ICCC Journals


This is a repository of the newsletters/journals that the ICCC has produced over its history. If you think you have a copy of one of our publications that isn't present here please get in contact, e-mail address is on the left. Like everything else on this website all this material is under a Creative Commons licence.





President's Piece
I.C.C.C. goes to France
Easterwater - A 'Banging' Trip to the New Extension
The Gear Column
 - Underground Clothing
 - Light-Weight Lunacy
 - Alternative Caving Lamps
Debbie's Tit-Bits



1984 Spring Term Cavig Meets
Caving Trip Reports
 - Derbyshire 4-6 Nov. 1983
 - Yorkshire 18-20 Nov. 1983
 - South Wales 2-4 Dec. 1983
The Gear Column
 - Ladders and Lifelines
 - Fractionement et Deviation
Debbie's Tit-Bits



1984 Summer Term Caving Meets
Caving Trip Reports
 - Mendip 13-15 Jan. 1984
 - Yorkshire 26-28 Jan. 1984
 - South Wales 10-12 Feb. 1984
 - Derbyshire 24-26 Feb. 1984
 - Yorkshire 9-11 Mar. 1984
The Gear Column
 - 'Noeuds Amortisseurs'
 - Useful knots to know
"That would make a good picture"
Cavernas del Peru
"It looks a bit desperate"
Debbie's Tit-bits



No contents in original:
1985 Spring Term Caving Meets
Editorial: ICCC Meets / Expedition Policy 1985 Onwards
Caving Trip Reports
 - Mendip Otter Hole 22-24 Jun. 1984
Solo Caving - The Little Neath Incident
Underground Survival
And Outwards Bound Summer
Re-Belays - How to pass them
The Red Bolts
Guidlines for cliquey trips
Character Assasination Supplement
Cave Wars Part 1
Cave Wars Part 2
Caving Crossword



Committee & Activities
Stop Press: French Tour 1985
A Hundred Years of Caving
Letters to the Editor
Singularly Ropey Technique
More Letters
Whernside - A Comment
Meets List 1985/1986
Who should be next year's President?
Pre-election BRiefing
Yer Actual Welsh
Crossword Solution
Cave Wars Part 3
Cavers Wordsearch (completed)



Committee and 1985/1986 Meets List
 - Expedition Policy
 - CRO Donation Thankyou
 - Whernside Closure
 - Not the Boys from Brazil (Peru Expo)
 - Cave Instructor Training Course (Whernside)
 - South Pembrokeshire - England's Second Major Caving Area
 - Debolting
 - A History of Vertical Caving
 - 'Bear Rug' Cartoon
 - Caving Ropes
 - The Caving Sit-Harness
 - The National Caving Conferance 21 Sept. 1985
The Caveway Code
Caving Crossword
Back-Stabbing Supplement
 - Cave Wars Part 4
 - Mendips Caving
 - Quote Competition



Committee and 1986-1987 Meets List
Expedition Extravaganza
 - Italy Summer 1987
 - Cananda Expedition 1986
 - Update on Peru
 - Operation Raleigh PHase 4B Souther Chile
    A personal Report by UK Venturer Debbie Armstrong
Cavers Echoes
 - REPTILE Dodgi-Guides Ltd; A Holiday with a difference!
 - REPTILE GUIDEs - Exodus Expeditions Trekking
 - 'Fixed aids in Caves'; Point for Reflection
A History of Underground Lighting
Caverns Measureless to Man (Survey Problems)
 - 'Longueur? - Hargn!' Cartoon
Back-Stabbing Section
 - Speleo Speal
 - Cave Warts Part 5
Letters to the Editor
 - Return to the Harrison Values?
 - A Worried Caver Writes
Caving Acrostic
Crossword Solution
Tackle-Bag Cartoon



Committee & 1987/8 Meets List
The Real Cave Wars
Cave Photography - A Simple Guide
Modern Vertical Technique
Imperial College Caving Club - The First 25 Years Part 1
 - Rumbling Hole Survey (1968)
 - Trou D'anaffed, Taza Maroc Survey (1971)
 - Lost Johns' Maypole Passage Extension Survey (1972)
Cave Wars - Part 6
Caving Crossword



Committee 1987/8
President's Report 1987-88
Tickbox President's Report
Imperial College Caving Club - The First 25 Years Part 2
 - Morocco Surveys (1979)
 - Photo of Tripa Tis Nifis, Astraka, Greece
 - La Sima de Iraca, Ninabama, Peru Survey (1984)
 - Daily Telegraph June 12 1986 Clipping
Summer Tour '88
Caving in the Apuan Alps of Northern Italy
 - Antro del Corchia
 - Complesso Figiera-Farolfi-Corchia Location Map
Caverns, Chasms, Hollows & Holes
The Hydrologo of the Uchkupisjo River Cave, Ninabamba, Peru
 - The Prospects for further exploration
 - Introduction
 - History of Exploration
 - Comparison of Hydrological Observations
 - Conclusions
Cave Wars - Part 7
Cryptic Caving Crossword



Committee 1988-1989
President's Piece
Summer Tour '89
Spain 88
South East Cave Rescue Organisation
A cautionary 'tail
Much Ado about Nothing
 - A supplement to the 'History of Underground Lighting' Issue 7
Leonardo da Vinci: Inventor of the multi-scender?
So That's the Reason you go caving!!?
OLM Enterprises Present
 - Episode 1: The Great Caving Adventure
Answers to 'Caverns, Chasms, Hollows & Holes' Issue 9
Caving Crossword
Caving Supplies Ltd. (Spoof) Advert



Editorial & President's Bit
 - A Fresher's Eye View of IC3
Annual Report
Summer Tour
A Name - What's in a Name?
 - Various Cave Entrance Photos
 - Beachy Head Cave, Eastbournce, Survey
Solution to crossword Issue 10
Nylon Highway (A Critical Review)
Caverns, Chasms, Hollows & Holes
OLM Enterprises Present
 - Episode 2: The Darkness Beckons
For Sale



Speleology (But Mostly Other Things) in Sunny South Africa
Caving in America
So What Happened Anyway?
 - The Truth About Bullpot.
 - Photos of the Rescue
 - Rescue Rigging Guide (Bullpot)
A Name - What's in a Name? Part 2
Winter Alpine Caving
 - Reseau Jean Bernard Survey
Answers for Issue 11



President's Report
Dave's Piece
'89 Summer Tour in the Vercors, France
'89 Summer Tour to the Vercors - Part II
 - Into the Lair of the Damned
 - Antre Des Damnes Survey
The Czech Visit, August 1989
Christmas Visit to the Jura 1990
 - Gouffre de Gros-Gadeau Survey
 - Baume des Cretes Survey
 - Gouffre du Paradis Survey
 - Reseau du Verneau Survey
The Library
The Italian Contact
In Search of the Long Formations of Wookey
Caverns, Chasms, Hollows & Holes
The Duties of Club's Officers
Answers for Issue 12
Brits on the Piss Tour '89 (or, The Last Great Caving Adventure)



President's Piece
 - IC3 Through the Eyes of a Fresher
 - First Impression of IC3
 - The Concerns of the Old Lags
Summer Tour '90 - The Alternative Expedition
 - Reseau de la Den de Crolles (Survey)
Cuevas y Habichuellas (Dominican Republic)
 Or: What I did in the summer holidays
Strange but True
A Name - What's in a Name? Part 3
A Few Rules about Using Club Gear
Why Knot? - Why Not
Story Time - A Night in the Cave
Hanging Around London in the Summer!
Caving Crossword / Word Fit
Answers for Issue 11



Rob's Bit
Easter Visit to France
 - Reseau Bel Espoir_Diau Survey
 - Reseau du Verneau Survey
Fermanagh - N. Ireland Christmas Tour 1990
 - Area Map
Radon in British Caves
Dangling on a Silken Web of Steel
A Name - What's in a Name? Part 4
Cave Formations
 - Chemistry
 - Stalagmites and Stalactites
 - Curatins and Draperies
 - Helectites
 - Flowstone
 - Rimstone Pools
Chasms, Caverns, Hollows and Holes
Caving Crossword / Word Fit
Now and Then
Members' Addresses



Bron's Burble
Gear Review: Malham Carbide Generator
Classic Caving on Monte Canin
Slovenia 1991
Postojna: 170 Years of Tourism
Under Durres: A Reconnaissance of Albania
Deep Throat!
Classic Caving: Operation -1000
Soviet Descender Designs
ICCC Tours & Expeditions
Rough Guide to the History of Caving
Story Time: Goodbye Cruel World
Make Your Own Stalactites
Now and Then
Cover: Visitors to Postojna Jama in 1896



Tim's Bit
Deep in the South of France
Noises in the Deep
Belgium '92 - The Trou Story
Shock Treatment!
The Caves of Easter Island
Hot Stuff!!
Speleo Statistics
Cavers Measureless to Man
The Upper Crust
South-East Cave Rescue Organisation
Hooked on Heavy Metal?
Seeing the Error of their Ways
Story Time: A Wild Stab in the Dark
Quote - Unquote
Mountains of Rubbish
Chasms, Caverns, Hollows & Holes
Ten Little Cavers
Magic Mushrooms
Now & Then
Cover: In Close to the Edge of the Road,
Vancouver Island, by Linda Heslop.
From Nylon Highway (USA) 34 (1991).



IC3 Events 1993
Jim's Bits
One Drop Too Many?
Subterranean Campsite Blues
Damned Hard Work
Classic Caving
Ronda Reconnaissance
Quote - Unquote
Omani Caving
Bats & Balls
Dominican Republic Update
Slaughter Stream Cave
Old Knot New
Sex, Sex, Sex !!
A Wild Stab in the Dark (part 2)
Chasms, Caverns, Hollows & Holes
All the Vice Girls Love an Abseiler
Aggie get your gun
From your northern digging correspondent
Just a little dig
Dirty Old Rhyme



Mark's Missive
Meets List 1995
ICCC Tours & Expeditions
Jurassic Lark
Slovenian Reccy
"The Cave was Surveyed"
Dear Diary
A flapjack too far
Brain Drain
More Bullshit
Blind but not Bland
Gaping Gill - the really sporting way
Forest of Dean Cavers' Fair 1994
Otter Hole
Carbine Connections
Cavers, Chasms, Hollows & Holes
Over Exposed?!?
Renassance Rope Techniques



Tony's Tit-Bits
Vercors - Easter '95
Strange - But True !
Slovenia '95
 - The Winter Recce
 - Using a GPS for cave locating
 - The Hole Story
 - Pushing the Limits
 - The Discovery of Godzilla
 - Dear Diary
 - Torn T-Shirt Cave Survey
Much Ado About Nothing
A Short Walk (and a long crawl) in Daren
Bicycle Clips
A First Descent
An Alpine Start
Northern Exposure
Surface contour visualisation for cave survey software
To boldy cave where no man has caved before
London Under London
Getting level with Europe
A Patron Saint For Cavers
Speleo-Statistics 1995



Presidents REports
Deep Intentions - PSM '96
Prints of Darkness
Subterranean Clambers - Dent de Crolles '97
Chuting Stars
A Comedy of Errors - Belgium '97
Famous Five go to Majorca '98
Slovenia '94 - '97
 - Adventures in the Hollow Mountain
 - Migovec Survey, 1997
 - Slaves to the System
 - Discovering Level 2
 - A Pitch too Far
 - Onion Bhajis & Deep Fried Mars Bars
Caving Potential in Laos
A letter of Antartica
Ethiopia '98 - In search of the Holy Grail
Sistema Purification, Mexico
Tales and Exploits in the Imperial System
The Kensington Master Cave
Trees or Tarmac? The Caving Connection
The Secret Life of Ascenders
The Nature of Caves and Caving
Facts & Phalluses... ... Nobs & Nobility
Speleo-Statistics 1998
Caving? Oh No!



Separate Chapters:
Introduction and Pre-Expedition
1994 A frustrating start to ICCC's Slovenian Exploration
1995 Winter Recce Blowing holes through snow indicate great potential
1995 Perserverance leads to the first breakthrough
1996 Three caves connected, major horizontal development
1997 Camping at -600m, pushing to -970m
1998 Another deep year camping in System Migovec
1999 Higher leads in the system pushed & surveyed
2000 Year of the Rain: Vrtnarija (Gardeners' World) found & pushed to -400m
2001 Year of the Sun: Hard pushing leads to Friendship Gallery at -550m
2003 A new underground Bivvi: Camp X-Ray
2004 Vast horizontal development continues at -800m
2005 More pushing in GW while plateau further explored
2006 No expedition, but a long Autumn recce
Geology Spelegenosis and Geology of the Tominski Migovec plateau, by Dr Paul Huggins
Sponsorship and Thanks



Economics of Cave Photography
Chelsea College Caving Club Expedition to Yugoslavia 1971
Trou du Glaz
Lost Johns:
 - Lyle Cavern High Level Series Large Aven
 - In Flood
Another Episode in the Leck Fell Story
Imperial College Caving Club High Atlas Expedition
Gouffre Berger:
 - Description
 - Tackle List
 - Politics
Peterson Pot
Notes and News
 - Lost Johns Large Aven
 - Kahaf Umal Almanjum Athaletha
 - Jfre ou Tageuileit
 - Jfre ou Drasse
 - Mitkane Area, Morocco
 - Gouffre Berger
 - Peterson Pot

Proteus 2008.1

7th Jan 2008

ICCC Proteus 2008.1

A new paper newsletter in 2008? Are we mad? No - its Retro!

Dive in for hyperlinks galore & something to finally explain to Aunt Edna exactly what it is you do at the weekend.

Presidential Soap Box
Easter Tour 2008 (Croatia)
Publication of The Hollow Mountain (1974-2006)
Club T-Shirt Design & Where is ICCC Journal #23? & Our Faces are Legends
Summer Expedition: Votla Gora 2008 (Slovenia)
Quick Report on Winter Tour 2007 (Yorkshire)
Avalanche Inlet in Gaping Gill: IC Aven Climb in 1973
The Rescue Tacklesac – Provision of Emergency Equip on Club Trips
Trip Reports Autumn 2007:
Yorks II (Nov '07)
Mendips I (Nov '07)
Derby I (Nov '07)
Yorks I (Oct '07)
Wales I (Oct '07)
Collectable Technique Guide #1

"Damn inspiring stuff."
"Soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent."

Migovec Journals

Our journals regarding the (mostly) annual expedition to the Migovec System in Slovenia, The Hollow Mountain volumes I and III, are available at the linked page.