Behold, the AutoCHRISy!
Another year, another AGM, another round of RON's attempts, in vain, to derail the club's glorious future prospects. This year's AGM was in fact in a random room in RSM due to the Union Bar being booked up, but we made the most of the occasion by turning off all lights and handing out pixas, together with the lack of deafening racket from the union made for a shockingly enjoyable evening!
Congratulation to the impending committee of the autoCHRISy!
And, as always, our commiserations to the winners of the following awards (all of which managed to feature Julien):
Herman Herz: Julien, Leo and Perry, for Perry's second collapse in Slov, on a trip specifically intended to calm nerves after Perry's last attempt to demolish the system. Julien and Perry then went on to escape once again via the dreaded Cloaca Maxima before huddling in a bothy bag for many an hour awaiting rescue.
For Evans' Sake: Julien and Laura, for "the shoe incident" in Slov. Not one, but two entire shoes managed to fall into the forbidden depths of "the pit". Both shoes were rescued and disinfected to fight another day, at great personal cost.
Prose and Cons Voted in this same AGM to highlight a year of unusually many outstanding quality reports, this award highlights the best write up of the year, allowing us to reminisce about the most gripping page turners we'd had the pleasure to peruse. The inaugural award goes to Julien for his truly epic multi-chapter novel of a write up about the collapse and subsequent escape mission mentioned above.