Compiler File

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January 22, 2019 16:14

Creating a .thconfig file

Let's go back to our compiler window in xtherion, as below.

the compiler window

The top window is where we'll be writing the code in the following steps, the bottom window is where the output info, warning and errors are displayed during the compilation of the map.

First, let's open a new file and save it as M19.thconfig.

Then, in the top window, we need to detail the source files we would like to compile, in our case,, and what kind of output we would like. For starters, let's display the centreline on a pdf. Type the following code:

export map -projection plan -o M19_plan.pdf

and click on the clockworks icon in the middle of the screen to run the compilation.

First of all, the compilation should show a green box, indicating a successful render of the centreline.

successful compilation

Navigate to the tutorial folder and notice that some additional files have appeared. therion.log, a transcript of the compilation run and M19_plan.pdf, our output file.

new files created

Let's open the pdf and notice how the the centreline and splays are displayed. There's a north arrow (here magnetic north, we will see later how this can be corrected), a scale and a few summary data about the cave like depth and length.

overview of centreline

Including the scraps

Let's delve into why the drawn walls, blocks etc... we clearly saw in the .th2 file did not appear yet on our survey.

Opening in a text editor of your choice, find the following lines:

# input "M19-1p.th2"
# input "M19-1s.th2"

The data recorded in the .th2 files is for the moment commented out. Let's remove the hashes here and look at the following lines:

  # map m1p -projection plan
  #   M19-1p
  # endmap
  # map m1s -projection extended
  #   M19-1s
  # endmap

These map objects are also commented out. We have a map called m1p which contains the M19-1p scrap object. Let's also uncomment these six lines and run the compilation again.

Below, we find that the PDF produced now contains a whole lot more information, namely, all the walls, points, pits, blocks etc... are nicely rendered.

success_overview fourth pitch pdf fourth pitch therion

Let's start editing the drawing

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