New Zealand caving is completely different to UK caving: we are staying in a hut, the roads to the caves are awful and the food is mostly lentils. Due to horrific weather, we have been unable to convince a helicopter pilot to risk his life and career by flying us and our heavy, heavy equipment up the mountain. Whilst we wait for this apocalyptic storm to pass, we cower in the Nelson Speleological Group's extremely cute hut in Takaka hill.

The effects of jet lag are severe. Our mental faculties are not what they once were. Tanguy descends often into fits of giggling, and of course caves.

Yesterday we went to the beach, and met with some NZ cavers that gave us loads of good advice, and camped at a little campground in a secluded valley. Today we spent an hour and a half buying all the food and supplies for the expedition, arriving at the supermarket at 0700 and ending up with literally all the peanuts, raisins and lentils in the store. We then drove to Takaka Hill.

Kieran showed us a cave about 100m from the hut. This was excellent as when we got to the bottom we could send Alex back for cookies and water. The cave was quite loose, but very pretty and felt unexplored. Rhys chickened out of a grim crawl in the final lead that we tried to push.

Tomorrow we will get very wet and try to get a tire repaired that has been left too long thanks to Jesus and Easter. Please someone stop James from writing a log book entry again.

The effects of jet lag are severe.

Jack Hare