Large Pot


Country: United Kingdom
Region: Yorkshire
Subregion: Masongill
System: New Rift Pot/Large Pot

###Location Park at the water treatment station by Masongill. This is essentially the end of the tarmac on the road that goes onto the fell through Masongill. Continue walking straight up the the Turbary Lane and after 10 minutes you will enter a new field. Shortly after the lane turns 90 degrees to the right. Do not turn right. Instead keep walking straight up the field with the wall on your left. Eventually a fenced off shakehole will be visible at the end of the field. This is Small Pot (?). In a smaller shakehole directly adjacent to the fence is the entrance to Large Pot. It is covered by a metal plate. ###Cave The second pitch of Large has a very tight, very awkward pitch head. It would be unwise for anyone not proficient at SRT to attempt it. There is also an extended muddy stoop/crawl section before the final pitch that would challenge the less fit.


Report Date
Yorkshire III 2020-01-11
Yorkshire IV 2019-01-12
Yorkshire III 2018-01-20
Yorkshire 0 2016-09-24
Yorkshire IV 2012-03-24
Yorkshire Winter Tour 2008-12-19
Yorkshire IV 2007-03-10
Yorks V 2005-06-25
Yorks V 2005-06-25
1995-1996 1995-12-16
1986-1987 1987-04-17
1986-1987 1987-03-22
1984-1985 1984-11-03
1983-1984 1984-03-24
1983-1984 1984-03-24
1983-1984 1983-12-30
1983-1984 1983-12-17