Wales 0.1


David Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Porter, Zaeem Najeeb


We drove to Dan Yr Ogof showcave campsite. This is pretty nice but has a Draconian family friendly policy - no noise after 10pm. Luckily it is 5 minutes walk from a nice pub, but this was shut when we got there on Friday.


OFD 2: David Wilson, James Wilson, Thomas Porter, Zaeem Najeeb

Someone had written on the survey that Northern lights was pretty so we tried to go there. We almost made it but it's fairly hard work, worth it to go via Edward's shortcut instead. After the cave we went to a nice pub where the welsh landlord weirdly knew exactly where we lived and how to get there. It turned out he used be a lorry driver. We had some nice food and then David got schooled on how to pronounce Penderyn. We got drunk and walked up the hill behind our campsite to try to find Pwll Dwll, or That One Welsh SRT Cave. We didn't find it but there was a good sunset. Ate some cheese off a rock, visited Dewi the dinosaur at Dan Yr Ogof, drove home.



Porth Yr Ogof: David Wilson, James Wilson, Zaeem Najeeb

We parked in a field with lots of tourists in it and were the strangest people in the car park. We walked down to the cave, in the main entrance turned right and crawled our way to another entrance. We then went all the way downstream after failing to find the pretty grotto. The resurgance looked unfriendly and we took the outside route,and had a short swim, discovering that we were not bouyant. Will be back with bouyancy aids. We exited back upstream (after checking out another crawl and a side entrance to the resurgence, swimming in the white horse pool and coming out of the tradesman's entrance with some tourists. A pleasant Sunday trip.
