
Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Malcolm Barr, Jim Briggs, Chris Backhouse, Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Charlie Cawthorne, Jennie Gilbert, Kathy James, Clive Orrock, Steve Lane, Mark Bown, Simon Leach, Dave Warrington, Neill Pattinson, Helen Cawthorne, Catherine White, Jon Sims, Spike, Chris Cawthorne, Sarah-Jane Hunt, Jane Enderby, John Harrison, Shaun Lar

Wot no photos?

As these were typed up in 2024, some (but likely not all) of the less "politically correct" descriptions of non-cave antics from the original reports have been omitted (typically sexist descriptions, occasionally racist epithets).

South Wales 12-14 October

1st Freshers trip


Those present: Cath White, Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Neill Pattinson, Harry Lock, Richard Colcott, Dave Warrington, Clive Orrock, Charlie Cawthorne, Chris Cawthorne, Helen Cawthorne, Malcolm Barr, Donald Barr, John Harrison, Tim Martin, Sarah-Jane Hunt, Rowan Carr, Jane Enderby, Dewi Lloyd, Graham (20!)

Wot! No president


Assembled outside Beit Arch at the early hour of 5pm, but had to wait for a few people to turn up. With a full van load of 14 ready to go at 6pm, who should arrive but Malcolm's brother and friend, expecting to come caving, the message that room was non-existent apparently not having reached them. However they agreed to make their own way down to S Wales once Malc arrived, so we eventually set off. (1)

Made fast progress, stopping in Abergavenny for fish and chips, and reaching the Bridge Inn for 10pm. A few pints later, having met Charlie, Chris and Helen, we set off up to Whitewalls, where we met Malc + 2, and accomodation was sorted, with 9 in tents in the garden! Loads of CSS were present, Ogof Daren Cilau having recently been extended, and talk of the Aggie Master Cave was plentiful.

1: what about the guy who turned up armed only with a blanket claiming he'd put his name down at Freshers Fair?


4 trips were botched together.

Little Neath River Cave Appreciation Society Trip (LNRCAS): Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Flood Entrance / Canal Bypass (once we found it) / Tributary Passage to Sump 2 / back via Canal + a quick look at Bridge Cave sump. This trip was Ex-cellent, as per usual with this cave, and everyone enjoyed it a lot. Not too wet in Entrance Series, with plenty of airspace. Dave dropped us off at Ancient Brit for a quick pint.

OFD: Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson, Sarah-Jane Hunt, Tim Martin

Straight forward trip down Maypole Inlet to mainstream. Met Malc on way out. All out OK.


OFD: Malcolm Barr, Chris Birkhead, Donald Barr, Graham

Not so much the 'A' team on this jaunt into OFDII, Malcolm our 'guide' who recognises and remembers too many bloody passages, Donald "3 business lunches a week" Barr, Graham (fag stop every two minutes), and of course myself. Wandered about aimlessly to start with looking for good passages to get lost in, Malcolm found one quite easily, so we wasted a good ten minutes there, then it was my turn, then Malc's -- etc etc, Graham didn't like it so we came out.


Aggie: Charlie Cawthorne, Helen Cawthorne, Chris Cawthorne, Jane Enderby, John Harrison, Rowan, John H (old lags rep)

North West Junction and back

Once we'd recovered from the shock of having insufficient lamps and helmets (and the van returning to give them to us (and change a ripped tyre)) we stared on the first horrendous section - the 15 minutes level walk to the entrance. After 20 minutes hard caving (grade and time judged by JH) we stopped to let Jane recover (JH silently retching in the corner). Jane found 2nd wind, JH continued retching, Charlie led from a distance and we continued. After 4 days extreme caving (grade and time judged by JH) we reached 1st boulder choke. Thereafter to NW Junction passed in a daze. Points to note: Rowan blesses himself upon entering water, Jane does swar, Charlie leads from a distance, Chris C and Helen can't keep up with him, JH retches at the end. Another rest at NW Junction followed by Jane (I don't know where I'm going) leading the party out (JH retching at the back). 4 hours and we'd finished the most difficult caving known to man. Points to note: Chris C is dyslexc and so can't fill in the Aggie log even inaccurately. After the marathon trek to the hut, JH retired and led to the pub. All others felt it was an easy trip.



An exercise in good planning, underground party management, and maintaining good relations with various influential clubs etc. 3 trips were planned for Sunday.

Little Neath RC: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead

Could have been a real killer this one.

All started OK as soon as Donald got used to the idea of being almost totally submerged in fast flowing water (I wasn't that keen either), soon got to the central bypass which Donald and I took, leaving Rowan and Richard to disappear down the canal, some confusion over meeting places lead to Donald and I going off for our own trip and exiting early as my lamp 'failed'. Went to Bridge Cave - Richard and Rowan exit to find us 'not out' ie gear still there etc. Does Rich sit and wait for

1) us to exit under our own steam 2) more people and lights etc

No, Rich goes down ALONE to look for us - Richard was very silly (stupid - RJC edit) to do this and caused me alot of worry (paranoia)


1a) JH and James walked to the pub, and got there after closing time.


But why were they so late?

Top Ent to Cwm Dwr (OFD): Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White, Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson, Sarah-Jane Hunt

NOTE Kath W name is CATH she doens't like a K

Headed down Top entrance to streamway without any problems at great speed. Good fun was had in the pot holes along the streamway (-dry gear is not the ideal attire for this section!) and Simon succeeded in bottoming a 7 footer. Reached the confluence in record time and left the streamway to head for Cwm Dwr entrance. Clive's leadership qualities were tested to the full as we wandered up and down passages trying to find the way out. Various cries of "I remember this bit" mingled with "I'm sure this wasn't a dead end last time", then suddenly the boulder choke appeared and the exit reached with no further trouble.

Cwm Dwr - Top Ent OFD: Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White, Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson, Sarah-Jane Hunt

Eventually got down Cwm Dwt at around 2pm. Few navigational problems were encountered until the far side of the boulder choke was reached. We managed to muddle through to the Confluence with only minor hesitations on the way. Met Clive and his party a short way up the streamway. A slight detour was made with Neill imagining the oxbow long before it appeared. The series of potholes proved interesting, as all but Dewi were wearing dry gear. Only Harry remained reasonably dry, he ascribed the damp condition of the other party to "a lack of technical competence". There were no problems with route find on the top section. We got out at 6:45pm, on the way down meeting a member of SWCC, who was going to look for us as we were slightly overdue.


Mendips 19-21 October

2nd Freshers Trip


Those present: Steve Lane, Kath James, Spike, Charlie, Chris Caw, Chris Back, Cath W, Dave Warr, Harry, Dave Wilson, Patrick Rorie, Oliver Hawes, Paul Harvey, Clare Murphy, Andrew Kelly, Morgan Jenkins, Adam Wiltshire, Peter Plackowski, Jeremy Soame

As usual we had time for a pint in the union before leaving. Slow progress on motorway so we stopped off for a couple of pints in Bristol fearing we wouldn't make it to the Hunters.


Spent lots of time running to + from Wells trying to get lamps. Eventually got underground with great efficiency.

Longwood: Dave Wilson, Steve Lane, Andrew, Morgan, Pete

Entrance series (chimney and bedding plane) suprisingly NOT appreciated by freshers, although the traverse after the wet/dry chimney (slightly dodgy) was hardly noticed by them. Various climbs up/down mud slopes and then ladder pitch (with Italian Hitch for ~20' drop!!) followed by boulder slope (cf Grotte de la Luire, but smaller) and then traverses above stream. When reached stream, someone (=Pete P) was cold, so clothing was swapped and we made our way out, some dickhead walker dropping fist sized boulder on me as I was half way up entrance climb, but the pillock had cleared off by the time I exited. - A good trip, enjoyed by all

Dave Wilson

Swildon's No.1 (sump 2 and back): Kathy James, Dave Warrington, Patrick, Clare

Good easy trip all the way. Clare coped very well for her first trip, thought tried headbutting the wall opposite sump 1 thinking she was still in the sump. Kath didn't seem too happy after diving the sump in dry gear. Had to wait a long time to get up the 20 foot while a bunch of freshers were wallying around.

Swildons Short Round trip: Charlie Cawthorne, Catherine White, Chris Cawthorne, Oliver, Jeremy

Manor Farm Swallet: Chris Backhouse, Harry Lock, Spike, Paul, Adam

All coped well with the 45' entrance pitch, then past rusty old cars and refuse sacks. Not as unpleasant as others have made out, though quite smelly. Got to the 1st sump (?) and, after a search, found the small hole in the roof which goes up into large, abandoned, dry passage. Bedding plane closes in as slope goes downhill. Had a grovel up various unstable vertical digs, and went to final sump. Return was without incident. Quite enjoyable


Lamb Leer: Dave Warrington, Patrick, Morgan and Andrew

Armed with endless ladders and belays and a little bit of string for lifelining, we arrived not knowing what to expect. Had an enforced half hour coffee break (unfortunately no coffee though) at the entrance pitch while 10 Reading freshers tried to negotiate the "fixed"(??) entrance ladder. (for fixed read unfixed iron thing wobbling about all over the shop.) We then dived down it at great speed for fear of the thing following us to the bottom. A short muddy walk brought us to the winch platform above the 2nd 65' pitch. Again Reading were there so we had another short wait. The superhero amongst us (ie. ME) lifelined the rest down and then discovered the 40m lifeline was not 40m long so I couldn't be lifelined and decided against risking a freefall attempt. The trio down below enjoyed themselves wallying about in the chamber and explored several passages before joining the queue (Reading again!) to get back up. We helped the Reading lot derig their ladders and proceeded out to risk life and limb on the entrance pitch once more. Morgan didn't seem too impressed about having to climb 65ft of wire laders (he learns quickly!) but it was good practice.

Swildon's Short Round Trip: Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Kathy James, Spike, Adam, Paul, Peter

Had to queue for ages at head of the 20' pitch while various groups of Scouts, Air Cadets and QMC CC descended/ascended. Very straightforward, all ducks faily low, needing no bailing, occasional uncertainty of route, but eventually got back to main stream passages and had to queue to get out. All coped well, and got out fairly easily.

Longwood: Chris Backhouse, Catherine White, Jeremy

Yorkshire 3-4 November

Wot no Clive?

Another pint(s) in the union before we start (pissoc). What is the club coming too. Different pub in Leeds. Good Tetlys (almost like Guinness). Bryon OK. The NPC - haven of rest.

Saturday - ICCC & the Rainy Day

Rained & Rained & Rained. Black Shiver Soc enthusiasm was drowned. Visited Adam's shop and much amusement was obtained from frantic/frustrated efforts for some of our larger members trying to get into oversuits ("over what").

Rowten, then Bull: Richard Collcott, Chris Backhouse, Neill Pattinson

It was wet! (very very wet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rigged first pitch and bridge and started to rig 2nd pitch when it was decided (by self confessed wimpsoc!!!) to go down Bull.

Missed Bull so found Jingling instead.

Jingling: massive stream, lots of water...... etc. went to find Bull

Bull: Sumped at bottom of 1st pitch, so we could of gone down Rowten after all.

Large: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Mark Bown, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Got changed whilst it was raining and cold winds were blowing. Almost caught exposure before we went down the cave. Cath had to kick Harry down the 1st pitch because he got stuck with the tackle bag at the head of it. Malcolm went down to head of 2nd pitch head first and Dave had to rescue him feet first. Fairly dry down Arcadia series, usual tight bits and thick liquid mud. Necropolis was far too wet realistically to descend so we went back out. Met BUSS on the way out. Pitch head acrobatics on the 2nd pitch as we trued to haul a jammed tackle bag out. Got out into darkness and waited in freezing cold for ~ 1 hour. Malc and Dave out 1hr later due to derigging difficulties.

Ireby Fell: Dave Wilson

Was bloody wet so -> 1st pitch -> quick exit



Rowten again: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Jennie Gilbert, Steve Lane

[I doubt if you can read it. SMS]

Marble Steps: Neill Pattinson, Catherine White

A disaster. Nothing to add!


Wot a mess!

Whimp Soc (Little Dave and Harry) who went for a delightful walk / conversed on the subject of walking companionship and the relation between 'Craven fault, Ingleton Geology, and FX2s'.

The Journey Home

'Mumble mumble mumble'

After suggestions turned to see 'Realm of Darkness' in Marton Arms (supported by a slim majority/"zenith" minority) we went towards home on M1. But Gargrave off license was well attended.

Wot no more chaos

Mendip Cliquey Trip 16-18 November

Wot no incrowd?

Dissent Soc.

Stopped at Rich's house for coffee and digestives, then down the M4. Quick pint in a Bristol pub (General Something Elliott) then straight to Hunters where we met Charlie + co. Back to Belfry.


St. Cuthbert's Swallet: Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Harry Lock

Martin Gress (BEC, CSCC) led Patrick, Little Dave, Richard, Harry.

An offer of a Cutherbert's trip was quickly taken up and we started in at 12.30 (another early start). A tight entrance rift was made more sporting by falling iron bars. Pulpit pot (60') was abseilled and after a tight duck had been passed Martin led us up into an extensive boulder ruckle through to September series. Very well decoracted complex series of passages. Cave pearls and helictites. Slid down Rabbit Warren series and went through various crawls and up various thrutches (Note lack of observation). Wet crawl down streamway (lovely, lovely wetsuits) to Gour chamber and then back to entrance. Final struggle up rift and out at 6.30.

PS Dave discovered a newt (female) at the bottom of Rabbit Warren. This was lovingly cradled and carried out (Ahh!)


The newt was a female and was attempting adaptive radiation by occupying a speleological ecological niche until Dave carried it out, thus interfering in a natural evolutionary process.

Thanks Martin for a very enjoyable trip!

GB Cave (photo trip): Dewi Lloyd, Steve Lane, Dave Warrington

Went to GB for a photo trip. Unfortunately this cave never changes and was as bored as ever. Rigged ladder dig and were going to chicken out at squeeze and go down pub. But Dewi was keen so we had to follow him. Took photos in Bat passage. Passed loads of people on the way out. Went off to get some cider from Thatchers.

Saturday night we were all out the caves early, went to Wells chippy then to Hunters as it opened. Good session that night. Had to remicrowave stone-cold shepherds pie.


Swildons Short Round Trip: Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd

Richard's 1st sump!

Nice trip! but not as good as Little Neath

The ladder proved fun, the Italian hitch jamming solid on the way down. The sump was as I expected - wet but proved no hassle. (Dewi managed to make this 5ft sump nearly 10ft by doing an impression of a subsurface torpedo.) Trip was done quite quickly with Harry leading us thru' very confidently. Dived sump 1 again twice for fun and then exited, getting jammed at the ladder queue for half an hour. Overall a very good cave but spoilt by the hoards of chubby 10 year old scouts down it, in groups of up to ten.

R.J.C (vice chairman of LNRCAS)

Thrupe Lane: Charlie Cawthorne, Dave Warrington, Chris Cawthorne

Excellent trip. How can anyone complain about boring Mendip with holes like this. Progress was halted at Perseverance due to another group doing their best not to get up the pitch, so 4 of us went down through slit pot instead. Had a great climb down Atlas (65ft) while being thoroughly pissed on by the waterfall. Off to the bottom sump and then out again without problems.

Dave Warrington

All of us were out of the caves very early. Unfortunately Dave found his trousers and valuables had done; someone had presumably taken them in van stolen them. Sat around waiting for Patrick to have his Sunday tea, then back to London (too early for Wagon and Horses). Stopped at Rich's house for toast, coffee and Otter Hole, then back to college by ~9.30pm. A good weekend.

Wot no trousers

Yorkshire 23-25 November

Incrowd Outcrowd Descent Soc

Wot no outcrowd

John Harrison arrived amidst gale force winds and typhoonal rain on Fru night, and Simon, already suffering from Meregill syndrome, was forced to abandon plans to go to Dave's party, and set off to Yorkshire, after a quick chat with his mate Alan Steele.

Having established our priorities we went to the homeland in John new motor. Desperate for a pint stopped at Sheffield at 10.40 in a Mansfield Ales Pub then watched the town centre's nightlife while eating our fish and chips. Camped at Hill Inn



Bull Pot: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, John Harrison

Yep these cliquey trips certainly get the good caves. We missed Vesper by 15mins so after discussions, Wahfold Juniper etc settle on Bull a first for Chris and Jon a third for me and certainly one too many for Malc. Then discovered didn't have any gear so I sat and wept while they laughed - bastards.



Promptly woke at 7.30 to find cafe didn't open till 9.00.

Vesper Pot: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, John Harrison

Good cave this. Crawl at top to two 25' pitches followed by a rift which is [] but was beautifully rigged by Malc onto a 90' in a waterfall. Many noxious gasses be here courtesy of JH and wot he ate for breakfast. Then a 150' with a tea towel belay is all that separate you from the great rubble heap. In between this air, and whatever ledge Malc decides to collapse.


South Wales Nov 30-Dec 2nd

Wot no Dave!

Wot. no cawthorns

Stayed at W.S.G. Hut - CLASSIC!! (which we had to ourselves - very cozy!!)

Big traffic jam on M4 had to wait in this grotty pub 108p/pint - shit food.

We all slept well except John who thrashed around by himself all night after being spurned by unamused Rich.

Wot no out-crowd? :(


Tunnel Cave - Top Entrance: Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson 'The A team?' (Dark and Deep)

"It's a bit like a cliquey trip this."

"Shhh or we'll send you down Cwm Dwr!"

After locating the entrance in low vis my team and I descended two pitches close together then a wire traverse. After negotiating the wire traverses (despite claims to the contrary "I can't move"), ze intrepide team descended le gouffre a tout vitene, deeper and deeper into ze bowels de le earth. One more ladder present pas de problem et mon braves continues le exploration through many tight rifts etroits. Many small climbs were named after our many female lovers who are deep et mysterious comme les grottes themselves. Enfin we reached the show cave gate, which was locked.

"Oh no that's why SWCC offered me a key!" said Hon Sec, we left him tied to the bars.

The returned was marred by two incedents missing out the 3rd pitch so the Ancients went back to retrieve the ladder (we only bring them along for their obsolete skills such as ladder climbing). And secondingly Clive expressing his desires for a small chubby schoolboy and promptly squeezing Chris. One of the best caves in Wales - in fact the 2nd best cave.


Cwm Dwr Quarry: Dave Warrington, Jane Enderby (Dark and Low)

Had a good crawl through the entrance series and then headed off towards the boulder choke, not really knowing where we were going. Found the passage stopped rather severely and so assumed it was the boulder choke. Tried to find a way on but all to no avail. The most likely way was flooded which was rather off putting and eventually we gave up the search and went out. A really enjoyable crawl out was thoroughly appreciated by all!!??

Most pissed off when we got out just after 3pm - the pub was shut.

Top Entrance to Smiths Armoury: Richard Collcott, Malcolm Barr, Catherine White, Jon Sims, John Harrison (Dark and thin)

After much haggling over which cave to do (the 'A' team having already pirated Tunnel Cave leaving the "out-crowd" to twiddle their thumbs) the "Elite Team" (E team) was formed!!! A trip to Smith's was arranged. Malc leading to Chasm and - "I'm sure I can't remember the way." Richard to continue to the waterfalls. Good fun trip with slight route finding difficulties, traverses were good fun and the only incident was Malc falling diving into the streamway. Too wet to climb up waterfall due to heavy rainfall, started out, making good time when we meet the RESCUE da da daaaaa!!!!! They had come down about 2 1/2 hours early to "check" we were OK, due to possibility of the stream trapping us down there.

Luckily RJC took his balaclava with him as it was so cold down OFD. (only a motor cyclist's balaclava which I did not wear)


Saturday night

Many good games were played incl: Traversing the Room, Cock-a-Leekie, Table Climbing.


Craig a ffynnon: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson - another Welsh cave, especially dark this one

Why didn't anyone else want to go down? We found out!

As it was a wet cave we all put on wetsuits except 'every cave's a dry gear cave' Malc, who was the only one who didn't overheat and die.

Entrance series was sporting and very prettyly decorated with straws. After a protracted boulder choke, lots of 'Aggy' passage to Hall of Mountain King - very nice. Then the fun 1000' crawl often flat out (what men). But we were lovely and warm in our wetsuits [wish I'd had Rich's balaclava - Simon]. We reached an aven which OCFC proceeded to climb by a grappling hook. We time warped back to the 1920s and did Jim Eyre/Harrison impressions on a ladder pitch.

There was some doubt about the point of "bothering" to go down the ladder. The final chamber wasn't far past the pitch, where there were some good formations. In the stream passage Harry was bombarded by rocks chucked down by the OCFC members. Variations on the classic abseil were employed on a short climb down. On the way out Chris and Neill went for the "Mark Bown - Get out first prize". Then waited for the van for 35 minutes, getting a bit cold standing around in the wetsuits which were really essential for the "tight duck".


(2' high, 8" water, 8' wide)


How long?


I don't know about ducks but mine's 6 1/4"


Porth-yr-Ogof: Dave Warrington, Jon Sims

The more sensible ones of us discovered we'd get to the New Inn in Ystradfellte in time for opening for a beer before the arduous trip ahead of us. This mission was accomplished during a game of darts and we were psyched up for the rigours of PYO. We got to the entrance safely to find plenty of water pouring into it. Once inside we headed for the dry routes first and met severe trouble instantly - about 10 million boy scouts and 6000 schoolgirls scattered (and screaming) all over the place.

Meanwhile back in the main streamway we engaged the raging torrents and the intrepid explorers were eventually halted by a sump, probably blocked by some mislaid school part. We got out of one of the side entrances to look at the resurgence and had a swim a few feet from the waterfall to get in the cave, to find the way sumped almost immediately. We were all set to dive it when unfortunately time ran out and we had to go and fetch the other group from Brynmawr.

The Walk

Due to extreme leg injuries incurred in Cock-a-Leekie (having entered six yes SIX contests) was unable to go caving. Cath, also for different reasons ("snore") was unable to go caving; so a pleasant walk was undertaken returing just as the van came back from Porth-yr-Ogof.

Fast trip back - rally driving with Harry's mates Surrey Bridge Club (ha-ha-ha) along M4. Got back 10:50pm just too late for A.A to get a drink. A good weekend.


Yorkshire Week 14-21 December 1984

Wot no suspension

Friday 14th

Quick journey to Leeds. Didn't stop at Fentons much to certain people's annoyance. Had some choips and off for a couple of pints in Burley.

Dave Warrington


Disappointment: Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington

The long walk up from Clapham was not fully appreciated, partly due to attempting a slight detour. Harry got a bit of practice in dodging falling boulders in climb just by the entrance but unfortunately didn't succeed too well - more practice needed! The bedding crawl provided some hassle with gear but we ploughed through. No trouble on the way down except between 3rd + 4th pitches where a slight route mistake was made, soon to be rectified. The 5th pitch provided plenty of fun with water pouring down the ladder but was a good climb. Turned round shortly after to head back. Had to rerig the bottom pitch through more water due to lifeline problems and Sarah started to feel the strain of climbing it, needing some assistance. The return was slightly better organised with us splitting up a bit to avoid waiting at pitches.

Emerged into a brilliant starry sky and a good layer of ice to accompany the walk back. Disaster as the van wasn't at Clapham so another 2 miles walk to the hut, arriving 5 minutes before the van which really pleased us!

Dave Warrington

Lost John's (a MEGA TRIP!) (Ha Ha Haa) :Chris Birkhead, Clive Orrock, Catherine White, Jon Sims

It was a long struggle to the entrance but we made it eventually. John, having great powers of observation, realised that the cave grew dark almost as soon as we got in. One ladder pitch then we got to a large pitch and Clive decided it was the wrong way. So we went back to the turning that leads to the New Traverse Route which is where we intended to go intially. When we got to the pitch (via traverses) it was already rigged and after a lot of vacillating we decided it was not worth following the other party down as there were not enough bolts. So back we trudged to the Old Traverse Route and went down the 110' pitch, with a lot of bouncing on the rope by certain members of the team. Hmm! We felt pissed off at being caused to give up the New Traverse and Dome but carried on heroically anyway. Two more short pitches on 8mm string then reached a pitch that looked too deep for the rope we had left so we turned back. After a long time waiting at the bottom of the main pitch we made our way out, with Clive derigging and getting in a slight tangle. Chris and John claimed the Mark Bown award when, just as Clive was sorting the mess out, they demanded that Clive hand over the van keys. Then they pissed off out of the cave with the last 3 of us carrying all the tackle. Back at the van we changed and went to the New Inn to wait for the Disappointment team.

Spectacle Pot (a sarcastic write up): Richard Collcott, Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, Neill Pattinson (A-Team) (Joke!! C.W.)

The three plebs decided it was time to commit suicide and asked Malc to take them down an easy (Grade 5) cave for a relaxing day out. Malc had a bit of trouble finding the cave leading the a-team a few hundred miles yards astray. Niell rigged the first 35 foot pitch off a "sturdy" tape backed up with a bolt. After pitch Simon leading in met "Splutter crawl" (DaDaDaaaaaa); had a "bit" of crap because he was at front trouble getting through a "reasonably" tight crawl. Tackle bags proved a slight pain. Simon rigged next 20 foot pitch off a bolt using a fantastic Harry-type "chock" stone as a back up. Then followed hell!!! The duck/crawl/general pain! Some disbelief was expressed by Richard that this was the way on (not reading the write up in the book very well) but was eventually conned/forced to continue (with a tackle bag - DaDaDaaaa).

After "Duck" came big pitches, which Richard nearly traversed out across not realising (being half blind). Richard rigged big pitch with 70m Blue Water (Arrgh). Went down off two bolts, to a ledge where a third bolt (and piton backup) were used with a tape rebelay at edge of ledge. Short walk over boulders led to fourth pitch (25 foot) which Malc rigged round a "fixed" boulder with tape backup. This dropped into The Great Rubble Heap (ie a small loose mole hill). Neill rigged last pitch (30 foot) round a timber beam using tape with a rope backup (I think!!!). Bottom of pitch ended up with terminal grotty sump. Came back out fairly wuickly with "little" problems. Great relief to get out of this definitely "over-educated" cave. (Grade 5, ha, grade 1 I reckon - said Gerald.)


RJC had lots of problems on final pitch and was the most technically difficult cave he had done


OK I agree



County Pot: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

There was going to be a trip down Cow but Chris and Clive didn't feel up to it (Ahhhh!), so John and Harry joined the AA-team (Acobatic-Anon). Having studied the survey and write-up very conscienciously Cath adn Malc knew where they were going so we had a quick trip to Holbeck Junction and back. We joined the Broadway up to Oxford Circus, then into Spout Hall. Took a few minutes to find chimney up to Poetic Justice, down 1 ladder, along Pierce's Pssage to Eureka Junction. We followed Main Drain to Holbeck Jn and beyond then turned back. Took just one hour to hack back to the entrance, with Harry coiling the ladders and coming out at maximum velocity.

NB: Certain people questioned the hardness of this trip but only because they couldn't have managed such a strenuous cave as County. They had to do Black Shiver instead AND they didn't get to the bottom!

Black Shiver: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Neill Pattinson

Another piss easy grade 5 - RJC

Uncle Chris gave us the big Birkhead windup as per usuals so it was with some degree of trepidation that Neill, Rich, and Simon legged the 2 1/2 miles from the lime kiln/changing room, with a complete complement of tapes and strings for all 'the naturals'. First two pitches were both split, and came gift wrapped with Eliott bolts. The third pitch led into a bottomless lake 'Black Dub' as in the monster from... which was drained by a wet crawl. The 'big pitch' was reached and Simon went down but the proliferation of bolts were superfluous as S was hangerless and after a shouted consultation with R + N we decided to return. Black Shiver is an excellent cave and must be finished.



Whernside SRT course: Sarah, Dewi, Jon, B Dave

We were rudely awakened at 8-30am by Dewi exclaiming that we had to be at Whernside by 9-30am. A quick breakfast was followed by the 45min drive to Whernside remarkably only being 3 minutes late! The L team were met by John Forder and led down to the Tackle Room so as to equip Sarah (SRT pleb) with a harness and gear. After a short tea break and discussion on knots the four ventured into the pouring rain and then prusiked up into the trees in vain hope of keeping warm and dry. Dewi, John and B.Dave who had all done SRT trips before confidently burned up and down the ropes. Sarah, meanwhile, who had been up the Union building stairwell once moved slowly watched by the attentive eyes of John Forder. At ~1:30pm cold and wet we stripped off our oversuits and gear and drive down to the Sportsman in Dent Head, eating crisps for lunch. We resumed with John Forder and continued prusiking and abseiling. John watched the L team do changeovers on rebelays and was then happy that they could do a trip to Rowten Pot. Dewi and Sarah abing down as it gradually get darker making the caving exercise seem more realistic. After another tea break we changed and met the non-cavers then driving to the Craven Heifer for food.


Non-cavers: Rich, Simon, Cath, Clive, Neill, Harry

Vercors/Ireland/Canada/Chartreuse research was done in the Whernside library in the morning. Then we walked to Dent for lunch. Clive 'isn't he sweet' Orrock fell asleep in the George and Dragon, and we saw Adam Sedgwick's Stone. Walked back along the river - an arduous walk, Richard shedding satsuma lob on the way. Got lost in the forest, went back to Whernside for tea, photocopying and the shop. Left when the others had finished and went to the Craven Heifer for food and the Marton Arms for drink.

L Dave stayed at the NPC to repair the FX2's, and pursue his intent to bankrupt IC3 with his friend Colin B (who doesn't like the photos in Mulu)


King Pot: Dave Wilson, Simon Seward, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock

Got changed in 1" snowdrifts and walked up via Braida Garth to the shakehole. Initially a rope climb down to 1st pitch, soon followed by 2nd. There is a distinct lack of bolts throughout the cave, and, since all of the pitches are short, the use of at least a few ladders should be considered. Main entertainment of cave was the 'T' shaped passage which involved a 'tortuous traverse' above a narrow rift in which Simon got jammed and up which Dave successfully climbed. T-shaped passage ends in a 'bold step' across and to the right.

3rd pitch Emma was most enjoyable, being the only clean washed one. In between there are quite long sections of low hands and knees wet gravelly crawls alternating with meandering canyon passage (Queensway) (wot no Victoria). Encountered a pool of red fluid, possibly blood, on the way to Telephone Aven King Henry Hall, which is a really big chamber with a massive boulder pile below. Harry descended Bloodaxr (the 4th pitch) on well-dodgi bolt (Dave had to keep sitting on the backup boulder!). Unfortunately by this time we were getting pretty bored and since the cave could not possibly be bottomed in the time available - so we turned round at that point. More struggling through T passage saw us emerge ~7:00pm to be met by B Dave on the road. Went to Marton and Chippy.


Wot, no one else went down Bloodaxe


Rowten with Forder II: Dewi Lloyd, Dave Warrington, Jon Sims, Sarah-Jane Hunt

A good trip with the L team having no problems. We wondered whether we'd ever reach the Pot when the van was jammed near the top of a hill in the Snow. Jon rigged the first pitch and then Sarah nervously attached herself to the rope and abseiled the 45 feet into the cave. John Forder decided to rig the traverse and through to the second set of bolts in a narrow rift, and then the main 120ft pitch. We all abed down the main pitch and B.Dave rigged the 3rd pitch. The rigging was relatively easy as the pitches were well bolted. John rigged a deviation at the top of the pitch, a bit of a 'technical exercise' for the remaining three! After abing down the 4th pitch, again Forder rigged, John Forder went up to the cave entrance and left us to come back up when we were ready (hoping that we would return shortly). Dewi derigged and John met us at the top of the 2nd pitch, We all continued prusiking up the first pitch as it was snowing. Dave and Sarah went down to the van followed by Jon, John and Dewi. Dewi washed the ropes and the L team then took warm showers - a relaxing end to an excellent caving trip.


PS Sarah knows the blonde one's name that Neill lusted after at Freshers Fair. Get in there Neill.

Bull Pot: Richard Collcott, Neill Pattinson, Catherine White

Unfortunately Richard 'forgot' his gear, Cath her wellies and Neill his wetsuit socks. DISASTER. The trip was regrettably?? cancelled an the rest of the day was spent shopping and in the Marton Arms which kindly open for us changing its normal hours.



Juniper Gulf: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Another excellent trip! Richard admits its a better cave than Rowten. I'd been wanting to do this classic pothole for a long time, so, having driven up to Crummack and changed in the rain, we set off in the mist across the Allotment. Found the impressive entrance quite easily. Richard rigged entrance, 2nd, 3rd pitches. There was a lot of water going down and several tricky waterfall climbs during which we got very wet. Traverses to head of various pitches were pretty easy, though the rock was quite slippy. Rigged a traverse line on the 'Bold Step'. Plenty of brand new red Elliot bolts were available throughout the cave. Rigged 4th pitch but I descended too far into the streamway, so had to prussik back up to gain a high level traverse which gave a dry free hang for the 61m main pitch, which was very impressive. Very cold and wet at the bottom, so a rapid exit was made. Took our time derigging. On the way back we got a bit lost on the Allotment, starting to walk down Clapham Lane instead of cutting across east, but finally found van at 11:15pm. Back to NPC for peanut butter sandwiches and tea. A good trip!


Yordas Cave followed by Bull: Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson

"THE CARBIDE TEAM" or how not to try to impress plebs with your new gear.


Who are the plebs?

The 2-cave-a-day men. dressed up in all their bestest most posey gear - carbides all a-flame-o and walked up to join t'others down Bull. While they rigged and went down we went over to have a look at Yordas. Top Sink, Yordas sink etc very spectacular. Much water. Would be very wet even on Elliot Bolts. With full SRT gear we probed the mighty depths of Yordas Cave - cascades very impressive. Having successfully impressed a passing sheep we wandered over to pose in Bull. Rigged an alternative 1st pitch with 2 deviations and then went on down to bottom of 3rd pitch. Came out and walked back to Marton to dine on Steak and drink numerous pints chased down with shorts.

Bull Pot: Dave Wilson, Dewi Lloyd, Jon Sims, Sarah-Jane Hunt

3/4 of L team plus one observer.

It was decided that it was about time that the L team rigged a cave under their own technical expertise. L. Dave who had joined the 3 L's in Bull came only as an observer. A walk through the wet picturesque Yorkshire countryside led to Bull Pot. Dewi rigged the entrance pitch which was a real sod to rig - the other L's suggesting the positions of the bolts to be used. Once inside the cave it was found that it was warmer inside than on the surface so we decided to spend as much time as possible in the cave. Jon rigged the traverses and the 2nd pitch which involved being caught by spray from the water flowing through the cave. The 3rd pitch began as a tight rift and it proved quite interesting doing a changeover wedged in the rift. Dewi went on to rig the next traverse and the 4th pitch, having to do some delicate 'knitting' to bolt in a deviation so we did not descend through the ragging waterfal. The 3 L's abed to the bottom of the cold wet pitch, suggested by Sarah to be the best part of the trip. L.Dave wimped out (time trouble - Dave) so Dewi prusiked up the rope and rapidly made his way out of Bull and back to Greenclose to meet his father for a lift home. Sarah and Jon derigged the cave, the latter doing the 4th and 2nd pitched. it was hoped that we would have been able to bottom the cave but due to the level of water in the stream it was just not possible. The cave was derigged by 8:15pm and Sarah, Jon and L.Dave walked back to the Marton Arms in the pouring rain. It was here that we met "The Carbide Team" who we had earlier seen in Bull.


Malham Cove abseil (70m) and a subsequent rescue: Rich, Harry, Cath, Sarah, Jon, L Dave, Dave

Instead of caving it was decided to have a nice fun day, since the weather was good. Malham Cove was the answer. Harry rigged with Jon putting a rebelay (one sheared hanger backing up a hanger rusted to a quarter its original thickness - DW) in later after Harry noticed a rub point on the way down.

Excellent awe-inspiring view (ie SCARRRY!!!). Had a few laughs with a couple of climbers going up the cove. Sarah, L.Dave and Harry stayed to derigged while the rest went back to the van (John and Rich) stopping off at a cafe for tea. Whilst derigging got dark quickly and the climbers having no light got into difficulties...


[CRO | POLICE | SAS | RAF | SEA RESCUE | Cave Rescue | MRO | AA | 4.00pm curfew | All airports closed | All major roads to be closed | All foreigners impounded | Call for Tony | LIFEBOATS]

(Harry, Richard, Pete Livesey)

Apologies for absence: Tone, headtorches

[this goes on and on; But I've never heard of Pete Livesey]

The light getting bad, Harry attempted to lower the climbers a headtorch on a rope. It started to pour with rain and a strong wind started up making communication almost impossible. Back at the van Rich unaware of the climbers problems suggested moving the van closer since it was realised the derigging team were lacking warm dry clothing. No sign of lights could be seen from the van so Rich donned waterproofs and set out into the gale taking clothing and two battery lamps. Richard met Harry etc halfway up Cove and the situation was explained and it was decided that Rich and Sarah (who was absolutely drenched) should return to the van and then Rich to phone the Police alerting them of the situation (a runs-the-back ploy) whilst Harry and L.Dave looked at the situation at the bottom of the Cove (and pick up some spare rope). At the base of the Cove it was discovered the climbers had not reached the light and were stuck! Harry and L.Dave set off back to the van...

On the phone Rich arranged with the Police to send a man over to keep an eye on the situation. When Harry returned and Rich was informed the light had not been reached by the climbers another call was made to the Police, informing them of the change in the situation. Harry and Rich decided there was no need for the rest of the gang to stay in the van and so B.Dave drove them to the nearest pub and then returned with the van.

Eventually a Police fiesta pulled up and a very nice policeman got the full details of the situation from Harry. The Policeman, Rich and Harry then went to the base of the Cove where it was decided not to reclimb the cove due to the weather / lac of light and a full scale rescue seemed the only safe and viable option. First to arrive was a Police range rover with a mobile hoodlight which was carried to near the base of the cove and the climbers illuminated. At this point Rich and Harry decided that there was no need for them to stay and left just as the mountain rescue arrived, everything was under control.

Hero B.Dave arrived just as Rich and Harry arrived at the pick-up point and were driven to the Golden Lion for the dinner whilst changing in the back. On the way passed an CRO van heading to the cove. The next day, L. Dave, master of detection, found the climbers were OK and that "Pete Livesey" had helped in the rescue; all our gear was returned.

RJC (burbling on as always) (PS - not even pissed)

Wot no head-torches! | Wot no handholds - AARGH! | Wot no idea what they were up to | Wot no Tone | Wot no sense? | Wot no waterproofs | Wot no SRT gear | Wot no helmets! | Wot no eyesight | Wot no rabbit




yes murfle garble garble light just barble move it please!!



Meanwhile... Neill, Clive and Simon read up AW exploits in the NPC library (wot did he do in there!)


Ironically we all put our change from breakfast at 'The Fountain' in the CRO Fund collection boxes. little did we know that we would call them out that evening

The Christmas Dinner

Wot no mistletoe; A Happy Christmas to all our readers


Could 1985 be the year when --

  1. Little Dave becomes Big Dave
  2. Simon sails through his exams
  3. Rich tries Physics I for a change and fiddles the RCC accounts in our favour
  4. Neill cures his alcohol problem and enters the caravan-selling business
  5. Simbos safety catch jams open
  6. Clive gets a job at the P.D.F.A. and is shortly after put out to grass
  7. Ladders and lifelines are the order of the day
  8. Malcolm visits the barbers and dives Bridge Cave
  9. John Harrison grows a fourth leg
  10. Steve Lane makes an evolutionary quantum leap and adopts the normal Homo erectus walking posture
  11. Dave Warrington enters the Monaco Grand Prix
  12. ICCC affiliates with SWCC! QMCCC, NCC, + WSG

Mendips 11-13 January 1985


Steve Lane, Dave Warrington, Richard Colcott, Chris Birkhead, Malcolm Barr, Cath White, Harry Lock, Katy Lock

Wot no line? Wot no ICCDG


Stopped in Bristol for grotty fish n chips, then went to Hunters for a couple of pints before arriving at the Belfry. Straightforward journey.


We all decided to go down Swildons, and two trips were organised.

Diving trip to Sump 9 and back: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington, Alan (BEC/CDG)

The gentle phutt-phutt of the demand valve... blah blah blah... entanglement in the line... blah blah blah... face mask ripped off... blah blah blah... followed up a blind inlet etc etc. These fears were cast aside as we reached Sump 2 and our thoughts crystallised as we prepared to dive. Sump 2 was nae bother - we all passed it without event. Sump 3 was a different kettle of fish... Malc led through, followed by me, then Dave (we thought).


I dived into sump 3 and got past OK. Went tanking along the rope and reached a point where the line went up rather sharply - the end of an easy dive i thought. But then the rope took a long rigth hand bedn and the sump continued. Something was wrong but on I went, spluttering a bit and getting rather desperate. After lots more spluttering I smashed into a rock and my helmet was ripped off. Hence I had no light and I thought it was my own light of life that had gone out. This was what it was like to die!! I surfaced soon after in the great air bell in the sky, where a monster with 3 lights on his head was waiting for me. Actually it was only Alan.

Dave Warrington

Sump 4 was tight as expected. But it was OK if you took it steady and looked where you were going since you had plenty of air. Sump 5 and Cowsh Aven were the most unpleasant parts of the trip, with the duck involving several small dives to get under rock lips. There was lots of horrible red worms, flies, and cowsh... everywhere. Sump 6, 7, 8 bypass was quite long and a bit tiring but we eventually reached Sump 9 pool where Malcolm's camera refused to work. Turned round and came back same way. Sump 4 seemed hardest on the way out. Malcolm free climbed the 20 for the first time. We head back to the hut.


Swildons Shatter series: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead, Steve Lane, Catherine White, Katy

Ecploration trip to acquaint ourselves with the shatter series in prep for doing the Long Round Trip. Went up to grit sump then back at shatter passage team split. Steve and Chris (both in non-duck/dry gear) went on out with Katy while Cath and Rich finished off the Short Round trip - locating the climb down into Blue Pencil. Then went to look at Sump 2, saw others diving to Sump 9 and back were out (the weights had been returned) so went on out with slight route finding problems (could not remember it being nearly as far to Sump 1 as it was). Overall good trip and prepared us well for LRT next day.


Saturday night

Under Chris' instructions went to Westburry to the Westburry and drunk Westburry bitter. Then returned to Belfry to give slide show which went down well. (Some of us were too comatose to notice the slide show)



Wot no caving for Harry - Harry KINDLY lent his wetsuit top to Chris, so was TOTALLY UNABLE to go caving at all. -- there was NO 'wimp-out' factor

Non-cavers: Steve, big Dave, Katy and HARRY

Glad to see my name in block capitals


Went to Cheddar Gorge with BEC members Alan and "good for a laugh" Edric.

Had a good scramble up the gorge and then tried to walk over the top to Cheddar. Path through a jungle ended abruptly at cliff edge - good navigating by Edric!! Found a National Parks sign on the edge so obviously some joker had been there before us.

Had a look at Reeds Cavern and Goatchurch at Burrington then a cup of tea in the cafe.

Long Round Trip: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead, Steve Lane, Catherine White

Some confusion over which trip was actually being done, Rich and Cath thought from the morning's conversation the trip was free diving sump 5 and back, but after the initial shock the team pressed on into the cave, with little sign of the bands of scouts which seem to occupy Swildons on Sunday. Rigged Shatter Pitch then went on to Blue Pencil making good time. Had some fun descending into the streamway on the chain which Cath "decided" not to use, and Rich following in Malc's image managing to execute a neat forward roll down the chain and smack his knee. Dived thru 4 and ducked 5 with ease. Entered Damp Link and drained first sump (which seemed to take a very long time). Then, after a short crawl and tight squeeze arrived and grit sump which was bailed at high speed. Rest of way was easy going after yesterday's exploration and exited in good time to find Steve, B Dave and Harry waiting for us with the van (about 5 hours in total).


Trip back to London

done via the Wagon and Horses where much eating was done (Steve having two pigs-in-a-poke). Got back about 10pm.

The only annoying part of the weekend was whilst doing the SRT on Saturday; part of the passage entered was absolutely full of cigarette smoke from an army team ahead of us which was most unpleasant and off putting. Why, oh why do groups like this ruin the fun of caving for others, can't they show some respect for the feelings of others....


Right, on the command 'smoke-break' - 1, 2, 3, about...turn, squad squad you 'orrible little boy, where's my smoke then. By the left, quick march, SHUN left right left right


Aaahhh... You've hurt Richard's feelings


Mendip 'pushing' trip 25-27 January

Patrick + Big Dave

6 caves and SRT

Early Start in Wookey Hole to arrange major expedition for Sunday. Dave would gladly have paid £2.25 entrance fee. 20 min later arrived at quarry for SRT practice (Underwood's Hole on the way). Gasps of admiration from Scouts at Dave's fearless take off. Arrived at Manor Farm to find 35 "cavers" looking for car spare parts. Gave up in disgust and went to Burrington Combe. Aveline's Hole round trip (to bottom and back) approx 2 1/2 minutes. Unknown Hole next to Rod's Pot then Rod's Pot. Finally crawl around Read's Hole (note spelling) and -> Pub.

Wookey Hole Grotto

Got up late and made sure the tradition of not caving before noon was kept up. Went to Wookey Hole feeling severely overdressed and got some funny looks from the Grockles. Patrick reckons he looked like a complete $£"$"% and I couldn't really disagree. The entrance was made rather easy by floodlights courtesy of the management. We had no trouble getting through the steel grill and squeeze then reached the bedding plane. All routes were attempted but proved to be far too tight to get through, despite prolonged and spirited attempts. Hence we were thwarted in our efforts to get out of the higher entrance. Took lots of photos into the grotto on the way down. Pat decided his gera looked rather too stupid and so left half of his oversuit (?) behind in the squeeze.

Dave Warrington

Yorkshire cliquey weekend, January 18-20

Wot no Simon

During the previous Mendip 'outcrowd' weekend, we had arranged this Yorkshire trip, so, despite reports of several feet of snow in Yorkshire, with some roads closed, we set off in the Lanemobile Renault estate on Friday night, heavily laden with camping and caving gear. Straightforward comfortable journey - stopped at Bryans for fish and chips and a couple of pints at the 'Old's Man's Tetley pub next door. Called at the NPC on the offchance, and found they had plenty of room, so we didn't have to camp in Arctic conditions outside the Hill Inn.


We met 2 wild and haggered strangers from the South in the Fountain -- these mysterious newcomers revealed themselves as Neill and Richard -- this is their story...


How we came to be in the Fountain

It was 7pm in the Union Bar, with four dejected cavers bored stiff. "Who wants to go to Yorkshire" suggested Rich. Clive and Simon laughed but Neill was keen.

A decidion was made, a two man light expedition travelling by bus (hitching was the original plan wasn't it?!) to Ingleton would meet the main body of the trip at the Fountain. Our brave duo overcame the searing heat of the bus and the menace of pissed Scots and made it by ten to nine at the Fountain. Ordering a light snack (turkey and chips twice) we waited for the hare crew to arrive. As they entered we were warmed by their joyful and astonished faces especially happy uncle Chris.

"What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing here."


Spectacle - Vesper non-exchange trip

The two teams were fairly arranged (Neill and Richard flipped a coin, Rich won and heroically decided to go in Spectacle first).

The teams were as follows:

Spectacle: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock

Vesper: Steve Lane, Neill Pattinson, Catherine White


The entrance was found with no difficulty. The passage from the entrance was pretty tight, and low. From this type of passage we went into the rift which was fairly tight and awkward. The first pitch was laddered using a bollard and wire as the belay, the take off being a little tight and awkward. Along the rift a bit further and the second pitch was encountered, again a 5m wire and collard were used. Immediately after came the third pitch which was well bolted with a traverse line. The fourth pitch followed immediately, there was one fixed hanger and a Dave Elliot bolt over the head of the pitch. For the final pitch we could find no Dave Elliot bolts and one other across a gaping abyss. Despite searching for an hour no suitable reliable belay was found so we decided to go back out. The team at the bottom of Spectacle didn't receive this news very well but fortunately we were 150ft from them, so they weren't in a strong position to argue.

On the way out a rock was dislodged, a splinter of which hit Harry, chipping a bit of the shiny bit off his helmet. No other problems on way out, back to car for 7-30pm.



"Fun as always." Slight problem finding the entrance in snow conditions, but soon arrived at splutter crawl. Harry (not listening too well to Rich) plunged through the letterbox into the crawl on his front in full SRT gear (not the way to do it) and of course got stuck. Managed to get out using Rich as a "fixed aid". Got through ducks quickly and went down 3rd pitch which we rerigged after Rich's attempt at natural belays was not well appreciated by Chris. Rich had fun on Great Rubble Heap when his foot hold started to fail so grabbed the wall - BAD MOVE, wall gave and Rich fell on arse and went for a little rock slid / avalanche. Went down last pitch, came out with little difficulty, Harry experiencing "slight" problems. Then came the long wait with Chris ranting and raving till the Vesper crew decided not to go ahead with the exchange. Came out quite quickly with Chris still ranting and raving, got back to car at 8.30pm.


Saturday Night

Fish and chips at Inglenook then a few pints a Marton with "Much Money Soc" (Chris, Cath and Steve) buying carry outs. A quiet night.


Got up late, Harry and Cath tried to go caving down Tatham Wife Hole, couldn't find it in the snow (the cave I mean). Rest walked up to Hull Pot. Dropped Neill and Rich at Ingleton who had a "nice" hot trip back in the coach arriving in London at 6am Monday. Rest arrived back at about 10pm after a speedy whizzzz in the Lane mobile.


Yorkshire official Jan 25-27 (changed from Derbyshire)

Wot no Harry

Why only 8 people, seems rather poorly attended?

John and Neill reached the union by 7.00pm, having brought the caravan up from Portsmouth.



The super team hacking their way up the M6 need refreshment. A stop at the transport cafe was in order. Feeling slightly "full" we arrived at Ingleton at 3am - Arrgh. Slept in car park got up early, had breakfast at the Fountain (a well known clique meeting place) and went into Lancaster to get some cash. Established the caravan at a top secret location (which will stay secret in case the information falls into enemy hands), then due to lack of time (and enthusiasm) did some climbing (HVS-E2) near the caravan. Then came John's Birthday party (weeeeeee!!). We had some cake and [before going any further the rest of this passage must be read in a silly baby voice] ribena tasting stuff, then we all went to a really nice place where we had some more strange drinkies and things to eat and then we had some different drinkies and I started to feel funny. Then all the lights were turned - whoopie what fun, it was really really good, then we STOP, this kind of rubbish should not be n the logbook, it's boring drivel and will be removed.

In my day crap like this just wasn't allowed in the BLAH BLAH BLAH

Right any way ace night, all got pissed and stumbled back to van. Neill had trouble getting to sleep in the bunk above Cath and Chris - say no more wink wink nudge nudge.



Ate at the Fountain again (was this really a club trip?) and actually decided to do the caves that had been arranged the night before (but not with the same teams.)

Bull Pot: Jane Enderby, John Harrison (Grade V +)

John (isn't SRT ace) and Jane (arent the pubs open yet). The two kids were let down only after John showed us he could tie a figure of eight and use a spanner (though he failed to pass the advance test of tying bunny ear - how long has he been caving TUT TUT TUT Whernside course for you boy).


Phut... Phut... Phut...


I've never heard a Petzl Stop go phutt-phutt-phutt.


Black Shiver: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Neill Pattinson, Catherine White (Easy Grade III)

The A-team plus token female (we don't form cliques in this club). Rich (Just call me Jim), Simon (I'm rigging the big pitch), Neill (John's nicked my spanner), Cath (Oh my god aren't I the lucky one).

"Brill, I actually rigged off a Dave Elliot Bolt" -- RJC

Got to big pitch quickle where Simon was allowed to rig. (But Cath ended up re-rigging - ha ha ha.) Then came the "motorway" which Chris (don't I speak crap) Birkhead had told us about. Eventually the grovel/duck/crawl ended at the next pitch (which Cath was allowed to rig (What a privilege! - Cath) after much debate). All dipped our feet in the sump pool and came out quickly with Neill, Cath, Simon derigging under Richard's watchful eye. But outside cave weather had deteriorated appalling. Arctic conditions. In the white out our four hard and experienced cavers boldly made their way to the Hill, the fear of exposure constantly raising its ugly face BLAH BLAH BLAH.


Footnote from the token female:

As the trip went well I might consider letting the so-called "A-team" cave with me again but I think they need more entertaining/fitness before I let them on to the hard stuff?


like chris


Stream Passage (Or how we rigged off Dave Elliot Bolts without permission): Malcolm Barr, Chris Birkhead

Strange only 2 on the trip when there was 4 in Black Shiver.


Well two's comapny and three's a crowd!!

Another fine cave, well provided with bolts for the most part, providing interesting and reasonably dry hang. A good traverse to rig along the left hand wall of the head of the big pitch, allow 45/50m of rope!

Time allowed us only a short exploration at the 'bottom'. Epic descent to Clapham with the ace team getting "off the beaten track" in the snow covered wastes, eventually following a set of footprints down to Clapdale and thence to the car park. So take a compass

Chris or Malc

Saturday night

All had some dinner and drinks at the Hill and after filling up (with Petrol) at Lancaster we set off "homeward bound, country road, to the place, I belong, Imperial College, central London, oh yea, fucking ace." Eventually got back at 4.30am!! John driving all the way kept awake with IV drip of strong black coffee and didn't moan once (no more like all the way). Dropped Chris and Malc at their houses and wished them a good day at the factory.


Yorkshire 8-10 Feb

This epic goes on for eight pages.


Section I - Outcrowd (extra day in Yorkshire) trip on the Thursday night

Those ostracising themselves:

(Unpopularity status: A = v unpopular, c = slight resentment)

Richard, his car, Dewi, and Harry went up on Thursday evening at about 5:30pm. Went up M1, roadworks did not cause too much delay. Harry and Dewi went for a mixed grill at the notorious Cannock Transport Cafe just off the M6 - neither finished it! Left the M6 at Lancaster and arrived at the caravan at ~12pm.

Marble Sink: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd [Grade 5]

Next morning it had snowed, and we had severe problems pushing the Mini across the field to the farm and road, but eventually we got to the Fountain for 9am where we ate breakfast. Decided on Marble Sink, on the Allotment, having previously consulted Whernside RE flooding/SRT suitability. Changed at Crummack Farm, then walked 1/2 way up Simon Fell before realising 'we' had misinterpreted the near-useless guidebook map, and had to descend again. Found the shakehole.

Entrance crawl is ~40' long and should be done feet first - it is quite tight and full of cobbles. 1st pitch is approached blind, rigging off one loose rusty bolt anchor and hanger (1 ladder only). More tightish steep rift to Bastard Hole, partially free-climbable (beware sharp flakes) but handline/ladder quite useful. The actual hole is just about man-sized and is harder to thrutch up on return. More tight rift to Razor Pot. Rig off naturals (sharp flake and large jammed boulders to give short freehanging pitch). This was followed by narrow wet crawl which Harry (unwisely) attempted headfirst and harness and descender on. Started off OK, but at a sharp 90 degree bend the tube also has a step down, so, rather than reversing the whole way back out again, I tried to push through. Unfortunately I became well and truly jammed at a rather uncomfortable angle (ie legs well above the level of my head). At this point I called upon my trusty extra foothold RJC to come down the passage feet first and give me something to push off. This didn't work. Then Dewi and Richard attached a rope loop around my foot and pulled - this didn't work and only increased the pain. Finally, I had to sacrifice my SRT bag (Rich ripped it to pieces) and managed to get my belay belt off, and a further loop was attached via a cowstail to my harness, and this, fortunately, succeeded in dragging me back. My left leg was totally without power so, after a Mars bar break and rest, we decided to leave the cave. Me, the cripple, hobbled out first (using organic aides). Richard found that his posterior region kept on getting stuck, especially whilst coming up Bastard Hole, where it was necessary to remove helmets etc. Dewi had no problems, he being mega fit from long arduous trips in Ogod Hesp Alyn (?). The cave certainly "maintained its interest to the bitter end" with a minor epic as we slowly inched the unmanageable 100m rope bag up the entrance crawl. Emerged to cold, windy Allotment, and successfully navigated back down to Crummack. Got changed and had foot and drink in the Gamecock Inn at Austwick (A very good pub for groups of < 5) before driving to the NPC to await the arrival of the main IC3 contingent.

Marble Sink is a cave well worth bottoming, if only for the pleasure of getting out of it. They key to it is: do all the crawls feet first, take SRT gear when not required, take 2 small rope bags not 1 large rope bag. It would take approx 8/9 hours to bottom it, with prior knowledge.


What about getting out?


8/9 hours inclusive.



Simpson - Valley: Harry Lock, Sarah-Jane Hunt

Wot no Grade V for one legged Harry

Since my leg was still knackered and everyone else wanted to do mega-hard SRT trips, we decided on an undemanding but classic trip in West Kingsdale. Halfway down, a group of 6 wetsuit-clad, leather boots with steel toe caps hanging off Centurion helmet Oldham cell coarse Northern accent cavers pushed past us, so we waited a good 15 mins for them to clear off. The final 24m pitch is very impressive, especially the old steel eye-bolt which jumps about in the wall and which has had to be backed up to a boldly placed 'clown' hanger via a short piece of 8mm/9mm string. Kingsdale Master Cave was as interesting as ever. Valley Entrance ducks normal. Rumour has it that certain persons in the club, who shall remain nameless, have NEVER BEEN into KMC - substantial gaps in their experience blah blah blah. Emerged to icy cold wind. Got changed and walked down to Marton, where we met Steve, Jen and Debbie who dropped us at the chippie. An enjoyable trip, which we both enjoyed.


King Pot: Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Malcolm Barr, Catherine White

Our keen team attacked the cave with gusto and bravado (but seriously folks). Moved at reasonable speed to bottom of Elizabeth pitch where Dave (at the back) had difficulty with a free climb!!! (Jane's pitch?) then had light difficulty as rest of team plunged on unaware. Eventually Rich was sent back to find our now distressed (wimp!) caver (having shouted himself hoarse). Continued on to main drain which was very pretty (?). Eventually some hero found the bypass but the "limited" air space duck looked even too limited for Malc. Went on out

[rest tipexed out, page ripped out]


Meregill: Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson

Brisk walk and down through Aven entrance, backing up from the fixed iron bar to a small thread in tunnel, one deviation cord already in place. At head of second pitch, traversed above beam and round corner on series of Elliot bolts. Simon displayed blinkered and substantial gaps in his knowledge of joining two ropes, and also failed to reach deviation on left hence wet descent. Retied ropes after diatribe from Ch + Dw. but Neill was unable to join in due to burning the traverse line with his carbide.

Wot no double fishermans -- CMO

Next pitch is much longer due to new traverse in roof, and plenty of bolts as well are necessary due to Elliot method of crossing rifts on hemp rope traverse. Descended this and ran out of bolts so returned all keen to derig and not have to brave outside first. In the end Chris was the lucky one and lost circulation in feet. Got a couple of pints in Hill, Dave picked us up, the fish shop open for us, and the Marton didn't shut til 130. Good cave, like to bottom it on this new rigging.


PS. we rigged it all on Bluewater II as Steve was contemplating doing Juniper Gulf


Meregill #2 the crap continue

Neill claims he was giben the spanner and told to derig. This is of course untrue, we all enjoy derigging. At one point during the day Simon made a 'faux pas' (you can tell these are Neill's words) by trying to ascend whilst Chris was negotiating the pitch head, unfortunately he was wrenched off the lip of the pitch, the consequence was after ten minutes of VERY NAUGHTY WORDS, Simon was not keen to go up. PS Dewi came along too.


Stream Passage: Dave Warrington, Jane Enderby, John Harrison

brill cave

How can I think of enough to fill all of the available space below? After a gentle stroll across the flanks of Ingleborough, accompanied by gentle balmy summer zephyrs, we found the wrong cave. More walking, right cave. Traverse above 3rd pitch not too difficult, but lack of bolts meant we went into the water. Next pitch rigged even worse (i.e. fucking wet). Spent 90mins waondering around at the botom, not lost, just unsure of our position. Subsequently discovered we turned round just before the pasage to the Gill. Pitches proved to be pleasant ascents (water washed off the mud), and gave Jane the opportunity of wearing a frozen boilersuit once we were out. A quick Brit.Ant.Exp across the fell, slip down Trow Gill and into the pub to meet...


Sunday (the day nothing happened)

Pippkin Pot - Link Pot: Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Simon Leach

Clog, Chris and Simon made the visual connection between the two pots but were unable to complete the through trip. Made excuses to the Red Rose and Clogmobiled down to Bernies to recuperate, and replenish the utterly depleted energy stocks.



(I have often been accused of writing up trips I don't go on so just to prove you wrong I'm not going to write any thing about this trip.)

Quote Clive "A nice cave if you're a Catholic granny with 74 kids"

(So I lied)


Cliquey eating trip

Jennie, Steve, Harry, Neill and Rich got in lots of food then went to the caravan for Steve to have a look. Then returned to hut where Steve Jennie and Neill went to London.

Training Session 14/2/85

President and Friends Go to Yorkshire, 15th to 17th February

Meregill: Richard Collcott, Jennie Gilbert, Steve Lane, Mark Bown, Dave Warrington

Left in the Lane mobile at about 5:30, traffic on M1 avoided by use of the A5 and got to Leeds for a pint (in that pub, where Tetley's tastes like sheep dip; so why do we keep drinking it?) and fish and chips at Bryan's. Stayed night at the caravan (Why aren't the sentries on guard Neill?), awoke fairly early and had breakfast at the Fountain. Decided to do Meregill even though some rumours that Mark Bown (da da daaa) was going down.

Changed at the Hill with no sign of Mark so hacked on up to Merefill where guess who was going down, Mark plus Steve (where's my chauffeur) Foster and seven MUSS members. Decided after a long wait at one putch that Steve and Jennie would abandon the trip with Dave and Rich giving in for some fun rigging practice, rigging parallel to MUSS. Found MUSS did not use the Elliot route at thurd pitch and Rich went for it (G.F.I). Rigging proved much easier than we had been led to believe from the last team down, then what can expect from Chris and Simon (blah blah, spiders web, blah blah blah impossible blah blah blah). Unfortunately at fifth pitch it proved impossible to safely dual rig past MUSS and with the only other way down being straight in the water our team was beaten back. Got to road to find Lane mobile waiting for us.

Changed at Marton and after a quick pint went for fish and chips. Look in on MUSS (difficult to assess tribal markings, MuSS or LUSS?) at Cross Strets but thought better of it and got an early night (character assasinating everyone in the club before finally falling asleep.

Sunday was voted a non-caving day (by the wet/frozen furry suit brigade) and after breakfast at the "affair cafe" (since Fountain was packed) and a look in on Inglesport returned to caravan for some SRT, climbing, lifelining and picture taking (Dave hanging off a rope above an icy cold stream just to take a picture of some icicles). Tidied up and got back to good old London (?) at about 11:00.

In all a very enjoyable and relaxing weekend even though the curse on Steve was still present.


South Wales 22nd-24th February

Down the M4 to Bristol Parkway BR station to pick up Dave half-life Warrington for 9:10pm. His tram was unfortunately one hour late = 4 pints in a courage pub near the station. Since our previous driver was now near the legal limit (note: but getting further away all the time), Dave drove us to the Westminster Hut with a few roadside antics on the way due to weak bladders etc. Broke a pin in the gearbox as we drove into the hut garden. Went to bed with hut to ourselves.


Two Chris's got van fixed then dropped Harry, Dave and Rich at the farm for Ogof Fechan, taking rest on to OFD.

Ogof Fechan: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington

Found cave eventually, little route finding difficulties on way in, nice active streamway with occasional boulder chokes and one very cold duck (which Rich was shoved into first). Got to sump two via waterfall chamber and turned round. Slight difficulty in finding way out but not much. All in all a very nice cave taking about 2 1/2 hours. Then walks over to Sychry Gorge a nice long stroll in the pleasant feel of a wetsuit?

Unfortunately couldn't find the cave we wanted to do, Will's Hole. so Harry and Rich took a look down Ogof Pont Sychryd - not very interesting and came out after a nice (?) tight groel and walked back to hut, with Dave getting a lift from a macho coach driver.


Smith's Armoury (OFD 2): Malcolm Barr, Chris Backhouse, Chris Birkhead, Catherine White, Jane Enderby, John Harrison, Shaun Lar

We all got changed at the SWCC hut. Then we walked to the cave. The way in had a door on it. Inside it was dark and muddy. We walked and walked and walked. It was very dark. After a long time we got to a muddy bit with a ladder. This was exciting. The ladder was ever so long. Then we did some climbing. We did some more walking and some traversing and got to the river. It was wet. We walked and walked and walked. After a long time we got to Smith's Armoury. We waited in the dark muddy chamber for a few minutes, then went back out. We all enjoyed ourselves. There was a good sunset, then it got dark outside as well as inside.

Enid Blyton (John Harrison)


Harry and Rich up early followed by nearly everyone (four still endulging in a continuation of last night's games)

Dave drove Harry, Rich and Chris Bac to Daren Cilau adn then returned to hut.

Daren Cilau (a Welsh grave V haha): Richard Collcott, Chris Backhouse, Harry Lock

Entrance not as bad as horror stories or even guide book. Went in ahead of Steve Allen (Simon's Welsh contact) and 5 mates of his: couldn't find new way on till Steve caught up and showed at which time we piled off again up Epocalypse Way (seeing the very beautiful white company formations). Got bored of big open passage so returned to entrance for some light relief. Took about 5 hours all told doing about 9/10s of the main route missing out the hands and knees crawl to the terminal choke. Van had not arrived by six so went down to Bridge in for a few drinks where rest of team eventually found us.

Little Neath

Extra-Non-Caving-Activites (E.N.C..A)

Wot no caving for 4 'young' cavers

The really 'out' soc!: unpleasant beer in pleasant Welsh sunshine (makes a change). Traverse downstream from PYO to First waterfall was completed with paddling, low level traverses, amateur civil engineering and other such fun and games. nice climbs on waterfall. Back to car park to wait for Malcolm and Dave.


Homeward Bound

Blah Blah Blah

Phut Phut Phut

Official Cliques Yorkshire Weekend March 8-10

Set off ~6:15 in brand new shit-green 17 seater, only 250k on the clock, and limited to 60mph for this weekend. Arrived at Leeds pub (Fenton) at about 1045, thence to chippy and NPC, Dewi finding his wetsocks there which he had left there a month earlier. (not surprising, who wants a shitty pair of CS (shock, horror) banana yellow wetsocks.)



Rose ridiculously early at 8am and quickly got prepared, fed, etc. Dewi decided that Dewi and I (Dave) would take Shaun down Tatham Wife, while the rest would do Dale Head. Some messing around in Inglesport, finally got underway.

Tatham Wife: Dave Wilson, Dewi Lloyd, Shaun Lar

Dropped off at roadside, just as other car arrived filled with group of cavers from some other club also intent on doing the same cave. Set off up hillside while they were changing, 'fresher' Shaun showing up the two old lags by running up about twice as fast as us. Got to hole with little navigational difficulties, finished changing just after others arrived, so gave them ~10-15 mins to move ahead. Discovered we had (shame) forgotten the bolts, so had to use some natural belays. Due to lack of lifeline, had to use other people's gear. We caught up with other party at the duck, and initially arranged to derig for them, so I selflessly stayed on the dry side, as Shaun obviously needed the experience (and he was wearing a wetsuit) and Dewi dived through before I could stop him, as 3 wet people is obviously not good in case of accident, and 3's a crowd when derigging, I went back to the base of the 3rd pitch and feasted on Twix and Sardines. When the others got back, the plans had changed, and we were to go out ahead of the others. This we duly did, lining the 1st man of the other party up behind us. He-man Larcombe did it again; while I was coiling up ladders at the top of the first, he cleared out with 5 ladders, and was not seen again until the surface. Changed and walked down to Ingleton, getting a lift about 2 miles away from the town from a bunch of walkers from Salford who were staying at the Hostel in Ingleton, and so dropped us off outside the chippy. Ate then met some plebs/twats from Birmingham, one of whom 'knows' Dewi. Walked to Marton teaching other 2 the verses of Caving Matilda. Got to Marton about 6:40. Others arrived ~ 10:30.


Dale Head Pot: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Dave Warrington

At last, a classic grade 5 Yorkshire pothole close to the road (even if it is miles from the pub)! Poor stake belay with bolt on lip of pitch for rebelay (20m rope) leads down into shored shaft which doesn't inspire much confidence for ever getting out. At the bottom of the shaft low bedding gives way to wet crawling leading to larger passage and short climbs in the stream. First pitch is through tight slot in floor - bolt belay with a wire strip as a rebelay to prevent rubbing (16m rope). Drops to third (10m) pitch with bolt and large block back-up - deviaion at ledge to avoid water takes you to head of fourth wet pitch (20m/15m). An alternative would be to rig both pitches together with one 25m or 30m rope. Before ledge pendulum over and above wet pitch and rebelay to large rock Boss. Down to head of pitch and bolt to possible deviation 10ft down from head of pitch, take care as rock chossy. Emery pitch, see book (), wet at bottom. Large ledge is take off for Big pitch - 40m rope, back-up above pitch to bolts - Y belay - free hang achieved from bolt out of sight round corner of ledge on left.

We used remainder of rope for Ten Foot drop belonging to large Block: Traverse over twenty foot pitch then gets into very muddy and horrible (Simon's words) passage with tight sections which are fun on the way out. Came out into Steps pitch about fifteen feet up - climbable with care. Follow water downstream to Pool pitch, bolt placed at head height with back up at floor level! (needs careful rigging) tight and awkward at head of this pitch. At bottom wriggle along to duck then more wriggling and short climb to grotty sump.

This is a very varied and interesting trip with the big pitch adding interest on the return due to its being rather wet (to say the least).

Trip took 10 hours to complete but should be possible in seven or eight.


Additional features of the expedition:

Having to hold the spike belay into the peat on the entrance shaft Cuddling together keeps three people warm while Malcolm bolts the big pitch. Lowers one's credibility somewhat though. Big pitch is sumped, especially on ascent It's fun to get out of Kingsdale/Ingleborough (Difficulity getting out of first pitch "you're a fucking liability")

Arrived at Marten to find the others and Clog


The sump chemistry of L. Dave

L.Dave(s) + H20 = no reaction

BUT, add a 'Drifter' catalyst on the other side of the duck and the reaction goes partially to completion

wet L.Dave(s) + H20 = L.Dave(aq)

L.Dave + H20(sump) - sump is a 'negative' catalyst which causes instant retreat from the cave


There is no need for this rubbish in the middle of trip reports


The rubbish was here first


Here Here

This crap has no place in the log book


This is ace



Awoke to dismal drizzle (illeteration for all you E.Lang. Lovers) and pinched pprkers (someone had nicked our hangers). Many mutterings as Dewi tried to encourage enthusiasm for the fabled fell of Penyghent and its profound pot.


Pen Y Ghent Pot: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Steve Lane, Dave Warrington

Set off after changing at Brackbottom nice walk, but Clog navigated us to the wrong field, wasting about 1 hr. Straightforward trip really, Simon getting cold in his dry gear. Those without gloves got v. cold hands in 1st 2 crawls. Dry 3rd + 4th pitches, the latter being a nice free hang, but waterfall enters chamber at bottom brought a hell of a draught with it. Rift pitch easily free-climbable except one before Myers Leap, when the 8mm string was used. Niagara was already rigged with a handline, which was duly used and hence last pitch bypassed/climbed went to sump and back out with little trouble, Clog free-climbed 3rd pitch. At entrance Simon knackered his posey new TSA bag on the scaffolding. V good trip


Sell-Gill Holes: Malcolm Barr, Chris Birkhead, Dave Warrington, Shaun Lar

This interesting and entertaining cave is a favourite for novice SRT trips, offering three well bolted pitches or a wet alternative of approximately 100ft direct.

The 'lucky you got me into this wet gear' team set out late on Sunday afternoon to meet two parties leaving the cave, so a chilly wait later saw Dave rigging and Shaun following for his first real SRT practice. Soon got into the large chamber and followed the stream to the sump - NPC are currently digging/blasting here - Malcolm had meanwhile been down and out again via the wet route.

An uneventful exit saw us being fed in the Pen-y-ghent cafe prior to a long wait in the Crown for the rest of the team.


Yorkshire 30th-2nd April

The poor boys whose courses were beyond Grade 5 (Neill & Simon) persuaded the others that a weekend in the caravan may compensate mising the Yorks week.


Juniper Gulf: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Steve Lane, Neill Pattinson

Awoke to rain persuading us that Quaking was not on. So fanatical Neill conned Rich into Hangmans Hole so poor old us had to fo a cave to fill in time while they pushed it to its limits. Juniper Gulf was selected.

Unwisely we arrived at the once-beautiful Crummackdale and allowed hard-soc to change while the transport crew viewed Austwick Beck Head in spate. Crummockdale is now desecrated beyond belief for Clive due to Steve sexual revelations.

The Juniper team made good time and during the not-too-bad step were joined by the superheros who had descended the entrance shakehole before deciding it was too diffult.

From the meek came forth men' Essiah 7.34

Clive and Simon formerly tackle carriers continued the cave when Steve and superheros wimped out. Unfortunately due to wet conditions, poor route finding and the impeding presence of the derigging forced C&S to retreat at the top of the last pitch.

Simon or Rich

Lugged all gear to the surface then all the way back to Crummock farm and then nearly all the way back to Austwick where the other lazy wasters had been imbibing the old' amber nectar while we were struggling across the moors in freezing rain!!!

Anyway we finally got our pint in the end, at Marton



Rain during night, plus late start, plus later breakfast in Fountain meant that we finally arrived at Quaking (carpark for pot) sometime in early afternoon. Consequently enthusiasm was a bit low. Someone had forgotten some gear (can't remember who) so while Steve and Rich drove back to caravan, S, N and C played american football or how to push Simon down the muddy slope 'till they returned by which time what little enthusiasm there was had completely departed. In view of this N, S and C got dropped off to do some climbing on Twistleton scars good fun, and then had a wander over scales moor looking for new holes. On finding a promising looking pot we (somehow) persuaded Neill to climb down carefully lined from surface. 10' down he slipped and ended up suspended in space above a big hole. Tried to convince him to let us lower him but spoil sport forced us to let him climb out. [This pot later found in book to be 70' deep!!! - we only had 60' of rope!!!!] Walked back across moors - fine karst features. and back to caravan before evening spent in Fountain.


Breakfast in Fountain and then return to London in very full car -- dropped Simon off at Leeds

NB: all the above is correct to the best of my memory 'cos I'm writing this exactly 1 year later.

CMO 31/3/86

Yorkshire Week 12th April - 19th April

Since so few people were travelling up from London, we decided a 17 seater van to be uneconomic, so 4 went up in Steve's car, 2 went with the age of the train to Lancaster, and Jim brought his car down from Aberdeen. Chris, Malcolm and Little Dave arrived Sat night/Sunday. L. Dave did not bring his car (not surprising) (??--he hasn't got one--DW) unfortunately, so we had 2 cars for the week, which caused a few logistical problems.


Who can write so neat? It makes me want to scrawl all over it



Bar Pot: Richard Collcott, Jim Briggs, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock

Initially we wanted to do Stream Passage, but by the time we reached the 2nd pitch, the entrance was taking a bit of water, so we turned round as the weather was apparently deteriorating. So did Bar Pot instead. Straightforward trip, met some BPC members at head of 2nd pitch. Went past SE Pot to Main Chamber - very impressive, with whole chamber filled with spray, then back towards Sand Cavern. Swift exit and walked back down in gathering darkness. Not what we had intended, but an enjoyable trip nonetheless. Malcolm met us at the exit to the cave


Rift Pot: Steve Lane, Mark Bown, Dave Warrington

Weather was very wet, so mark suggested Rift Pot (Masongill). Excavated entrance pitch of 25' leads to low crawl, much of which is blasted. This opens onto split 140' main pitch which enters magnificent main chamber with many outlets. Passage continues from chamber to chamber with many formations. we stopped when it started getting small and muddy and went back, taking photos. A good, if quick trip. Exchange with large worth looking at I think.

Dave Warrington

Saturday evening

The Bar Pot team tried the Goat Gap Inn - NOT recommended re beer, although very comfortable. All met up in New Inn, Clapham, and left before closing time



It rained overnight and we were stuck for something dry to do. Eventually two trips were organised.

Tatham Wife Hole: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington

Walked up from the quarry car park and (Harry) successfully led the team to the entrance of Quaking. Then found the entrance to Tatty Wife. Wuite a lot of water made the trip moderately sporting. Plenty of red boils throughout cave, though particularly well hidden at head of fourth pitch. Straightfoward trip, rigging quite simple. Malcolm continued to sump pool. Made a swift exit. Duck isn't really one. Walked back down to road in sun and modest breeze to be picked up by Steve. A good novice/Sunday trip. Went to chippy, Marton, then moved on to New Inn to pick up NPC keys from Chester.


I was also on trip but forgot my SRT gear so didn't go down and walked back to the hut in wellies - blisters after 12 miles.


King Pot: Jim Briggs, Clive Orrock

Amid the general confusion and indecision in choosing caving venues for the day, C and J moved with characteristic decisiveness and elected to nick all the good ropes and go on a cliquey two-man trip down King Pot. Leisurely descent rudely interupted by unwelcome lengths of crawling without the benefit of knee pads - fortunately cold water soon numbed (anaesthatised) the worst of the pain.

After visiting both sumps in the main drain, we commenced the return journey via the crawls to Elizabeth pitch. At this point disaster was narrowly avoided when we managed to share a single guttering carbide to the spare lights at the bottom of Elizabeth pitch. After extensive illumination maintenance the return journey proceeded at a steady pace, returning to the surface without further incident to complete a worthwhile 9 hour trip.

Managed to reach Marton for last pint followed by last orders at chippy.

Clive wrote this - Jim dictated

Wot no spare lights


We had permits for PenyGhent and Washfold Pots, so these 2 caves were done;

Pen y Ghent Pot: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Steve Lane, Dave Warrington

80% of the actual college constituent went down Pen-y-ghent. Drove to Selside where we dropped off little chris and all the gear for the Washfold team. Poor Jim's little Golf being unable to manage five people and a couple of mucky bags on its parcel shelf. Definately not a speleo motor - get a genuine French one Jim. So the quattro (?) speleos anglais et le now much nais pas fatigue R12 went to Brackenbottom - got arrested for this but were let off for being immature students. Obviously not as bad as Muflin the mule. Got changed in the changing room. Rich was the only one in dry grotts. Walked up the hill. Harry, having green blood and pointy ears surged (into the lead, of course!) up the hill. Rich gamely kept up with him, Dave waited for that sweaty mass following in the rear. Eventually found it and Rich went out when we all got wet. Went to first pitch after seemingly endless canal. Rigged by Harry - Rich suddenly arrived with a bank. On through stooping passage to 2nd pitch. This was wet, short and sweet like the first. Crawled into bedding plane to head of 3rd. Harry and Rich were tired enough for let me rig this and since the 4th follows on I...

[cont a couple pages later]

took the librty of rigging that as well. Pitch base was very draughty. Then entered rift section, most of which is free climbable. Rich Dave and Harry bombed down all these but I rigged them to aid the return (bound to get slagged off for this, still, couldn't give a shit, talking of which had a horrible one this morning). Anyway Rich was getting very cold so at bottom of Myers leap Rich and I went out whilst Harry and Dave went to Niagra. Doesn't really matter as Myers Leap is the end of sporting cave anyway. Rich went out, Harry, Dave and I took out the bags with H + D doing most of the work. I'm getting good at the IC3 attitude folks! Very foggy on way out but Harry's IR vision was unaffected. And he only slipped over once on the way down! Founc Rich at BPC hut. Got back to NPC at 2:00 and found fish and chips in oven. thanks Chris


Washfold Pot: Dave Wilson, Malcolm Barr, Jim Briggs, Chris Birkhead, Clive Orrock

On arriving at the entrance the sixth member of the team was encountered in body if not in mind. Nous speleo international encountre. un mouton tres mort dans la entree de la gouffre. Cette mouton ne tres pas mort le plus temp (il est fairly fresh). After failing to find an alternative (uninhabited) entrance les speleos intrepids managed to by-pass the obstacle without contact via a difficult manouver, making the error of not leaving a hand line for the return journey. Descent continued amid speculation as to the cause of death, and as to who might be beneath it if L Dave slipped and split the distended stomach. Yuk!


[standing on a blood-splattered rock by the entrance we were somewhat overawed... blah blah blah...]


To continue in a more healthy vein: the big pitch was rigged using a miniscule deviation point which resulted in a very wet bottom sixty feet

[sketch of a centipede with an umbrella labelled 'wet 60 feet']

Got down to bottom sump via v wet bottom pitches, and out again passing le mouton without incident.


[sketch of caver bouncing off dead sheep]

Sorry about all the rubbish - for a more technical report see Harry's effort.



Washfold Pot MKII: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock

After much soul searching indecision - shall I/shan't I go caving from both of the above, we eventually decided to have a bash at Washfold. Dropped off at Selside, changed, and walked up to find the dead sheep (1 extra days decomposition). High technical ability (we used a different entrance) meant this sporting obstacle was avoided. Richard led on, and we then rigged a 16' climb with a 70m rope, thinking it was the first pitch! Derigged and rigged the proper first pitch. Rich put in a deviation which pulled the rope behind the main force of the water, but it was still like abseiling down a urinal. At bottom we spetn ~1 hour grovelling about, dismissing a lavish wet bedding plane (anon note: 10' short crawl in little water) as NOT the way on (it was). Since we couldn't really be bothered to push on further due to lack of time and accumulated low enerfy reserves from continuous Grade V caving, we exited. Met Steve at Selside. N.B. the scars and pavements near Washfold provide a rare opportunity to see a high level mountain Ash community - very interesting. Drove to Settle, bought food in Spar, more food in Brass Cat (Steve, Harry + L. Dave) and several beers. Quiet night. Bed. Washfold is a good cave, big pitch is impresive, definitely worth another trip.


But no one got to the bottom!


But it's the thought that counts!




Diccan Pot:Dave Wilson, Malcolm Barr, Jim Briggs, Harry Lock

Arrived at Selside to find 40 seater coach and large minibus already present! No sign of any other parties though. 1st pitch and 2nd pitch rigged together, using fixed wire to avoid water at top, then further rebelay and 2 deviations. Then 3rd pitch, reached by chimneying/traversing out to avoid water. Free climb a bit tricky if attempted at closest point, better to traverse out and then climb down. Final pitch reached by again traversing out some distance to good ledge for takeoff, 2 deviations used, but pitch still very wet, with an unavoidable soaking at base (Jim landed up to his waist in a pool!). Short walk down to sump, and looking up rift, light from Alum Pot can be seen. Exited rapidly, Jim and Malc ropewalking out in ~3/4 hour, L Dave and Harry derigging and taking twice as long. Changed quickly, and made it to the excellent Gamecock Inn at Austwick for 2 pints (after 10:30pm). Returned to find a depressed Clive sat in the NPC, and the sick men in quarantine upstairs. A good cave, best down with a good amount of water!


Brown Hill Pot: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock

A delightful little cave best described as sporting (or perhaps impossible!). Harry was the first to slither his way down Velcro Pot, the freeclimbable entrance pitch which deserves its name. After this followed a long period of grunting and scrabbling around with the odd phrase just audible from the surface: ... 'feet first', ... 'head first', ... 'no progress.' Not to be put off Malcolm decided to force his way down, and after quite some time finally got through the 30m flat out crawl at the bottom of the pitch.

This was followed by a massive passage where one could even crawl on hands and knees - in the big bits. It had the added advantage of slots in the floor, at times big enough for a tackle bag, but also just right for losing pairs of glasses.

A further freeclimb and awkward section of passage led to the crux of the cave: the first pitch. Much time was spent here, but finally Malcolm had to admit that the chances of getting through were minimal, and the chances of returning were even less. At this point we decided to turn round.


Vesper Pot: Dave Wilson, Jim Briggs, Clive Orrock

Straightforward descent following the AA team. 'last' pitch - bit loose but plenty of naturals and 1 dodgy bolt about 20ft down at a ledge. Final Spectacle pitch descended on same rope and sump reached. Quick trip out, slowed only by tackle, to meet Harry and Malc looking in every shakehole they could find for caves after being defeated in their prime objective (see above). Nice short trip.



No-one wanted to go caving, went to Inglesport (again!!) to see if any new stock since ~12 hours before! Went to Village Bakery for pork pie without any pork (Village Bakery is officially OUT but the Patisserie is IN). Drove to Hill Inn for drinks - what a shit pub - beer on floor, broken furniture, juke box, space invaders, and freezing cold! Give me the 'caver's corner' any day! Did an NCC imitation as we secretively pored over a map of S****s Moor in the pub, watched a secret agent granny on the next table.

Had a look at entrance to Dale Barn Cave - blocked with hoses and buckets just inside - something's afoot. Wandered over Scales Moor and looked down a few choked but finely scalloped shakeholds. We will return.

Got back, cleared hut, and set off home. Harry went in L. Dave's dad's car to Preston. A very good week, with lots of ace/crap caving.


The Dinner Meet, 4th-6th May 1985

Marble Sink MKII: Chris Backhouse, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd

Since it's now nearly a month since this trip, I had better write this one up before the next (?!) trip down. Found the entrance with no problem (very close to massive Marble Pot sink). Dewi led, rigging the 1st pitch after some cursing. Cave laddered throughout - undoubtedly the best way, since most pitches are short, tight, and devoid of more than 1 belay point (nearly all naturals). Razor Pot and Bastard Hole both OK, Chris Birk had a little problem in the latter. Dewi wisely surrendered the lead to me as we reached the crux, which I attempted this time feet first, with little effect. So Dewi went in head first (minus SRT gear) and virtually fell through the 'squeeze'. Rest of us followed without incident. Split Pot followed then 2 more pitches with awkward, dodgy takeoffs, poorly protected, to reach large 'Devil's chimney' chamber. Chris Birk traversed with confidence into a stal-filled grotto, and, since we felt obliged to 'bottom' the cave, grovelled into the loose boulder choke til the passage became too tight and a sign said 'End of Cave'!!! Exited quite wuickly without incident, except for the tedious conveyance of tackle up the entrance crawl. A good cave as always, Dewi and I have now formed the official 'MSAS' and will return to bolt the avens(!). Steve had some beer at the van to quench thirsts.


Excellent trip, thoroughly recommended.


P.S. MSAS subscriptions now due, so pay up!


Juniper Gulf: Dave Wilson, Kathy James, Steve Lane, Spike

After Gary showed us his ultra-modern SRT (1 krab shared between 2 cowstails, a mouldy Troll leg-loop harness, etc) he amused(!) Chris Birkhead by reaching into his tackle bag, pulling out a couple of CSB's hangers and saying to Chris "Here you are Chris, they must have been in my bad for a year or so..."

Anyway, pleasant walk in warm weather to Juniper, all rigging except last pitch done on lovely Bluewater II. Fairly straightforward trip, bottom 2 pitches ascended really easily with my new 3rd ropewalking ascender. Steve and Gary led out with 1st bag, leaving a 200m bag of wet Bluewater for the rest of us to carry out. 'Bad Step' ok except for extreme smoothness of rock. A good dry trip with impressive last pitch. Got out to meet others at van (after slight detour by Kath, Spike and I.)

L. Dave

Growling: "A-Team"? - Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson

A good fast trip. Changed on opposite side of road to Swinsto boys as our cave was a whole grade harder (ohh). Clive lost spanner putting him out of the Big Pitch Rigging Competition. Poased around for entrance photos, then set off. Lost some time while a 2m climb was unecessarily rigged. I was nominated for the BPRC winner on the ploy that SMS wimps out on big pitches, but the bluff was called. A superb descent not all free but broken by several rebelays on fixed iron mongery. The ascent was marred by a flake detaching above my head and hurtling past myself, Clive and Malcolm 100' below; could of been nasty. Enjoyable cave.


But they didn't get to the bottom!


Who wrote this course we got to the fucking bottom, we are the A team after all.


Swinsto: Dave Warrington, Jane Enderby, John Harrison

A very relaxing and enjoyable through trip. The dodgy rigging caused no problems on the short pitches but the first of the bigger pitches caused quite a lot of hassle - we couldn't get the rope down. Eventually it started to budge under our combined weights and all seemed OK until the last couple of inches of rope decided to jam. More anxious tugging didn't move it and we had thoughts of waiting on the ledge in heavy spray until help arrived. More shaking and tugging freed it and we could continue out without further problems.

B. Dave


Rowten to sumps: Simon Leach, Dave Warrington

Simpsons Pot: Simon Seward, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock

Straightforward trip, very few problems; except for the rope jamming on one pitch, requiring Simon to prussik gently back up! and had to sacrifice a tape sling to ensure that the rope could be retrieved. Enjoyable pitches throughout. Eyebolt above Slit Pot is now quite loose, and flexes quite badly when used, so a hanger has now been placed, with a sling in place. Simon had a few problems fitting through the Slit, then rapidly out via Valley Entrance to meet the Cawthornes and an S+G contingent.


INTERLUDE - After the Dinner Meet, most of us had a few minor things called exams to attend to, but soon we were back up to Yorkshire. PTO

The Yorkshire Week, 14th-23rd June

Those qui attende:

Harry, L Dave - throughout (5 star) Steve, Jen, Neill, Dewi - til Wednesday (4 star) Richard - til Monday (2 star) Clive - til Tuesday (3 star) Simon, Mr Seward (1 star blow job!)

The seeds of this week were sown when Steve suggested linking the Whernside Hydrology course and the Gingling/Hammer Pot Meet by a week in Yorkshire.

The lads came up from London, picked Harry up in Sedbergh, and arrived at Whernside Manor for ~7:45pm on the Friday.

The Hydrology Course

Dave's Weekend


Dropped off to 'solo' the 1st 2 pitches of Rowten as I could only carry one rope bag and my gear back to NPC. Walked up and got changed by 9.30! Rigging went OK, including rift (used new 'Elliot' bolts on 1st pitch). Ropewalked back out to meet 3 cavers about to descend as training for a Whernside Instructors Exam (they stayed at Greenclose). Walked to NPC with 100m of wet rope and ill fitting rucksack. Wandered round pubs (Marton + back, via Heifer) and met others at NPC in time for 2 pints at. Good trip (+ only chance I get to rig anything).


Grockle trip down (and back out) Simpsons with crew I met day before. OK trip but rigging a bit shit, but at least I had transport. Walked to Marton (again), back to hut for around 10, went to bed, others arrived back after late session at Marton (bastards) around 12pm.


Walked back to London, then to Marton, then back to NPC, then walked to Dent, to meet others.



Hangman's Hole: Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson

The A-Team boldly set off to tackle this cave, which had previously beaten the combined effort of Rich and Neill. Found the entrance shakehole, an extension of the Nick Point Fault-line, and negotiated the tight squeeze at the foot of the entrance slope with no problems. Tightish, wet, low bedding leads off, and after 50' it opens up to a dodgy traverse to the right of Bridge Pot on somewhat muddy slopes. Over muddy gours to head of 1st pitch. No bolts, so 2 rock flakes were used (Harry "which is safer, a single boulder or a pile of boulders?"). After Harry had rigged it, Neill descended first!

Bad rub point at top couldn't be avoided however. Landing on boulder floor and slot entrance to next pitch, which was descended off 1 wire strop as a belay. At base of 2nd pitch, walls became slightly more sound. Through a squeeze to the head of the Executioner pitch, rightly named, and certainly one of the most forbidding and dangerous pitch heads I have yet seen. With a loose boulder slope all the way to the edge of a large aven, loose rock on both side walls - we took one look and headed out! Rather a grotty hole, with an inherent danger from falling rock - Neill took a fist-sized rock fall on to his thigh whilst at the bottom of the pitch. Not worth the bother, since the last 2 pitches are apparently worse still. Walked all the way back to Austwick and waited for Steve and the van to arrive, which it did.


The non-caving team spent lots of money on gear and food during the day, but enjoyed themselves nonetheless. Richard went home in the afternoon, but Clive decided to stay.

Changed at hut, and then went to Marton, where we found Simon and his dad installed already. Quiet evening, then back to hut and bed.



Simpsons Pot: Dave Wilson

Having been encouraged by too much ale in the Marton the night before, I was awakened at the ungodly hour of 8.00 to be informed that I'd agreed to go caving with Simon and his Dad. Drove to Braida Garth -- since I am averse to changing whilst standing in a puddle I moved round to the other side of the car, to be promptly accused of being shy, of not being able to "hold my own with the big boys", and generally of NOT being a willy-watcher -- STRANGE! Was this to be a foretaste of things to cum? Eventually we managed to strap Mike (plus ego-inflated cods) into an oversuit, and after dragging "donkey" Seward away from chatting up a passing school teacher (with class) -- "I'm taking them two lads caving - there's quite a lot of caves round here you know if you know where to look for 'em." -- we set off. Anyway to hasten on we rigged MC and then set off down Simpsons. "You know son, your mother had to draw a penis for her biology evening class, but it didn't look anything like mine - us Sewards are SO big - aren't we boy?" Trip proceeded without trouble even Mike's groin passing through the squeezes with ease. And so we got out in good time, just in time for them as likes that sort of thing to flaunt themselves in front of a busload of school kids. Had pint in Craven Heifer before giving me a lift to Leeds station.

In short I don't know about Simon but my heart rate never slowed to less than ~130 from beginning to end - An interesting if very stressful trip and the constant discussion of penile dimensions being particularly embarrassing and wearisome. Government Health Warning - caving with Dads causes stress and can damage your pride.


The rest of us thought about Meregill and Black Shiver etc then decided to go to the waterfalls and caravan after breakfast at the Fountain.

From the makers of 'abseiling off Malham Cove' came:

Tyrolean Traverse across Beezly Falls

Some idiot (who?) had the idea of setting up a Tyrolean across the river by the caravan. 2 ropes were used, 1 fairly taught for the traverse, and 1 slack as a safety line to clip into, tree trunks were used as belays. Having been to Dave Gill's lecture, various methods were used, these improving in effectiveness as Dewi, Harry, Steve and L.Dave came across - result is that the Frog rig is still very effective on a near horizontal rope - pulley not necessary. Then came the return - Dewi controlled the descent by use of Petzl Shunt, Harry did it on just 1 pulley, reaching the other wall of the gill almost before leaving the other side, and melting the wheel on the pulley solid!! Steve and Dave controlled the crossing only slightly better.

Then Neill and Harry went climbing on Twistleton Scar, doing 6 or 7 routes Diff to Severe in grade, with no 'lob offs' fortunately. An excellent set of non-serious problems.

Climbs done: Skeleton Scoop (VD), Bay Wall (VD), Night Club (VD), Clinker (D), Left Hand Crack (VD) and some ungraded lines. Steve, Jen, L.Dave and Dewi picked us up. Evening spent eating lots of food in the Marton garden, then back to the hut.



Woke up to a sudden reversal in plans. Steve and Jennie were to hitch back, Dewi back by train, and since Neill wanted to go back as well, it was decided to take van back to make things easier?

Went to Settle intending to go to Attermire/Winskill, then changed our minds and went to the hut. Transferred all tackle to caravan, then it started to rain, so Steve, Jen, Neill, Dewi went back to London leaving a completely restructured A-team - Harry and L.Dave.


Vesper Pot: Dave Wilson, Harry Lock

Nice long walk to cave, found quite easily, got down about 2pm. Short narrow rift drop to lowish streamway, leading to rift streamway and first pitch, belayed to left, short rift to second pitch through window on left, nice dry descent. Traverse (with line if desired, bolts on left) over twisting canyon to third pitch, belayed on right, nice rift descent follows immediately to fourth pitch, finally landing on large ledge above final pitch. Stal boss/column on right for traverse, with main hang on flake on left, going down left towards end of rift, backup to previous rope. Deviation about 10ft down, landing on ledge at extreme r.h. end of which a half-inserted bolt is used as main belay. Land at foot of rubble heap. Uneventful journey out apart from forgetting to tie the bag on at the bottom, causing me to redescend from the rebelay to retrieve it. Got out around 8pm, 2 hours after derigging last pitch. Walked east, descended Twistleton Scars and walked back along road, changing by 10-10pm, run to Ingleton for 2 pints in Heifer, chips and a long walk back. A good quick trip to keep you fit (if you walk).



Black Shiver Pot - now vandalised. Dave Wilson, Harry Lock

After spending the morning in Ingleton, we spent around 2 hours walking from the caravan to Black Shiver Pot, via White Scar and Tatham Wife. Entrance crawl enjoyable, enlarging as first pitch was reached. At top of first pitch, no bolts, but a suspicious drilled-out hole, so we used 2 naturals as a belay, which gave a poor hang. At ledge half way down were 2 bolts - 1 red, 1 rusty. Red bolt thread was completely shattered, rendering it unusable, but our gallant bolt removers had forgotten to ensure the older bolt anchor was sound, which it was not, since, even when fully tightened, 1 sudden jerk of the hanger pulled it loose to finger tight again. Had to forget a rebelay there, but I spotted another red bolt further along, so inspected it. It seemed OK, but on closer inspection, the interior of the anchor had been damaged, so I could only get the bollard in ~half way. Looking back, placing a rebelay or deviation here resulted in the rope rubbing on the wall for a sharp 3m. Since I could not be sure what state the other bolts were in further into the cave, I decided it would be best to leave, and return again with bolting kit.

It might just about be acceptable to remove excess bolts such that a cave may still be rigged effectively and safely for SRT, but when these idiots remove all bolts, leaving only the 'sturdy, rusty' ones, so that ladders are the best technique to use, then it is ridiculous vandalism. Letter to Caves and Caving is in order.

Walked back to caravan, then down to Ingleton for 2 pints in the Craven Heifer.



Complete weather change. Woke up to rain, cloud and quite chilly.

Wakjed to Ingleton for lunch, then walked in the pouring rain and wind to the NPC. Spent afternoon drying off, then got conned into carrying tackle up to GG Main Shaft in preparation for a free-climb ascent of it on the Saturday. Walked up to Clapdale Farm and actually carried Graham Proudlove's rucksack! Arrived at shaft in mist and rain, then walked back with Chalky and Dawn (NPC). Pints c/o NPC in the New Inn, then walked back to hut. Rest of IC3 team arrived some time later.



Diccan Pot: Dave Wilson, Dave Warrington

Wot no rope?

Dropped off at Alum track by the big boys, changed and walked to cave. Uneventful if showery trip down to top of last pitch, where due to force of water/lack of care on my part/handle breaking, the tackle bag full of rope did a vertical disappearing act, and, despite previous advice on the free-climbablity of the pitch, sanity prevailed and we both headed out uneventfully. Walked towards Horton in gear and change around 2 miles from Horton. Waited in Crown for the Grave V heroes, expected between 10-2. Left at 11pm with no sign of others. Met Rowan and friends in Crown at about 8pm, but they left to go to Clapham. Tried to shelter in CPC but some skinny bastard kicked us out, saying, Strangers... blah blah, Untrustworthy... blah blah, Committee decision blah blah, recent spate of burglaries etc etc, and despite the protestations of Rowan when he returned, the Scrooge MkII refised to change his mind; NOTE 'Craven' is defined as 'cowardly' in the dictionary.

Waited until around 3.30 in telephone box until NPC arrived with Harrison looking for the others, who had gone back to the NPC via Austwick (the NPC arrived via Settle). After half hour of confusion, CRO standby alert, etc, Chris, Malc, Harry finally arrived and all went back to Greenclose for 8 hours sleep and afternoon breakfast.

A good trip overall, apart from loss of 80m rope and bag = good learners cave if dryish (for a learner's 3rd or 4th decent trip).


What went wrong?

  1. Gingling had NO watch, so couldn't judge best time to come out
  2. Gingling hadn't fully briefed John as to what time we might eventually appear - he having no idea what a trip down Gingling takes in hours. We put nothing on the board (eg "02.00 ET Out")
  3. No phone at NPC - the usual problem!
  4. Dave squared didn't manage to make contact with John H, instead waiting at Marton for us
  5. and numerous others...


Gingling Hole - an excellent trip, unfortunately marred by the incident described below: Malcolm Barr, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock

Dropped Davex2 off at Diccan, drove to Rainscar Ho. for permission, changed, and walked to entrance, easily found. Rigged the cave on rope throughout, an unorthodox but undoubtedly more satisfactory method, which required numerous strops, tapes, maillons etc. Route find initially no problem - Fools Paradise is most beautiful part of cave, being packed with pure white stalactites and stalagmites protected by the access restrictions. Some difficulty finding 'Ammered 'Ole to Big Rift route. Big Rift is dry, very tall rift, very quiet and lonely, and caving here gives a great impression of depth. Belay for penultimate pitch was a wooden stemple with minimal backup, and was tight as well - so Chris and Harry gave it a miss, while Malcolm descended it and crawled through mud to the terminal sump. Return journey took quite some time with numerous yawns towards the end. Emerged into light drizzle, with 2 semi-lamp failures, and arrived at Malc's car at around 2am! Drove back to NPC, assuming the Daves would have walked, run or hitched back from Horton to NPC by now. Arrived at NPC to be told by Dawn and Ceily that NPC had gone out looking for Gingling/Diccan teams, on John Harrison's advice, and that we were to WAIT at the NPC. Waited for around an hour, then 2 NPC came back to hut, found us, and told us to drive to Horton and tell J. Cordingley that both teams are safely out.



Nothing! Arose c. 12 noon, lunch at Marton, washed ropes, started to rain, and Chris, Malc, John, Jane set off. Big Dave spent night in caravan, L. Dave got collected, and Harry jogged 16 miles back to Sedbergh via the George and Dragon, Dent.


Yorkshire 12th-14th July

"What a rainy day" the diary of a lonely dalesman...

Am sat here awaiting the possible arrival of Steve, Neill and ?Dewi, although have just sent a message for them not to come. Contiual rain for 2 days has turned the waterfalls walk into the Colorado Canyon, and the Settle weir looks like Niagara falls, only the water is a cloudy brown colour. Things like helicopters and Land Rovers keep on moving past at rather high speeds - perhaps we can do Diccan Pot this weekend!


Not unless you are an inexperienced venture scout!


N.B. Inexperienced venture scout 'leader'


For the record - The Falcon Inn, Arncliffe, two stars recommended The Falcon Inn, Low Bentham one star Mitchells Hark to Bounty, Slaidburn one star Moorhouses but, New Inn Clapham X beer poor, sausages charred.

Anyway, the boys arrived, few pints at Marton, then caravan and bed.

King Pot: Harry Lock, Neill Pattinson

Chose a relatively dry cave since everywhere was so wet. Descent went without incident, Harry remembering parts of the cave only. T-shaped passage OK, rigging straightforward, water was leaking in everywhere. We took quite a long time over the cave and so, unfortunately, DIDN'T bottom it.


Steve, Jen and Dewi wisely decided not to go underground and went to various shops, spending many sheckles on gear instead.


The team of keen speleos decided no caving was to be done - so travelled over to Sedbergh for Dalesmans Platters and Sticky Toffee Cake with cream at the Copper Kettle Restaurant on Main Street. yummy yummy. Drove up to Railway bridge and looked at some potential cave entrances on BLuecaster several shafts, one very good looking, with draughts.

This area is well worth exploring further, especially sine the Gritstone Club have just found 2km of passage on the other side of the fell (in Garsdale).

Any willing diggers see Harry. Approx 150m depth potential, in vertical, Short Gill Cave type limestone! Also, some resurgences have been identified, which are not mentioned in Northern Caves or OS maps but require wetsuit etc!!