday gift from my mother); narrow with a perfect blend of water and mud!


(I can't read that! but I'm pissed)


I can! even pister


What a cave! A unenthusiastic group arrived at the Lamb and Fox. Oliver was the only keen one, as usual. Drinko (Bruce) said "Who wants a pint then" but it wasn't to be. After some searching Mark managed to find the entrance and the trip began. Miserable! No, the entrance is lovely (compared to Daren Cilau). This trip was really a bit of a reccy. Being such a complex system we weren't expecting to get anywhere. We planned to go upstream to the "passion fruit chamber". We ended up going 1/3 of the way upstream and all the way downstream to the "confluence" where the round trip joins.

I was still sore from the day night of passion before, but it was still well worth it.
