
Wot no photos?

As these were typed up in 2024, some (but likely not all) of the less "politically correct" descriptions of non-cave antics from the original reports have been omitted (typically sexist descriptions, occasionally racist epithets).

South Wales 12-14 October

1st Freshers trip


Those present: Cath White, Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Neill Pattinson, Harry Lock, Richard Colcott, Dave Warrington, Clive Orrock, Charlie Cawthorne, Chris Cawthorne, Helen Cawthorne, Malcolm Barr, Donald Barr, John Harrison, Tim Martin, Sarah-Jane Hunt, Rowan Carr, Jane Enderby, Dewi Lloyd, Graham (20!)

Wot! No president


Assembled outside Beit Arch at the early hour of 5pm, but had to wait for a few people to turn up. With a full van load of 14 ready to go at 6pm, who should arrive but Malcolm's brother and friend, expecting to come caving, the message that room was non-existent apparently not having reached them. However they agreed to make their own way down to S Wales once Malc arrived, so we eventually set off. *

Made fast progress, stopping in Abergavenny for fish and chips, and reaching the Bridge Inn for 10pm. A few pints later, having met Charlie, Chris and Helen, we set off up to Whitewalls, where we met Malc + 2, and accomodation was sorted, with 9 in tents in the garden! Loads of CSS were present, Ogof Daren Cilau having recently been extended, and talk of the Aggie Master Cave was plentiful.

*what about the guy who turned up armed only with a blanket claiming he'd put his name down at Freshers Fair?


4 trips were botched together.

Little Neath River Cave Appreciation Society Trip (LNRCAS): Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Flood Entrance / Canal Bypass (once we found it) / Tributary Passage to Sump 2 / back via Canal + a quick look at Bridge Cave sump. This trip was Ex-cellent, as per usual with this cave, and everyone enjoyed it a lot. Not too wet in Entrance Series, with plenty of airspace. Dave dropped us off at Ancient Brit for a quick pint.

OFD: Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson, Sarah-Jane Hunt, Tim Martin

Straight forward trip down Maypole Inlet to mainstream. Met Malc on way out. All out OK.


OFD: Malcolm Barr, Chris Birkhead, Donald Barr, Graham

Not so much the 'A' team on this jaunt into OFDII, Malcolm our 'guide' who recognises and remembers too many bloody passages, Donald "3 business lunches a week" Barr, Graham (fag stop every two minutes), and of course myself. Wandered about aimlessly to start with looking for good passages to get lost in, Malcolm found one quite easily, so we wasted a good ten minutes there, then it was my turn, then Malc's -- etc etc, Graham didn't like it so we came out.


Aggie: Charlie Cawthorne, Helen Cawthorne, Chris Cawthorne, Jane Enderby, John Harrison, Rowan, John H (old lags rep)

North West Junction and back

Once we'd recovered from the shock of having insufficient lamps and helmets (and the van returning to give them to us (and change a ripped tyre)) we stared on the first horrendous section - the 15 minutes level walk to the entrance. After 20 minutes hard caving (grade and time judged by JH) we stopped to let Jane recover (JH silently retching in the corner). Jane found 2nd wind, JH continued retching, Charlie led from a distance and we continued. After 4 days extreme caving (grade and time judged by JH) we reached 1st boulder choke. Thereafter to NW Junction passed in a daze. Points to note: Rowan blesses himself upon entering water, Jane does swar, Charlie leads from a distance, Chris C and Helen can't keep up with him, JH retches at the end. Another rest at NW Junction followed by Jane (I don't know where I'm going) leading the party out (JH retching at the back). 4 hours and we'd finished the most difficult caving known to man. Points to note: Chris C is dyslexc and so can't fill in the Aggie log even inaccurately. After the marathon trek to the hut, JH retired and led to the pub. All others felt it was an easy trip.



An exercise in good planning, underground party management, and maintaining good relations with various influential clubs etc. 3 trips were planned for Sunday.

Little Neath RC: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead

Could have been a real killer this one.

All started OK as soon as Donald got used to the idea of being almost totally submerged in fast flowing water (I wasn't that keen either), soon got to the central bypass which Donald and I took, leaving Rowan and Richard to disappear down the canal, some confusion over meeting places lead to Donald and I going off for our own trip and exiting early as my lamp 'failed'. Went to Bridge Cave - Richard and Rowan exit to find us 'not out' ie gear still there etc. Does Rich sit and wait for

1) us to exit under our own steam 2) more people and lights etc

No, Rich goes down ALONE to look for us - Richard was very silly (stupid - RJC edit) to do this and caused me alot of worry (paranoia)


1a) JH and James walked to the pub, and got there after closing time.


But why were they so late?

Top Ent to Cwm Dwr (OFD): Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White, Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson, Sarah-Jane Hunt

NOTE Kath W name is CATH she doens't like a K

Headed down Top entrance to streamway without any problems at great speed. Good fun was had in the pot holes along the streamway (-dry gear is not the ideal attire for this section!) and Simon succeeded in bottoming a 7 footer. Reached the confluence in record time and left the streamway to head for Cwm Dwr entrance. Clive's leadership qualities were tested to the full as we wandered up and down passages trying to find the way out. Various cries of "I remember this bit" mingled with "I'm sure this wasn't a dead end last time", then suddenly the boulder choke appeared and the exit reached with no further trouble.

Cwm Dwr - Top Ent OFD: Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White, Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson, Sarah-Jane Hunt

Eventually got down Cwm Dwt at around 2pm. Few navigational problems were encountered until the far side of the boulder choke was reached. We managed to muddle through to the Confluence with only minor hesitations on the way. Met Clive and his party a short way up the streamway. A slight detour was made with Neill imagining the oxbow long before it appeared. The series of potholes proved interesting, as all but Dewi were wearing dry gear. Only Harry remained reasonably dry, he ascribed the damp condition of the other party to "a lack of technical competence". There were no problems with route find on the top section. We got out at 6:45pm, on the way down meeting a member of SWCC, who was going to look for us as we were slightly overdue.


Mendips 19-21 October

2nd Freshers Trip


Those present: Steve Lane, Kath James, Spike, Charlie, Chris Caw, Chris Back, Cath W, Dave Warr, Harry, Dave Wilson, Patrick Rorie, Oliver Hawes, Paul Harvey, Clare Murphy, Andrew Kelly, Morgan Jenkins, Adam Wiltshire, Peter Plackowski, Jeremy Soame

As usual we had time for a pint in the union before leaving. Slow progress on motorway so we stopped off for a couple of pints in Bristol fearing we wouldn't make it to the Hunters.


Spent lots of time running to + from Wells trying to get lamps. Eventually got underground with great efficiency.

Longwood: Dave Wilson, Steve Lane, Andrew, Morgan, Pete

Entrance series (chimney and bedding plane) suprisingly NOT appreciated by freshers, although the traverse after the wet/dry chimney (slightly dodgy) was hardly noticed by them. Various climbs up/down mud slopes and then ladder pitch (with Italian Hitch for ~20' drop!!) followed by boulder slope (cf Grotte de la Luire, but smaller) and then traverses above stream. When reached stream, someone (=Pete P) was cold, so clothing was swapped and we made our way out, some dickhead walker dropping fist sized boulder on me as I was half way up entrance climb, but the pillock had cleared off by the time I exited. - A good trip, enjoyed by all

Dave Wilson

Swildon's No.1 (sump 2 and back): Kathy James, Dave Warrington, Patrick, Clare

Good easy trip all the way. Clare coped very well for her first trip, thought tried headbutting the wall opposite sump 1 thinking she was still in the sump. Kath didn't seem too happy after diving the sump in dry gear. Had to wait a long time to get up the 20 foot while a bunch of freshers were wallying around.

Swildons Short Round trip: Charlie Cawthorne, Catherine White, Chris Cawthorne, Oliver, Jeremy

Manor Farm Swallet: Chris Backhouse, Harry Lock, Spike, Paul, Adam

All coped well with the 45' entrance pitch, then past rusty old cars and refuse sacks. Not as unpleasant as others have made out, though quite smelly. Got to the 1st sump (?) and, after a search, found the small hole in the roof which goes up into large, abandoned, dry passage. Bedding plane closes in as slope goes downhill. Had a grovel up various unstable vertical digs, and went to final sump. Return was without incident. Quite enjoyable


Lamb Leer: Dave Warrington, Patrick, Morgan and Andrew

Armed with endless ladders and belays and a little bit of string for lifelining, we arrived not knowing what to expect. Had an enforced half hour coffee break (unfortunately no coffee though) at the entrance pitch while 10 Reading freshers tried to negotiate the "fixed"(??) entrance ladder. (for fixed read unfixed iron thing wobbling about all over the shop.) We then dived down it at great speed for fear of the thing following us to the bottom. A short muddy walk brought us to the winch platform above the 2nd 65' pitch. Again Reading were there so we had another short wait. The superhero amongst us (ie. ME) lifelined the rest down and then discovered the 40m lifeline was not 40m long so I couldn't be lifelined and decided against risking a freefall attempt. The trio down below enjoyed themselves wallying about in the chamber and explored several passages before joining the queue (Reading again!) to get back up. We helped the Reading lot derig their ladders and proceeded out to risk life and limb on the entrance pitch once more. Morgan didn't seem too impressed about having to climb 65ft of wire laders (he learns quickly!) but it was good practice.

Swildon's Short Round Trip: Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Kathy James, Spike, Adam, Paul, Peter

Had to queue for ages at head of the 20' pitch while various groups of Scouts, Air Cadets and QMC CC descended/ascended. Very straightforward, all ducks faily low, needing no bailing, occasional uncertainty of route, but eventually got back to main stream passages and had to queue to get out. All coped well, and got out fairly easily.

Longwood: Chris Backhouse, Catherine White, Jeremy

Yorkshire 3-4 November

Wot no Clive?

Another pint(s) in the union before we start (pissoc). What is the club coming too. Different pub in Leeds. Good Tetlys (almost like Guinness). Bryon OK. The NPC - haven of rest.

Saturday - ICCC & the Rainy Day

Rained & Rained & Rained. Black Shiver Soc enthusiasm was drowned. Visited Adam's shop and much amusement was obtained from frantic/frustrated efforts for some of our larger members trying to get into oversuits ("over what").

Rowten, then Bull: Richard Collcott, Chris Backhouse, Neill Pattinson

It was wet! (very very wet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rigged first pitch and bridge and started to rig 2nd pitch when it was decided (by self confessed wimpsoc!!!) to go down Bull.

Missed Bull so found Jingling instead.

Jingling: massive stream, lots of water...... etc. went to find Bull

Bull: Sumped at bottom of 1st pitch, so we could of gone down Rowten after all.

Large: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Mark Bown, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Got changed whilst it was raining and cold winds were blowing. Almost caught exposure before we went down the cave. Cath had to kick Harry down the 1st pitch because he got stuck with the tackle bag at the head of it. Malcolm went down to head of 2nd pitch head first and Dave had to rescue him feet first. Fairly dry down Arcadia series, usual tight bits and thick liquid mud. Necropolis was far too wet realistically to descend so we went back out. Met BUSS on the way out. Pitch head acrobatics on the 2nd pitch as we trued to haul a jammed tackle bag out. Got out into darkness and waited in freezing cold for ~ 1 hour. Malc and Dave out 1hr later due to derigging difficulties.

Ireby Fell: Dave Wilson

Was bloody wet so -> 1st pitch -> quick exit



Rowten again: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Jennie Gilbert, Steve Lane

[I doubt if you can read it. SMS]

Marble Steps: Neill Pattinson, Catherine White

A disaster. Nothing to add!


Wot a mess!

Whimp Soc (Little Dave and Harry) who went for a delightful walk / conversed on the subject of walking companionship and the relation between 'Craven fault, Ingleton Geology, and FX2s'.

The Journey Home

'Mumble mumble mumble'

After suggestions turned to see 'Realm of Darkness' in Marton Arms (supported by a slim majority/"zenith" minority) we went towards home on M1. But Gargrave off license was well attended.

Wot no more chaos

Mendip Cliquey Trip 16-18 November

Wot no incrowd?

Dissent Soc.

Stopped at Rich's house for coffee and digestives, then down the M4. Quick pint in a Bristol pub (General Something Elliott) then straight to Hunters where we met Charlie + co. Back to Belfry.


St. Cuthbert's Swallet: Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Harry Lock

Martin Gress (BEC, CSCC) led Patrick, Little Dave, Richard, Harry.

An offer of a Cutherbert's trip was quickly taken up and we started in at 12.30 (another early start). A tight entrance rift was made more sporting by falling iron bars. Pulpit pot (60') was abseilled and after a tight duck had been passed Martin led us up into an extensive boulder ruckle through to September series. Very well decoracted complex series of passages. Cave pearls and helictites. Slid down Rabbit Warren series and went through various crawls and up various thrutches (Note lack of observation). Wet crawl down streamway (lovely, lovely wetsuits) to Gour chamber and then back to entrance. Final struggle up rift and out at 6.30.

PS Dave discovered a newt (female) at the bottom of Rabbit Warren. This was lovingly cradled and carried out (Ahh!)


The newt was a female and was attempting adaptive radiation by occupying a speleological ecological niche until Dave carried it out, thus interfering in a natural evolutionary process.

Thanks Martin for a very enjoyable trip!

GB Cave (photo trip): Dewi Lloyd, Steve Lane, Dave Warrington

Went to GB for a photo trip. Unfortunately this cave never changes and was as bored as ever. Rigged ladder dig and were going to chicken out at squeeze and go down pub. But Dewi was keen so we had to follow him. Took photos in Bat passage. Passed loads of people on the way out. Went off to get some cider from Thatchers.

Saturday night we were all out the caves early, went to Wells chippy then to Hunters as it opened. Good session that night. Had to remicrowave stone-cold shepherds pie.


Swildons Short Round Trip: Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd

Richard's 1st sump!

Nice trip! but not as good as Little Neath

The ladder proved fun, the Italian hitch jamming solid on the way down. The sump was as I expected - wet but proved no hassle. (Dewi managed to make this 5ft sump nearly 10ft by doing an impression of a subsurface torpedo.) Trip was done quite quickly with Harry leading us thru' very confidently. Dived sump 1 again twice for fun and then exited, getting jammed at the ladder queue for half an hour. Overall a very good cave but spoilt by the hoards of chubby 10 year old scouts down it, in groups of up to ten.

R.J.C (vice chairman of LNRCAS)

Thrupe Lane: Charlie Cawthorne, Dave Warrington, Chris Cawthorne

Excellent trip. How can anyone complain about boring Mendip with holes like this. Progress was halted at Perseverance due to another group doing their best not to get up the pitch, so 4 of us went down through slit pot instead. Had a great climb down Atlas (65ft) while being thoroughly pissed on by the waterfall. Off to the bottom sump and then out again without problems.

Dave Warrington

All of us were out of the caves very early. Unfortunately Dave found his trousers and valuables had done; someone had presumably taken them in van stolen them. Sat around waiting for Patrick to have his Sunday tea, then back to London (too early for Wagon and Horses). Stopped at Rich's house for toast, coffee and Otter Hole, then back to college by ~9.30pm. A good weekend.

Wot no trousers

Yorkshire 23-25 November

Incrowd Outcrowd Descent Soc

Wot no outcrowd

John Harrison arrived amidst gale force winds and typhoonal rain on Fru night, and Simon, already suffering from Meregill syndrome, was forced to abandon plans to go to Dave's party, and set off to Yorkshire, after a quick chat with his mate Alan Steele.

Having established our priorities we went to the homeland in John new motor. Desperate for a pint stopped at Sheffield at 10.40 in a Mansfield Ales Pub then watched the town centre's nightlife while eating our fish and chips. Camped at Hill Inn



Bull Pot: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, John Harrison

Yep these cliquey trips certainly get the good caves. We missed Vesper by 15mins so after discussions, Wahfold Juniper etc settle on Bull a first for Chris and Jon a third for me and certainly one too many for Malc. Then discovered didn't have any gear so I sat and wept while they laughed - bastards.



Promptly woke at 7.30 to find cafe didn't open till 9.00.

Vesper Pot: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, John Harrison

Good cave this. Crawl at top to two 25' pitches followed by a rift which is [] but was beautifully rigged by Malc onto a 90' in a waterfall. Many noxious gasses be here courtesy of JH and wot he ate for breakfast. Then a 150' with a tea towel belay is all that separate you from the great rubble heap. In between this air, and whatever ledge Malc decides to collapse.


South Wales Nov 30-Dec 2nd

Wot no Dave!

Wot. no cawthorns

Stayed at W.S.G. Hut - CLASSIC!! (which we had to ourselves - very cozy!!)

Big traffic jam on M4 had to wait in this grotty pub 108p/pint - shit food.

We all slept well except John who thrashed around by himself all night after being spurned by unamused Rich.

Wot no out-crowd? :(


Tunnel Cave - Top Entrance: Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson 'The A team?' (Dark and Deep)

"It's a bit like a cliquey trip this."

"Shhh or we'll send you down Cwm Dwr!"

After locating the entrance in low vis my team and I descended two pitches close together then a wire traverse. After negotiating the wire traverses (despite claims to the contrary "I can't move"), ze intrepide team descended le gouffre a tout vitene, deeper and deeper into ze bowels de le earth. One more ladder present pas de problem et mon braves continues le exploration through many tight rifts etroits. Many small climbs were named after our many female lovers who are deep et mysterious comme les grottes themselves. Enfin we reached the show cave gate, which was locked.

"Oh no that's why SWCC offered me a key!" said Hon Sec, we left him tied to the bars.

The returned was marred by two incedents missing out the 3rd pitch so the Ancients went back to retrieve the ladder (we only bring them along for their obsolete skills such as ladder climbing). And secondingly Clive expressing his desires for a small chubby schoolboy and promptly squeezing Chris. One of the best caves in Wales - in fact the 2nd best cave.


Cwm Dwr Quarry: Dave Warrington, Jane Enderby (Dark and Low)

Had a good crawl through the entrance series and then headed off towards the boulder choke, not really knowing where we were going. Found the passage stopped rather severely and so assumed it was the boulder choke. Tried to find a way on but all to no avail. The most likely way was flooded which was rather off putting and eventually we gave up the search and went out. A really enjoyable crawl out was thoroughly appreciated by all!!??

Most pissed off when we got out just after 3pm - the pub was shut.

Top Entrance to Smiths Armoury: Richard Collcott, Malcolm Barr, Catherine White, Jon Sims, John Harrison (Dark and thin)

After much haggling over which cave to do (the 'A' team having already pirated Tunnel Cave leaving the "out-crowd" to twiddle their thumbs) the "Elite Team" (E team) was formed!!! A trip to Smith's was arranged. Malc leading to Chasm and - "I'm sure I can't remember the way." Richard to continue to the waterfalls. Good fun trip with slight route finding difficulties, traverses were good fun and the only incident was Malc falling diving into the streamway. Too wet to climb up waterfall due to heavy rainfall, started out, making good time when we meet the RESCUE da da daaaaa!!!!! They had come down about 2 1/2 hours early to "check" we were OK, due to possibility of the stream trapping us down there.

Luckily RJC took his balaclava with him as it was so cold down OFD. (only a motor cyclist's balaclava which I did not wear)


Saturday night

Many good games were played incl: Traversing the Room, Cock-a-Leekie, Table Climbing.


Craig a ffynnon: Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson - another Welsh cave, especially dark this one

Porth-yr-Ogof: Dave Warrington, Jon Sims

Yorkshire Week 14-21 December 1984

Wot no suspension

Friday 14th

Quick journey to Leeds. Didn't stop at Fentons much to certain people's annoyance. Had some choips and off for a couple of pints in Burley.

Dave Warrington


Disappointment: Dave Wilson, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington

The long walk up from Clapham was not fully appreciated, partly due to attempting a slight detour. Harry got a bit of practice in dodging falling boulders in climb just by the entrance but unfortunately didn't succeed too well - more practice needed! The bedding crawl provided some hassle with gear but we ploughed through. No trouble on the way down except between 3rd + 4th pitches where a slight route mistake was made, soon to be rectified. The 5th pitch provided plenty of fun with water pouring down the ladder but was a good climb. Turned round shortly after to head back. Had to rerig the bottom pitch through more water due to lifeline problems and Sarah started to feel the strain of climbing it, needing some assistance. The return was slightly better organised with us splitting up a bit to avoid waiting at pitches.

Emerged into a brilliant starry sky and a good layer of ice to accompany the walk back. Disaster as the van wasn't at Clapham so another 2 miles walk to the hut, arriving 5 minutes before the van which really pleased us!

Dave Warrington

Lost John's (a MEGA TRIP!) (Ha Ha Haa) :Chris Birkhead, Clive Orrock, Catherine White, Jon Sims

It was a long struggle to the entrance but we made it eventually. John, having great powers of observation, realised that the cave grew dark almost as soon as we got in. One ladder pitch then we got to a large pitch and Clive decided it was the wrong way. So we went back to the turning that leads to the New Traverse Route which is where we intended to go intially. When we got to the pitch (via traverses) it was already rigged and after a lot of vacillating we decided it was not worth following the other party down as there were not enough bolts. So back we trudged to the Old Traverse Route and went down the 110' pitch, with a lot of bouncing on the rope by certain members of the team. Hmm! We felt pissed off at being caused to give up the New Traverse and Dome but carried on heroically anyway. Two more short pitches on 8mm string then reached a pitch that looked too deep for the rope we had left so we turned back. After a long time waiting at the bottom of the main pitch we made our way out, with Clive derigging and getting in a slight tangle. Chris and John claimed the Mark Bown award when, just as Clive was sorting the mess out, they demanded that Clive hand over the van keys. Then they pissed off out of the cave with the last 3 of us carrying all the tackle. Back at the van we changed and went to the New Inn to wait for the Disappointment team.

Spectacle Pot (a sarcastic write up): Richard Collcott, Malcolm Barr, Simon Seward, Neill Pattinson (A-Team) (Joke!! C.W.)

The three plebs decided it was time to commit suicide and asked Malc to take them down an easy (Grade 5) cave for a relaxing day out. Malc had a bit of trouble finding the cave leading the a-team a few hundred miles yards astray. Niell rigged the first 35 foot pitch off a "sturdy" tape backed up with a bolt. After pitch Simon leading in met "Splutter crawl" (DaDaDaaaaaa); had a "bit" of crap because he was at front trouble getting through a "reasonably" tight crawl. Tackle bags proved a slight pain. Simon rigged next 20 foot pitch off a bolt using a fantastic Harry-type "chock" stone as a back up. Then followed hell!!! The duck/crawl/general pain! Some disbelief was expressed by Richard that this was the way on (not reading the write up in the book very well) but was eventually conned/forced to continue (with a tackle bag - DaDaDaaaa).

After "Duck" came big pitches, which Richard nearly traversed out across not realising (being half blind). Richard rigged big pitch with 70m Blue Water (Arrgh). Went down off two bolts, to a ledge where a third bolt (and piton backup) were used with a tape rebelay at edge of ledge. Short walk over boulders led to fourth pitch (25 foot) which Malc rigged round a "fixed" boulder with tape backup. This dropped into The Great Rubble Heap (ie a small loose mole hill). Neill rigged last pitch (30 foot) round a timber beam using tape with a rope backup (I think!!!). Bottom of pitch ended up with terminal grotty sump. Came back out fairly wuickly with "little" problems. Great relief to get out of this definitely "over-educated" cave. (Grade 5, ha, grade 1 I reckon - said Gerald.)


RJC had lots of problems on final pitch and was the most technically difficult cave he had done


OK I agree



County Pot: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Black Shiver: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Neill Pattinson


Whernside SRT course: Sarah, Dewi, Jon, B Dave

Non-cavers: Rich, Simon, Cath, Clive, Neill, Harry

Repairing FX2s: L Dave


King Pot: Dave Wilson, Simon Seward, Harry Lock, Clive Orrock

Rowten with Forder II: Dewi Lloyd, Dave Warrington, Jon Sims, Sarah-Jane Hunt

Bull Pot: Richard Collcott, Neill Pattinson, Catherine White


Juniper Gulf: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington, Catherine White

Yordas Cave followed by Bull: Simon Seward, Clive Orrock, Neill Pattinson

Bull Pot: Dave Wilson, Dewi Lloyd, Jon Sims, Sarah-Jane Hunt


Malham Cove abseil (70m) and a subsequent rescue: Rich, Harry, Cath, Sarah, Jon, L Dave, Dave

Ironically we all put our change from breakfast at 'The Fountain' in the CRO Fund collection boxes. little did we know that we would call them out that evening

The Christmas Dinner

Wot no mistletoe; A Happy Christmas to all our readers


Could 1985 be the year when --

  1. Little Dave becomes Big Dave
  2. Simon sails through his exams
  3. Rich tries Physics I for a change and fiddles the RCC accounts in our favour
  4. Neill cures his alcohol problem and enters the caravan-selling business
  5. Simbos safety catch jams open
  6. Clive gets a job at the P.D.F.A. and is shortly after put out to grass
  7. Ladders and lifelines are the order of the day
  8. Malcolm visits the barbers and dives Bridge Cave
  9. John Harrison grows a fourth leg
  10. Steve Lane makes an evolutionary quantum leap and adopts the normal Homo erectus walking posture
  11. Dave Warrington enters the Monaco Grand Prix
  12. ICCC affiliates with SWCC! QMCCC, NCC, + WSG

Mendips 11-13 January 1985


Steve Lane, Dave Warrington, Richard Colcott, Chris Birkhead, Malcolm Barr, Cath White, Harry Lock, Katy Lock

Wot no line? Wot no ICCDG


Stopped in Bristol for grotty fish n chips, then went to Hunters for a couple of pints before arriving at the Belfry. Straightforward journey.


We all decided to go down Swildons, and two trips were organised.

Diving trip to Sump 9 and back: Malcolm Barr, Harry Lock, Dave Warrington, Alan (BEC/CDG)

The gentle phutt-phutt of the demand valve... blah blah blah... entanglement in the line... blah blah blah... face mask ripped off... blah blah blah... followed up a blind inlet etc etc. These fears were cast aside as we reached Sump 2 and our thoughts crystallised as we prepared to dive. Sump 2 was nae bother - we all passed it without event. Sump 3 was a different kettle of fish... Malc led through, followed by me, then Dave (we thought).


I dived into sump 3 and got past OK. Went tanking along the rope and reached a point where the line went up rather sharply - the end of an easy dive i thought. But then the rope took a long rigth hand bedn and the sump continued. Something was wrong but on I went, spluttering a bit and getting rather desperate. After lots more spluttering I smashed into a rock and my helmet was ripped off. Hence I had no light and I thought it was my own light of life that had gone out. This was what it was like to die!! I surfaced soon after in the great air bell in the sky, where a monster with 3 lights on his head was waiting for me. Actually it was only Alan.

Dave Warrington

Sump 4 was tight as expected. But it was OK if you took it steady and looked where you were going since you had plenty of air. Sump 5 and Cowsh Aven were the most unpleasant parts of the trip, with the duck involving several small dives to get under rock lips. There was lots of horrible red worms, flies, and cowsh... everywhere. Sump 6, 7, 8 bypass was quite long and a bit tiring but we eventually reached Sump 9 pool where Malcolm's camera refused to work. Turned round and came back same way. Sump 4 seemed hardest on the way out. Malcolm free climbed the 20 for the first time. We head back to the hut.


Swildons Shatter series: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead, Steve Lane, Catherine White, Katy

Ecploration trip to acquaint ourselves with the shatter series in prep for doing the Long Round Trip. Went up to grit sump then back at shatter passage team split. Steve and Chris (both in non-duck/dry gear) went on out with Katy while Cath and Rich finished off the Short Round trip - locating the climb down into Blue Pencil. Then went to look at Sump 2, saw others diving to Sump 9 and back were out (the weights had been returned) so went on out with slight route finding problems (could not remember it being nearly as far to Sump 1 as it was). Overall good trip and prepared us well for LRT next day.



Long Round Trip: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead, Steve Lane, Catherine White

Mendip 'pushing' trip 25-27 January

Patrick + Big Dave

6 caves and SRT

Wookey Hole Grotto

Yorkshire cliquey weekend, January 18-20

Spectacle - Vesper non-exchange trip

Spectacle: Richard Collcott, Chris Birkhead, Harry Lock

Vesper: Steve Lane, Neill Pattinson, Catherine White

Yorkshire official Jan 25-27

Wot no Harry


Bull Pot: Jane Enderby, John Harrison

Black Shiver: Richard Collcott, Simon Seward, Neill Pattinson, Catherine White

Stream Passage: Malcolm Barr, Chris Birkhead

Yorkshire 8-10 Feb


Marble Sink: Richard Collcott, Harry Lock, Dewi Lloyd


Simpson - Valley: Harry Lock, Sarah-Jane Hunt

King Pot: Richard Collcott, Dave Wilson, Malcolm Barr, Catherine White

Meregill: Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Dewi Lloyd, Neill Pattinson

Stream Passage: Dave Warrington, Jane Enderby, John Harrison

Sunday (the day nothing happened)

Pippkin Pot - Link Pot: Simon Seward, Chris Birkhead, Simon Leach