Migration Stepby Step

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Last changed on:
January 22, 2019 16:19

In order to do this, you will need to download and install the following programs:

You will also need to clone the following github repositories:

We will use the survey of Penny Falls as an example.

Creating the necessary files and folders

  1. Create a temp_penny_falls folder at the correct location. This should be primadona/2018/

  2. Copy and paste penny_falls.svx in primadona/2018/temp_penny_falls/

  3. Open penny_falls.svx in Aven and have a look at the centreline.

  4. Print and save as an image, making sure to tick the boxes station names and crosses. Make sure you are in plan view! Save the image under penny_falls-p.gif. Note: I usually export as pdf and use the imagemagick commandline application to convert to gif, which is the format that Xtherion accepts

  5. Now go back to the temp_penny_falls folder: it should contain the original .svx file, an additional .3d file (opened on Aven) and .err file containing the loop closure errors. Go ahead and create the following empty text files:

    • penny_falls.th
    • penny_falls-p.th2
    • penny_falls.thconfig*

Starting up Therion

  1. Open the Therion application (there is an xtherion executable) and you should see the three panels: a text editor, a map editor and a compiler window (text editor at the top, and output at the bottom).

  2. In the compiler window, open penny_falls.thconfig*. It should be empty. Now enter the following code:

    source penny_falls.th

    This indicates that we should include the survey data from penny falls. Then include a few layout specifications:

    scale 1 50 #you should play around with this to get a feel for what the scale should be
    colour map-fg [85 80 55] # a simple RGB call

    And finally, specify the outputs:

    export map -o penny_falls.pdf 
    export model fmt -o penny_falls.lox

Converting the .svx file to .th

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