Recent Trips
Date Destination Hut Caves
Easter Easter Tour Sardinia Sardinia

Hi there! Welcome to the Imperial College Caving Club.

If you're new here, check out this video to see what we're all about:

If you're interested in caving, this is the place to try it out. Feel free to have a look around at some recent trip reports to learn about what we do, and look here for a brief summary. If you have any questions, just send us an email at, or find us at the pub every Tuesday from 6pm - we'll be in 568 or the Union Bar, probably wearing a noticeably muddy helmet.

During termtime we'll be running weekend trips every two weeks or so, with sign-up emails being sent out to the mailing list. The first two trips to Wales won't require any training or experience at all - you can just sign up and come along, and we'll provide all the equipment you need.

We'll be running rope training sessions every Wednesday, 1-5pm in Princes Gardens during Autumn term, where you can familiarise yourself with the equipment and SRT (single rope technique). You can just turn up and stay for as long as you like; just look for some people hanging in trees next to the Ethos sports centre. These skills will be used on trips to Yorkshire and Derbyshire, where the caves are predominantly vertical.


Snow Snow and more Snow. Despite all odds we even managed to go caving! A Sunday of laze, igloo building and sledging rounded off a fantastic weekend.

Christmas Dinner is made, Long Kin West ceases to exist, Trapdoor happens (many times), Knock felled. All in all a very successful tour!


KYW is ded. Bangor was there.


A superb weekend of internet stardom, film set glamour, minibus roof-riding terror and we even went caving (with death defying waterfalls!) all from the trusty NPC, now with SRT rig and upgraded drying room. What a weekend!


Naturally for the smallest hut we gathered together the largest number of people possible until we had 2.5x as many people as there were beds. The upside of having an unreasonable number of people was an unresaonable amount of fun! With both freshers and lags abound, this weekend was certainly a cracking one!


Ogof Fynnon Ddu II with our new cavers, a certified classic. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.


One final Yorkshire trip before the next wave of novices descends upon the club! Given a weekend at the Red Rose, a large trip to Easegill was compulsory on the Saturday, followed by trips to Bull Pot of the Witches, and Cow Pot on Sunday.


A weekend of first aid training and a couple of classic trips in Easegill and Kingsdale. A good end to a wonderful year. Roll on expo!


A weekend away in the sun at our summer house in the North, the one and only NPC. With 3 exchanges in one weekend, glorious sunshine, a tour of a battery research facility and KYW nearly putting an end to our holiday before it began, this was the best weekend trip since Y5 2023.


While not strictly a club trip, and with most people bailing on the weekend altogether, this unusual trip involved 3 brave souls joining an overnight digging trip in the far reaches of Aggy with friend of the club Alex Stacey. And as if all that wasn't weird enough already, the largest geomagnetic storm in 25 years gave us an incredible viewing of the Northern Lights on Friday evening as a good omen. So of course this trip had to be written up.