21-23 May 2004
What a weekend!
A Saturday morning warm-up in Simpson Pot, followed by a classic trip. All
rounded off nicely by canyoning the Ingleton waterfalls walk in perfect
sunshine. Does it get any better than this?
Simpson pull-through
Unbelievable, we were awake, breakfast eaten and out of the NPC before 9:30. Stopped at Bernies to make sure the through-trip was doable, then off to Kingsdale. We were underground well before 11, soon clambering down the easy climbs in the entrance. The point of no return was soon to come, with a small 5m pitch. The duck was as cold as ever, though this may have been because we were wallowing around posing for photos. The inevitable 'stuck rope' debacle was easily sorted with a quick prussik, and we soon arrived at slit pot. Even anorexic Andy struggled through the slit, so I didn' feel so bad when it took me several attempts. Bit of crawling in the bottom leads to valley entrance via a fine bit of stream passage. Out in the sunshine by about 1, and back to the NPC for tea, apple-pie and cream.

Descending censored Pot
Ahoy there me shivering maties - heave ho.
The protagonists:
- Captain Redbeard Rum - Colm
- First Mate - Scott
- The Old Sea-dog - Andy
It was a woman's cave m'lord. Descended at about 5pm, par for the course for
an IC3 trip. After the entrance pitches, we split into two groups. First Mate
and Sea-dog took the woman's route, while Red Beard set off alone. Fine
rigging, great traverses in a vertical maze led us to the bottom, where the
two routes converge. Andy rigged a fine roof traverse which led to two more
pitches, and the sump. Arses were dipped, and we started on our way out - a
race against time to reach the Marton before 11. Being the solo caver, I
completed my route first, and exited just as the sun was setting. First Mate
and Sea-dog were only just behind, as we raced back to the car. Changed in
record time, and into the Marton by 5 to 11, to discover that Black Sheep was
off! Still, Timothy Taylor was a good second choice.
Usual stodge for dinner, couple of pivos then bed. Quick knackered.
Canyoning the Waterfalls Walk

Another fine morning without a cloud in the sky, though a slightly more relaxed start meant we weren't in Ingleton 'til after 1pm. The water levels were low, as it hadn't rained in quite a while, but there was still plenty for a good trip. An excellent toboggan starts the route or a massive 10m jump for the more brave. Pitches, jumps and swims, all concentrated in a short route make this a great easy canyon, especially on a sunny Sunday when it becomes a popular spectator sport! Unfortunately, our rope was a bit too short for the final pitch, but Andy volunteered to climb back up for it (2x15m ropes ideal for the canyon). Great fun, and a trip I'm definitely going to do again.