
First tour of the millenium 3rd to 9th January, four members of IC flew out to Stockholm and then took an internal flight to Ümea to stay with Swedish friends, before driving over to near Bodo in arctic Norway.

Christmas tour in Yorkshire

Logbook reports of the club's weekend trips during academic year 1999-2000.

To escape the atrocious London weather, a unanimous decision was taken to go on a trip to Mallorca during the Easter holidays.

Weekend meets from the logbook reports of 1998-1999.


The Famous Five go to Majorca in Easter 1998, as described by Shed.

Mark and Jim Evans went to Ethiopia in 1998, here are the photos.

Alva's account of the Dent de Crolles 1997.


Trips throughout academic year 1984-1985.


Trips throughout academic year 1983-1984 - the year when Dave Wilson joined the club.