Dear all prospective and existing members of ICCC,

This is the obligatory COVID-19 declaration. It’s been (and still is) a rotten year, and things aren’t going to be business as usual for a long time. Deepest commiserations to this year’s freshers for their unacceptably sober start to university life. As things stand, with a 6 person cap on social activities, and a suspension of face-to-face-activities, minibus hire and overnight stays by the union, the club won’t be going caving again until spring term.

When the union rules allow, we will run our usual SRT (single rope techniques) training sessions in Princes’ Gardens using a booking system. New members are strongly encouraged to attend - it’s a great way to get to know each other and to gain skills that you’ll need when we go underground again. In the meantime, join us for virtual pub nights every tuesday from 6pm via the link which is sent out to our mailing list at 5:30 the same day (sign up to our mailing list here). Between pub nights we can spend all that free time our lecturers/ supervisors/ bosses seem to think we have getting misty-eyed browsing past trip reports and planning our glorious return.

Wishing everyone well,

ICCC committee