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A summary and description of leads in System Migovec.






5m and 30m undescended pitches after Bingo Flamingo in the Osmica passage. 15m rope left at bottomof Bingo Flamingo for proteting the rift climb. These are the deepest leads in Planje at the moment. Remembered from Jana/Izi 2022. Davey has been to the bottom of Bingo Flamingo but it becomes tight and a bit awkward, beyond which Jana and Izi went. Bingo Flamingo needs the rope lengths sorting out as it was rigged incredibly tight due to lack of rope. Bring a 20m for the bottom, then feed slack back up.

Author Davey Dubz 2024

House of Cards


Multiple ways drop from house of cards into a massive rift. You can see about 20m down but suspected to go much further, at least 40m, perhaps 60m+. Likely to be the same rift as Bingo Flamingo. A lovely big pitch for someone to bolt. Not clear when dropped rocks reach the actual bottom.

Author Davey Dubz 2024


Humpty Dumpty


A dig at the end of the Humpty Dumpty horizontal passage (don't descend house of cards). Draughting hole in mud, requires spade. Dug by the Slovene's who confirmed the draught is good, but they didn't have any tools.

Author Davey Dubz 2024



Drugi Vhod

Description Halfway down the Drugi Vhod entrance pitch (halfway down the long hang) there is a window about 2m wide and 1m high leading off over boulders. On survex this appears to head off in the direction of an aven someone (probs Tanguy) shot a disto up near Well Hung in Monatip. The highest level lead in Primadona.

5 - 10m above the deviation on the long hang in the drughi vhod entrance. After the drafty tube and the stable shaft, the main drughi vhod pitch. Relatively close to where the current rope is. Would need another rope to re-rig the y hang to take a look.

Author Davey Dubz 2019


Description Under Alkatraz is a maze of passages, which eventually break out into a small chamber with a cairn and a chocolate bar wrapper. Although there are survey stations (Tetley), they don't appear on the survey. Following the water down leads to a wide, tall streamway that cascades down over short, free climbable drops. The water disappears into a small chamber with a crack in the floor, but the rift continues onto a chamber, with a ledge a few metres off the floor. There is a poorly placed spit and no evidence that anyone has been down. The rift continues on the other side of this chamber, and seems to go. A nice high level lead, with lots of surveying to be done.

2024 Davey Note: this is the way from Alkatraz to Stara Jama avoiding the rock (rock to spiral climb partially collapsed 2023)

Author Jack

Smer 0

Undescended shafts in Smer 0. Smer 0 (south) is punctuated by a couple of undescended shafts. Unknown size or depth. From Smer0, the gallery of varying dimensions is interrupted by climbs on loosely packed, flaky mud. The first rope heading into the ceiling leads to Smer1. Leads of Smer0 occur after an extensive boulder blockage. Far end of the passage is a large triple aven chamber well worth a look.

First obvious pitch descended to Jack of Hearts streamway.

2024 Note: These are likely after the up rope in the same rift Jack of Hearts descends from. Beware of loose rock at the start of this rift, a bypass is available and note left by Davey and Jennifer.

Author(s) Rhys, Tanguy


Undescended pitch at end of Alabaster passage (P5 from large ledge). Very much ongoing. Just upstream of third Alabaster pitch, a climb up a narrow rift leads to a flat floored aven with sediment bank and haematite granules. Unclimbed

2024 Note: note sure if this has been pushed or not, ask Tanguy


Delta Blues


Ask James (or Matti) to write something up for this.

Blue Lagoon


Undescended 20m+ pitch after 10m hands and knees crawl over water pools at bottom of the "wet lead". Ongoing but would be a pain to drag drill bags, rope bags etc. over all the pools.

Author Ben Richards


Before the climb down to the lunch room in Karstaway, a chamber can be entered. Downwards in this chamber seems to reconnect to Karstaway but at the back a crawl leads off. Unexplored. From chamber, low passage at the far end (NW) leads in tight rift overlooking yet another way down to the Karstaway rift, closer to water chamber.

Rhys, Tanguy


Description From Sejna Soba, follow TTT route past Povezava (10m diameter) aven, into rift. At climb up to avoid the stream and just before the grape-like formations, a muddy crawl leads off the right-hand wall. Followed for 4-5m in small chambers

2024 Note: unlikely this has been touched, doubel check with Tanguy

Author(s) Tanguy


Description At the cross roads, the SE trending passage seems to continue at high level but requires a traverse line to be bolted and rigged (under the drops). Structurally the continuation of Stara Jama branch, if extended intersects the Alabaster passage. Speculate away!

2024 note: this was bolt climbed by Tanuy to Mudaholic then further by Davey and Jimmy to a chamber, possible to continue bolt climbing 20m, easier going than before

At very lowest level of cross-roads, possible to continue along the Batmere water to tight pitch head, possibly to another stream passage under Mandare? Requires some excavation to fit through.

2024 Note: very likely this connects to Karstaway, mudaholic didn't connect




20m crawl down tube enters cross-rift, on opposite wall hidden behind boulders is coninuation of tube, unpushed. 20m climb in ceiling at this point was done by James, but he didn't get to the end. Needs protection but still a lead. All other ways in mudaholic have been pushed.

Phreatic tube runs parallel to TTT 20m in the ceiling, so likely just to join back in higher up TTT. Not particularly exciting but worth a look. Doesn't require any gear at all as it's all rigged, you're just oushing a crawl.

Author(s) David 2024


Description At bottom of Hammerhead first pitch, water cascades down under boulders. The active waterway is unpushed. At bottom of the second pitch (Shonky) way down through boulders unpushed.

2024 Note: ask James or Tanguy, some area around here were badly surveyed



Description At bottom of the P18 in Hammerhead (take off through window), tight immature meander leads off into west wall. Climb through boulders leads perhaps to P6-7.

2024 Note: ask James or Tanguy, some area around here were badly surveyed


Dystentry (multiple)

Description Phreatic tube on right hand side off More Like Welding (up rope at Mighty Fine Indeed pitch) leads to Dysentry (needs PSSs). Suggest intial squeeze would benefit from capping to allow passage with drill and rope bags. After 10m crawl in phreatic tube a junction is reached. Straight ahead is undescended drippy pitch (at least 8m). To the left easy 4m climb enters rift. 2m Squeeze through rift (widening with drill would make passage easier) and follow continuing phreatic. Right at junction. Hole in floor is undescended, would be tight but has mud walls so could be widened. Continuing in phreatic straight ahead is possible dig, but main way to right leads to breakdown chamber. Straight ahead to the right is a boulder which could be moved using combined tactics (and or capping) drafting. Way on to left leads to boulder passage which drafts very strongly, would require capping and boulder hauling for further progess here. Note: This area is highly complex and located both near the edge of the cliff and above Upside Down Chamber.

2024 Note: Doesn't NEED capping, but would be nice so you don't need to wiggle in the mud, as there's a squeeze followed by a 180 degree rotation. Davey just about fits through. There is another squeeze afterwards but that one doesn't cover you in mud. The 8m hole pitch likely eventualy drops into Karstaway. Regarding the hole in the floor - Davey says in retrospect this is well grim.

Author Davey Dubz 2019 (remembered from 2018, Tanguy)

Climb above Quantum State


Following the traverse above quantum state in galerija passage, follow the carbide arrow and climb 10m into the ceiling to get into the higher level of the galerija phreatic passage. Traversing along the slope requires protection, Tanguy did this with nice grippy wellies but should eb protected. After this there's an obvious right hand crawl in the wall, suspected to be near TTT passage, and a 10m pitch which may or may not connect back into Karstaway. Up the 45 degree slope from the traverse it's possible to continue onwwards, but this also needs protection, as there's a large hole at bottom you may slide into.

Author Davey 2024

Glavobol (Slovene for headache)


Wet Slov lead beyond Donji Milanotac. Requires dry weather, as Izi did not talk about this kindly. 2 vertical drops and a window at the same point is how we believe this was left. The PSS later washed into Styx at the bottom of Prima, so they definitely connect. Slovs haven't been back now there's the nicer way down Klic Globin.

Author Davey 2024




At the bottom of the pitch, a 10m scary climb or a not scary short bolt climb reaches a window in wall. Opposite side of the shaft to where the rope drops down.

Author Davey Dubz 2024

Tranquility base/Moonraker Camp

From above the cooking area in Moonraker camp, two phreatic tubes lead off at ceiling level. The right hand one has been investigated and reconnects with Moonraker at the top of a muddy slope. The one on the left has not been investigated. It would be an easy 3m climb from camp using combined tactics, or 3 bolt-traverse from the other phreatic tube. Although it heads back towards the main Klic Globin rift, it may allow access to a higher level of the rift. Would knock some rocks down onto camp if not careful however.

Davey Dubz 2019

Moonraker Camp/Klic Globin rift

From above the water collection point near Moonraker camp, access to a higher level of the rift to a balcony (maybe) can be seen. It would be an easy climb up the slightly sloping wall of the rift, but would require some protection near the top, as the floor below is made of boulders and a hard landing would be troublesome.

Davey Dubz 2019


At the first pitch in Mouseleum (before the squeeze/chimney down) after the first rebelay a continuation of the Moonraker passage can be seen over the pitch. It would involve a 10m slightly ascending bolt traverse, and would then require a squeeze or climb over a boulder through a window. This might be one source of the Moonraker draught. A lower tier lead. Could be something to do while others dig chocolate river.

Davey Dubz 2019 (remembered from 2018)

Mouseleum 2

At the top of the final pitch in Mouseleum 2 (after you've seen the mouse) a phreatic tube was seen by Izi heading off at 45 degrees. James (2019) failed to find this lead so further conversation with Izi was had to try and nail down its position. Apparently you must traverse over the final pitch as far as you can (preferably on a rope) then look backwards and upwards. This lead is probably a climb. Really should have some protection as it's a 10m ish pitch below.

Davey Dubz 2019 (remembered from Izi 2018 and 2019)

Deveti Krog


Horiztonal passage from the bottom of Hades, Jana reported multiple leads with climbs up into the roof and a digable choke at the end. Not pushed hard as the team descended Styx instead. Klic Globin to Hades becomes inpassable during wet weather, but could hide in Deveti Krog if trapped while waiting for weather to pass.

Author Davey 2024


Chocolate River

Description From mouse chamber in Mouseleum, follow the bolts downward to the Chocolate River window just 5m above the last drop (need ~30-40m rope for this). Down through squeeze into small chamber, then squeeze on left of chamber through boulders to free climb (bring a sling) to land in another chamber. Squeeze down through bedding on left to land in muddy streamway - Chocolate River. At end of this, mud almost reaches ceiling with a 4cm gap with strong draft and continuation seen beyond. Mud relatively soft, so would be easy to dig with portable spade, but quite remote. Update: Rope now in place and secured to window. Free climb still needs a handline. Requires a rake for further progress, ceiling appears to be rising at end of dig.

Author(s) Davey Dubz 2018, Davey Dubz 2019 (from Jimmy Dubz)


Crack For Mice

At the bottom of the intitial large pitch of Karstaway a small passage leads off (besided the obvious large continuation of Karstaway) At the end is a squeezey pitch-head above a ~5m drop. It has been bolted and rigged and Clare managed to get through. I (Rhys) also managed to get through briefly but then had some trouble getting back through again. Would not take much to enlarge it and the passage is large beyond and continues. Update: Tanguy and Davey attempted to shout through between Crack For Mice and an aven below in Karstaway. There is a vocal connection between the chamber past the squeeze and the aven (upstream of the pitch), which would provide an easier way in if rigged.

Rhys, Davey Dubz 2019 (visited 2018)


Warp Core breach


Ubnsurveyed by Rhys as he accidently deleted the survey. Does have PSSs so would be very easy to redo. Bottom the "dry" lead below death star (athough not dry any more by this point). After Cantina Canyon a 10m pitch down leads to a 20m thrutchy crawl, a further 10m pitch and a climb up on the opposite wall of 5m (rigged). Then a tight squeeze is followed by a 10m pitch down to land in terminal warp core breach chamber. At this point a suspected duck continues on the opposte side to the pitch, and separarely a rope up leads to a higher level, a possible 10m bolt climb. You can see that the rift might widen higher up, but this is somewhat desperate. Might as well do this while waiting for someone to do the duck. Re-surveying would given about 42m.

Author(s) Davey Dubz 2019




Undescended shafts near Singing Rock pitch (Multiple)

Description Enter in M16 and after Mig Country continue traverse to Wishing Well. At end of Wishing Well rope, follow the passage towards Monatip (left) and traverse over 2 holes in floor. At junction rope goes off to right (Singing Rock Pitch). Up rope leads to remainder of Monatip. Down Rope leads to JSPDT rope bag (with rope in) being used to push Singing Rock pitch, which continues ~100m down surveyed as Coda, but James says it can be pushed through squeeze at bottom and continues draughting, chat to James. Other way at junction is 10m diameter shaft, Extra Dunkel. Traverse past this leads to a boulder breakdown, scary and loose, this could be dug similar to the M16 connection and could possibly lead to a further continuation of the walking phreatic passage. Potentially a grand prize for the brave if this is the continuation of NCB with a multitude of shafts off of it.

Approx 15 further undescended shafts have been noted (Jimmy 2019) by continuing through to Monatip. Use Wishing Well PSS.

Author Davey Dubz 2019 (and from Jimmy 2019)


After Singing Rock

Description After Singing Rock pitch, there's a 2m roped down climb. At this point, possible bolt climb in that cross rift, of which the first 5m are already done and continuing would be about 10m further. Small ledges and needs protection, with a tube off at the top. Good beginner/warm up bolt climb.

Author Davey 2024 (visited Davey, James, Arun 2023)



In Miles Underground on the left wall (looking deeper into the cave) possibly marked by a huge cairn (may be a large pile of boulders now) a crawl leads off. Its kind of halfway up the wall, on a ledge, hidden behind a boulder so its not easy to spot. Through the crawl a serious of small sand filled chambers are traversed eventually popping out into a much larger passage. A rift leads off and upwards to the right. A large chamber to the left has a continuation at the top (accesible without climbing probably?).


Davey Jones' Locker

Follow the streamway in Sic Semper Tyrannis downstream. Past a small perched sump. The stream drops away into a huge chamber, climb over this and find a pitch at the end of the passage. Descend into a large boulder filled chamber. A way on down into the boulders eventually brings you to a crawl which ends in a large pitch. The bottom can't be seen because of the slope of the rock. A large amount of water can be heard. Likely this is some connection with Lethe. It might enable you to bypass the sump (not sure what the blocker is really) at Lethe.



Large rift at end of Guillotine/Razor in Minotaur Rift. After a fairly long crawl the passage breaks out into a large rift (30m high). Someone suggested that this probably just connects with Milky Way in some way but survey shows that at least theres some metres to be had here.




Following the streamway from Cuckoo's Nest upstream and up a series of climbs to bypass waterfalls brings you eventually to a waterfall that no one has yet climbed up. It is probably possible though. Next people to go should probably rig the climbs with hand lines as they are a bit sketchy.


Jet Stream

At the apex of Jet Stream, it is possible to climb up rather than going down. Its not that big but it appears some of the draft is going this way. Bolts for protection as the wall is quite slanted most of the way up.

Also a crawl can be free climbed to which leads to the top of a small boulder filled chamber. Would need rope to safely descend into the chamber. It is possible that this is just the top of the boulder choke that you pass to get into Final Draft so it may go nowhere.


Hoover Dam

Aven climb. Right at the end of Hoover Dam Drippy sloping aven, almost free climbable. There is a place further back as well where it might be possible to climb up out of the drips and rejoin higher up.


To Infinity And Beyond

Aven climb. Rift gradually slopes upwards and narrows (1 or 2m wide), filling with boulders and debris. It is possible to free climb quite high in this but it gets scary. Seems to keep going, bolts needed for protection more than climbing.


Empty quarter

Aven climb. Unknown height. (Clare/Oli for more info)


Smashed Swede

Above head of Laurel, passageway can be seen departing in the distance. Stefan broke his leg here attempting it as a climb. Close to 'The Lost World' in sys-mig.

Rizla Rift

From enormous jammed boulder rebelay on Laurel, rift disappears off and above. Requires protection. Noticed by Tetley, Derig 2005.


Captain Kangaroo - Traverse + Mud Slump

From Traverse chamber (10m pitch after Bonus chamber), traverse round to rift that leads off. 20m later you arrive at a dodgy freeclimb into a second, sandy floored chamber. Follow the rift leading off to a pitch head (left rigged 2005). Descending a couple of metres arrives in a rift, which continues. Tight but passable.

Descending all the way (~8m from pitch head) takes you into a mud sump, obviously perched. A low crawl leads off to terminate at a wall. Possible dig.

Jarv, 2005

Minestrone/Kokain Lab

Two passage about 30m about pointing directly at each other. Passage looks very similair on both sides so they likely connect. On the Kokain Lab side it seems like the continuation is in the floor somewhere and is filled with very large boulders. On the Minestrone side I think the passage gets very low (flat out crawl) and also has rocks in.

Connecting them would create a possibly much easier route to the southern extensions via Big Rock/Balamory/Kokain.



In salvation (a sandy phreatic) at some point there is a junction where one way on is completely filled with sand. Would be an easy dig (lovely sand) but no way to know for how long you'd have to dig.



We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone leads off from Atlantis. At the end a squeeze leads into a larger chamber. I managed to pass through the squeeze and the passage continues as a bizarelly square shaped crawl with a rocky floor leading off. Small nodules of rock is the main crux of the squeeze so feather/wedges would make a big difference.


Choke A Bloke

Follow big passage (Meridian Way) south. At the end is a boulder choke a way on can be seen through a squeeze. Major obstacle is one small triangle of rock. Potential for use of explosives or even feather/wedges. (Oli/Clare for more info).


Captain Kangaroo - Olympic Rift

Very end of Captain K; rift becomes increasingly tight. Large echo beyond, drafting. Something very large. Rift was forced to this point with hammer + mad Polish cave diver.

Jarv, from Rik's description of 2005

Hoover Dam

Just before the aven climb at the end of Hoover Dam a crawling sized tube leads into the wall sloping steeply upwards. It's possible to follow this tube for a long way before there's a sudden vertical section downwards. It was too tight to pass. maybe if you start stripping. Not so obvious the passage improves beyond but it would seem odd for it just to close down.


Slinging in the Rain

In the Slinging in the rain chamber (after the first small pitch) traverse over the next pitch via the right hand wall. A crawl leads off on the other side. The way is blocked by two large boulders. Likely would need some capping but the passage continues the same on the other side and hopefully would bypass the perched sump.


Straight Jacket

Tight squeeze at end of tight streamway series. Clare was put off by it. Note more for posterity than suggestions that anyone should go back.



Upstream wet and tight. Only really pushed by Mike though (who is quite large).



At the bottom of happy monday a small passage leads off someway above the floor. It has been climbed to and the end is constricted. Persuasive method used on it and its very close to being passable now. Strong draught.





(Bottom of Zimmer), last visit 2004

Sys Mig


Leki Pot

Leki Pot is at the west end of NCB passage, on the north side (right as you go in), just before the last big pitch off NCB. Description

A small shitty, spiky passage leads to an 8m pitch. At the bottom the pitch, about 2m off the floor, there is a small tube, about 3m long, which breaks out into a ~25m dry pitch.

2024 Note: people have tried to find this but Tetley may have completely forgotten

Rigging Guide
Sling round a natural for the 8m pitch. Possibly, a sling could be useful for getting into the tube. The ~25m pitch is unbolted. State of Exploration

The ~25m pitch has not been descended. On either side of the pitch there are two large windows which could lead to horizontal passages. This will require traversing round the top of the pitch (bolting). Survey details

stn leki.2 is a bolt mark at the top of the ~25m pitch.

Jan Evetts, 2000





Follow Exhibition Rd past Spirit of Elvis. Climb down large boulder climb, follow Exhibition road round to the left and the first pitch on the left is Skalar. Descend Skalar and enter rift (Dogmatix). At the end of Dogmatix is Asterix pitch head (v. tight). Go down Asterix (wet at bottom of pitch). Climb up to sandy platform at top of Obelix. Description

Obelix is a huge 80m deep shaft with a ledge about 20m below the pitch head. The first hang is dry, becoming spray-lashed below the first rebelay. At the bottom of the pitch, the water collects and runs into a small chamber (on the left as you face the open space). Then it drops drops a small pitch and disappears into a low rift passage. Up the climb at the bottom of the pitch leads to a high passage on the right (~1.5m wide) which curves round to the left. Following this passage leads to a small pitch (Getafix) on the left. Continuing the passage straight on leads to top of undecended pitch.

Rigging Guide

Backup starts at a bolt in wall far from the pitch head. First hang is a Y-hang from a bolt in the left wall and a natural around a rock spur on the right. Next re-belay is bolt on the ledge 20m below. Descend c. 15m and swing left to next bolt, then a further 15m and slightly to the left to the final bolt hang. Those of a nervous dipsotion may wish to take a hammer to the scary sharp rock close to the rope immediately beneath the final bolt.

State of Exploration
The small pitch at the bottom of Obelix leads to a small rift, probably too small but might be passable after hammering. An undescended pitch exists next to survey station Obelix.12 (see above), around 25m.Getafix has an unexplored rift heading towards the bottom of the Paradiso series around 50m away. Survey details

Survey station 12 is a carbide mark next to the tag at the pitch head found by following the passage from the base of Obelix.

Thomas Ayles and Clewin Griffith, 2000


Getafix is found by following the passage at the base of Obelix to a opening in the left side wall immediately before a 1.5m climb up to near survey station 12.

Getafix is two small pitches, the first a hang of around 5m, the next around 8m, leading to three merged chambers with an interesting pool formation, mud-marks on the otherwise clean-washed walls and small highly polished multi-coloured pebbles. Three rifts lead on from each of the three chambers (see later).

Rigging Guide

The backup is a bolt in the wall at the opening. The rope protector can be used immediately below this. The next hang is an obvious bolt. This leads to a floor, close by is a rift opening with another bolt leading to the chambers. State of Exploration

Of the three rifts, one is too small to pass (past the pool formation), one could be hammered but shows no signs of changing size whilst the third is a rift carrying water that is large enough to enter though will require artistic rigging/bolting. The survey shows that this rift is heading towards the Paradiso series (145 Mag.) around 50m away and is as such an interesting lead.

Survey details
Station 1 is a pencilled in started bolt next to the rift lead, stations 6, 8 & 10 are the bolts from the bottom up and station 14 is Obelix station 14.

Thomas Ayles and Clewin Griffith, 2000




(NCB Passage), last visit 1996?

Spiny Norman

(M16), last visit?

Small Caves

Hawk Cave

Descend cave from single bolt belay, natural thread backup, rebelay on cleft in rock. Passages off in many directions; long phreatic (?) crawl that ends at gravel pile. Seems to be traverse + continuation round to the left from the pitch-head / rebelay ledge. Very very briefly looked at after dropping the pitch due to inclement weather...

Jarv, 2006

Moth Cave

Exciting prospect; dig heading East in protected cave between two large shakeholes above Hotel Tolminka.

Jarv, 2006

HairDryer / East Pole region?!
Keyhole / Postcard

Keyhole cave and postcard cave are very near the bivvy. The easyest way to describe them is to start from the edge of the shakehole with hare cave in. Facing towards primadoni direction hare cave is on the left side of the shake hole. Basically you are standing above postcard cave. It is in a smaller shakhole behind you. The entrance is a very low thin bedding plane that immediately breaks into an 'impressive' entrance phreatic tube with a choked draughting rift in the floor. This looks like many other entrances, so the way to confirm is that keyhole cave should also be present in the shakehole. Still facing the same way (i.e. away from the shakehole towards the hare cave shakehole), keyhole cave is on the left side and is almost completely invisible unless you are standing in exactly the right place. Entrance is a lovely phreatic keyhole about 1m high and really very hidden. The cave follows this shape for a couplle of metres before ending in a choked small chamber. Not that interesting but a great entrance - would make a supurb start to a trip.

Ben Ogbourne, Written Spring 2007, remembered from 2004 expo