There's now a report of what we got up to in Russia this year with no planning, a brilliant guide and a small amount of vodka. Check out the photos too.


Caving in Yorkshire


Trois Betas to Diau (France) - June 2002


Colm goes caving in Fermanagh at the Irish Student Caving Forum.


We're back from another cracking Easter tour. Check out the trip report and photos.


Mr B drives... and drives and drives. Andy does Pippikin 3 times. The fifth element is discovered.


Check out Colm's report of his trip to Fermanagh with Hugh and Jerry here. We await photos.


Logbook reports of weekend trips taking place during the autumn term of 2001.


Easter tour to Spain

At the end of March, seven of us flew to central Europe to discover if there was any truth to tales of a land where beer costs less than petrol... and to do some caving. We weren't disappointed.