
Here, you can access digital copies of our newsletters and journals, and view the record of winners of our yearly awards.

ICCC Newsletters/Journals

Newsletters/Journals from ICCC's glorious pre-internet days. These newsletters (bar one!) cover the club's activities in the 1980s and 1990s, and are formalised accounts of the informal trip reports written in the physical logbooks. The logbook entries are being transcribed - slowly - into online articles available for your reading pleasure via the sidebar.

ICCC Newsletters

Slovenia Journals

LUCC Journals

Journals of the London University Caving Clubs of which ICCC is sadly the sole surviving member.

LUCC Journals

Previous Versions of this Website

Our website was hosted at and then until 2023, when we moved to the current Our legacy website(s) is still accessible via the lefthand bar and via Almost everything has been transferred throughout the years, but inevitably a few things get left behind.

In the early millenium, we were at


ICCC has three yearly awards. Voting takes place at our AGM (February/March).

Herman Herz: Lucky Escape while Caving

This award is named for a mohican-wearing old-lag who stopped caving the day his nine lives were used up, having survived some stupendously hazardous situations (both self-inflicted and thus avoidable, and sheer Acts of God).

This is awarded for lucky escapes while caving - a reminder of our underground mortality, and serves as an opportunity at the AGM for everyone to discuss how, where and why things went wrong with the previous year's caving. The caving environment is certainly hazardous, but the sport does not need to be dangerous. An essential part of mitigating the risk is self-awareness and analysis of where things have gone wrong.

For Evans' Sake: Creative Use of a Bodily Fluid

Named in honour of the two brothers who dragged ICCC kicking & screaming up to its current international exploration glory, while retaining an ever present connection with their bodily needs.

This award is for most creative use of a bodily fluid. The award consists of 'Bob the Turd', a large coprolite (fossilised crap) found by Goaty in the Moroccan High-Atlas and dating from the Jurassic era, most likely produced by a Shark.

Prose and Cons: Best trip report of the year

Introduced at the 2024 AGM, this award highlights the best write up of the year, allowing us to reminisce about the most gripping page turners we've had the pleasure to peruse.

Show Recipients


For Evans Sake: Jergus Strucka

For filling two whole wellies with nothing but sweat whilst returning to camp in Slovenia, and drinking from numerous stagnant pools.

Herman Herz: Laura Temple

For several incidents this year: Breaking her ankle at hidden earth, getting lost in Slovenia, and bolt climbing on only cowstails, to name just a few.

Prose and Cons: Ben Richards

For his incredible photography this year, and brilliant work filming Thurston's Grand Day Out.


For Evans' Sake: Julien Jean and Laura Temple

In "The Shoe Incident", not one, but two entire shoes managed to fall into the forbidden depths of "the pit" in Slov. Both shoes were rescued and disinfected to fight another day, at great personal cost.

Herman Herz: James Perry, Julien Jean & Leo Antwis

On a Slov trip specifically intended to calm nerves after Perry's last attempt to demolish the Migovec system, the three endured a second collapse. Julien and Perry went on to escape once again via the dreaded Cloaca Maxima before huddling in a bothy bag for many an hour awaiting rescue.

Prose and Cons: Julien Jean

Voted in this same AGM to highlight a year of unusually many outstanding quality reports, the inaugural award goes to Julien for his truly epic multi-chapter novel of a write up about the collapse and subsequent escape mission mentioned above.


For Evans' Sake: Chris Hayes

For expertly watering the plants by the path in the Wormwood Scrubs with a perfect parabola of urine while gracefully in motion on his bike, even executing a corner effortlessly mid-piss.

Herman Herz: Julien Jean

For staring into the face of death as he slowly but surely slipped off the ledge in OFD’s Edward’s Shortcut into the pit below. Credit to Astrid for leaping into action to prevent disaster.


For Evans' Sake: Úna Barker

Anyone with female anatomy knows it is rather hard to pee in caving gear. Lifting the various layers out of the way of the torrent is a trial I'm sure we have all failed at least once to varying degrees. Úna failed in this task on Winter Tour, and it happened before entering the cave so she had to endure the trip with a damp piss infused arm. She then refused to do any further caving due to the absence of a washing machine.

Herman Herz: The CHECC 2021 Attendees

For braving an arctic blizzard in the early hours of the morning to pitch their tents, dodging a myriad of flying objects whilst fumbling with slippery poles, and watching helplessly as their companions’ tents were hurled into trees and rivers.


For Evans' Sake: Dave Kirkpatrick

For Dave's gallbladder turning his own bodily fluids against him.

Herman Herz: Imperial College Caving Club

For surviving a year with no caving.


For Evans' Sake: Davey Dubz

For potential incontinence on a trip to Crescent.

Herman Herz: Jimmy and Davey Dubz

For an array of near misses this year...


For Evans' Sake: Will French

For vomiting in Hurnel Moss.

Herman Herz: David 'Davey Dubz' Wilson

For something about a boulder in Slov.


For Evans' Sake: Jennifer Ryder

For showing great initiative as a fresher and leading 3 unwitting experienced cavers into a literal river of shit in Manor Farm Swallet. Also for providing the vomit that blocked the sinks at CHECC.

Herman Herz: Everyone in the bivi when the lightning happened.

For getting struck by lightning whilst sheltering in the bivi and for the most part getting away with it.


For Evans' Sake: Tanguy Racine

Going for the lifetime achievement award, Tanguy has once again distinguished himself on expo by 'finding' many many coprolites.

Herman Herz: Arun Paul

For his fall in Primadona, and the relative lack of injuries resulting.


For Evans' Sake: Tanguy Racine

For unearthing a foul plague in an ill-advised excavation of the Bivi and succumbing to its effects repeatedly whilst underground.

Herman Herz: Bhavik "My Wellies Are My Crumple Zone" Lodhia

For an uncontrolled fall down a pitch. He credits being unharmed to his wellies dangling off and forming a crumple zone...


For Evans' Sake: James O'Hanlon

A dedicated boy determined to put blood, sweat and tears into the pursuit of caving. Unfortunately literally by grating a large portion of his finger into the cheese subsequently served on a freshers trip in Wales.

Herman Herz: Rhys Tyers

At -850m and after a long trip to Colorado Sump (Duck) Rhys made the error of standing on a rock. The large door sized slab of rock tipped over a ledge, taking Rhys with it. The ground was fortunately only half a metre away and the rock which should have continued its rotation and squished Rhys against the wall stopped perfectly vertically.


For Evans' Sake: Tanguy Racine

Tanguy Racine for valiant attempts at decorating the SMCC

Herman Herz: Sam Page

For narrowly escaping a boulder based assassination attempt in Slov.


For Evans' Sake: Chris Keeley

For vomiting due to exhauastion while on the rope on the way out of Link pot, into his wellies & down the pitch, resulting in 5 cavers prussiking up through vomit. [Nb: That evening we carried 10L of water from Bullpot farm to wash the pitch down!]

Herman Herz: Clare Tan

During summer expedition in Slovenia, whilst pushing the deepest part of the caver (nearly 1km below the surface), Clare and Jarv made a breakthrough into a steep climb down a widening rift. Jarv managed to climb down the ~50 degree slope before Clare arrives at the bottom at speed, having slipped down. After exploring the new found sump pool, their one mission is to escape.


For Evans' Sake: Kate Smith

for her creative use of vomit, in Yorkshire, Mendips and on the jelly.

Herman Herz: William 'my soft lock has forsaken me' French

for breaking both heels in Quaking. CRO Incident 2011 #40. William lost control of his abseil by accidentally dislodging a soft-lock as he passed a deviation on 9mm rope (Quaking 3rd pitch), approximately 10m off the floor.

"For Evans' Sake" Lifetime Achievement award: J. 'Drink your Own' Evans

For long standing services to experimental medical science in the utilisation of bodily fluids.


Herman Herz: Clare Tan

For being suspended by the chinstrap of her helmet after getting it wedged while abseiling on a tight pitch in Car Pot, and being choked half to death as JKP prussic'd up the pitch to rescue her.

For Evans' Sake: The entire Vodna Sled 2010 Expedition

For their Plastic Bag garden in Friendship Gallery, in particular the 'loving cup' of the final compostable excrement binbag. Special mention to DanG for somehow summoning the courage to 'deal with it' and wrestling the many faeces into a daren drum for sealing up and taking up to the surface for disposal.

On being reminded of this entirely repressed memory, DanG remarked:
It wouldn't have been nearly so bad if people had been a little more consistent with their aim. One had to search really rather carefully for safe hand holds.
I have written a Haiku to try and exorcise those memories. (Hmm, should that be Haipoo? Or low poo even ;)

    Little plastic bags
    Balance serenely down there.
    Must burn hands off now.


Herman Herz: Grigory Perelman

Grigory Perelman (nom de plume, AKA William French)- for everything from freeclimbing to the bottom of S1 (having passed the pitch rigger on the way down somehow), getting down Swinsto + up the great aven before realising that both leg harness buckles were undone and working rather loose, getting ponytail trapped in descender on Bar & having to cut it all off, etc. etc.

For Evans' Sake: Jana Carga

Jana Carga (again) for her 'goldfish from the fayre' production at underground camp, Slovenia, when using the composting toilet bags.


Herman Herz: Ed

Ed, for his SE Passage Pot (Flood) mistreatment of a deviation (around a rock flake) as a rebelay, leaving him stranded 10m from the floor attached to the rope.

For Evans' Sake: Jana Carga

Jana Carga for her mid Gladiator's traverse relieving of bladder pressure, perched above twin 60m pitches on a wedged rock, with one leg through a harness loop for 'safety'.


Herman Herz: Jana Carga

Jana Carga for her Prima Dona free-climbable collapse, oh-aren't-traverse-lines-a-brilliant-idea whoops I-nearly-died.

For Evans' Sake: Tom 'Vom' Brown AKA TomB

Tom Brown for his penis puppetry + Tobasco sauce disaster in the Bivvi, Slov 2007


Herman Herz: Marc Labuhn

The descender of Doom: 2nd Pitch Large Pot

Finally got past that squeeze... where is that rebelay? What's that Jarv is shouting? Six feet below me? No, can't be right... damn, gone too far. Back up, sorry Jutta, going to take a bit longer. OK, second attempt. See the ledge now, this is actually quite comfortable. Now, where can I clip in these cows tails... there, that should hold.

Derig the descender, still hate that part, I know I'm safe, but it feels so wrong. Rigging the descender, looks fine, off comes the short cows tail, test the descender... yep, it's working. Jarv was saying something about not hanging about, not sure what he meant, but if I just unclip the long cows tail, I should be good to go.

Going, going, hang on, how can the front plate be doing that... oh dear...


Yes, thanks Jarv, good reactions, not sure how much pulling the rope will help here, but I know you mean well. Let's see, what can I use to stop myself from plummeting to the ground. Ah, walls. Yes, if I just use all that adrenaline to wedge myself in with every bit of strength I have, I should be able to take my weight off the rope enough to... yeah, there we go, that almost looks safe now. Oh, good, I'm still alive. Not far to the bottom now, there we are.

Right then, where's the next pitch?

For Evans' Sake: Sandeep Mavadia

For his "My Bowels have forsaken me" Marble Steps deposit, which finally explained the great mystery of where all the survival bags + triangular bandages had been going during the year...


Herman Hertz: David Wilson

Working on a promising surface dig with over 20 years of caving experience behind him, there wasn't a person on the mountain more capable of doing this delicate work. Bedrock was visible not-so-far through the drafting boulders. With a sudden trinkle of pebbles, followed by a deeper rumble and shouts from his onlocking cohorts, he jumped nimbly out of the hole as it became plugged by a good 6-foot high boulder. Should dave had been lying down with the crowbar, as he had been just a few short moments before, the story wouldn't have had such a happy ending.

For Evans' Sake: Richard Venn

Claiming the award for the second-year running, with an 'event' just two days before the AGM. As much as we mocked Rik was his (detailed below) incident while on expedition, we never thought that our jokes would chime so true. About 60m down, on a Sunday trip, Rik felt the all-too-familiar subtarranean rumble from his bowels. Rigging, he abseiled as fast as possible & stripped while balancing on a small ledge over an 80m pitch. His survival bag forgotten, his brand spanking new pair of yellow marigolds (given to him on Friday from a 'liberated' stockpile) were the unfortunate receptacle for his unscheduled production.
Shitting in a cave on a Sunday trip was his swan-song as the last time he'd go on a trip as a student after four years with ICCC.


Herman Hertz: Sandeep Mavadia

Though merely a fresher, Sandeep had managed to accrue a truly flabergasting collection of by-the-skin-of-his-teeth escapes. From a hypothermic rescue-calling at New Year, to completing (without incidence) nearly the whole of a 10hr SRT trip through Sasenage in the French Alps with his harness unbuckled!

For Evans' Sake: Richard Venn

Rik is a special boy, while on a short (bounce) trip in Slovenia, he suddenly found himself caught out by movement within his bowels. His survival bag was utilised in its most common ICCC fashion, as a shit bag, but he was then left hanging bare in a freezing cave with nowt but sharp rocks to use as toilet paper. His ever-suffering cave buddy, Andy Jurd, was quick to the rescue with the production of a plastic wrapper from the Malt-Loaf they had eaten just a short time before. The quality of the polish was not brilliant, and after a arduous prussic out of the cave, Rik's Furry required a good wash in Dettol.