Derbyshire I


Arun Paul, Ben Honan, Christopher Bradley, Dave Kirkpatrick, Jack Halliday, Jeannie Michaels, Jennifer R, Peter Ganson, Rebecca Diss, Rhys Tyers, Thomas Porter, Úna Barker

Editor's note: The details of who went where on this trip are unclear, but the best has been made of Jennifer's memories to provide a written accompaniment to the photograph.


JH to Peak: Arun Paul, Ben Honan, Christopher Bradley, Dave Kirkpatrick, Jeannie Michaels, Peter Ganson, Thomas Porter, Úna Barker

JH to Titan: Jack Halliday, Jennifer R, Rhys Tyers

There's a deviation in JH that is really tiny and hard. Really tiny! We went through a crawl called Cow Arse worms to make the connection with Titan, however Rhys disturbed all the worms so I didn't have to face them. We came out of the boulder choke underneath Titan to find SUSS chucking rocks at us from the Event Horizon. Upon exiting the boulder choke I swiftly ran to the wall where Rhys and the rest of SUSS were huddled. We pointed out we had rights to leave the cave before them and did so. It took ages. My harness rubbed me to pieces. The last 30m were mean and awful.

Jennifer (written four years later)



Somebody must have gone to JH to derig. I went to Alpkit. It was fun. Then we had delicious cake.

Jennifer (written four years later)