Sledi Vetra Tweets

2012 Tweets

Static Archive of Tweets from @ICCC

6:08 PM, Aug 14, 2012

@iccc Connection made at ~-650m by Apollo (Queen's BC climb, Vrtnarija) and Milky Way passage linking into Waterloo (SysMig).

5:37 PM, Aug 14, 2012

HISTORIC DAY: System Migovec connected to System Vrtnarija, total length 24.9km, overall depth 975m. Longest cave in Slovenia!

7:31 PM, Aug 12, 2012

Apollo, the climb in Queen's bed chamber, goes to Milky Way, 420m of passage. Vrtnarija now 13462m long.

4:29 PM, Aug 11, 2012

Climb in Queen's Bed Chamber GOES! Tales of 400m+ of new passage but not yet surveyed. All well up top.

2:51 PM, Aug 10, 2012

Cave Stats: Sysmig and Vrtnarija now respectively 7th and 10th Deepest, 6th and 4th Longest in Slovenia.

11:12 PM, Aug 9, 2012

Choke at end of Minestrone dug for 6 hours...It 13m of passage & another choke.Bolt climb in Queen's Bed Chamber progressing well

5:16 PM, Aug 9, 2012

A quick screenshot of the 4th Aug Sysmig/Vrtnarija data, almost facing West, coloured by date. From Migovec to Kuk!

4:57 PM, Aug 9, 2012

BIG ROCK parallel shaft connects to SODA STREAM.Extensions below XANADU now tied into http://survey.Rain.UG camping continues.

11:38 AM, Aug 8, 2012

M2/Vrtnarija connection attempted again, drilling in M2 heard from Vrtnarija side, but human sized passage elusive.

10:05 AM, Aug 7, 2012

WATERSHIPDOWN,climb made above lake at -900m,gaining continuation of inclined bedding plane to overlook another crystal clear still lake.

7:48 PM, Aug 6, 2012

Finds continue, as does the sun. VRTNARIJA now 12.6km, more data to be entered. BIG ROCK bolt traverse into deep parallel shaft.

10:04 PM, Jul 31, 2012

Audible connection! Drilling on the M2 side was heard near Kill'em All in Vrtnarija. But is there a human sized route between the two?

7:23 PM, Jul 29, 2012

XANADU pushed into EUPHRATES, muddy to the point of instruments becoming unreadable, but leads to draughting undropped pitch.

7:20 PM, Jul 29, 2012

However, big news is LOST MILES chiselled open to 650m of walking passage, multiple leads left. MINOTAUR RIFT continuation found (85m).

7:17 PM, Jul 29, 2012

HOT PANTS pitch dropped into WHY THE FACE? (WTF) unstable collapse. Bolt climb made in the chamber above the traverse.

7:13 PM, Jul 29, 2012

Pushes near camp, LOWER PLEASURES extended into YORKSHIRE, stream passage dipping at strangely shallow 15 degrees.

12:16 PM, Jul 24, 2012

Data processed, VRTNARIJA now 11.410km/899.73m . 385m of new passage found. Very windy on mountain, new teams depart for UG camp.

11:45 AM, Jul 23, 2012

Dig from FRIENDSHIP GAL. pushed to 30m high rift, sumps, waterfalls.MADCOW sump bypass attempt led to INSOMNIA, bypassing REPUBLCA pitch.

11:43 AM, Jul 23, 2012

SALVATION pushed through a BRAVE NEW WORLD of boulder chokes.No stream - howling draught!THRONE ROOM has two drill bolted leads(HOT PANTS).

8:14 AM, Jul 23, 2012

First explo team out.VRTNARIJA almost certainly below 900m with WATERSHIP DOWN leading from WINTER JOURNEY to beautiful crystal clear sump.

11:21 AM, Jul 20, 2012

Next 3 night explo team setting off, including this tweeter! So no updates likely till Tues, when we should have some new finds to report.

10:41 PM, Jul 19, 2012

Campers return, only one thing forgotten, toilet paper! Log book pages sufficed. First pushing team off. Weather forecast stormy.

3:12 PM, Jul 18, 2012

Tues: VRTNARIJA rigged to Concorde -300m in two waves. Wed: rigging to -400m, then 4 person team to Camp X-Ray -550m (8 tackle sacks).

10:07 PM, Jul 16, 2012

16 up! Stoves fixed, meths mislabelled as petrol. Heavy lifters made light work of the carries, plan to rerirg VRTNARIJA from tomorrow.

10:54 PM, Jul 15, 2012

15 now on mountain. Masses carried up already, thunder hail storms. Mini stove disaster, both non working, suspect fuel confusion/contamin!

11:19 AM, Jul 15, 2012

Up at 6AM, gear + 9 to Ravne. Unpacked just before thunder hailstorm. Cleared up now, pleasant temp, the carries oh the carries!

7:49 PM, Jul 14, 2012

Pizza, pivo and thunder in Tolmin! Van safely here, 12 expo peeps assembled. Bivi setup by adv team.

7:08 PM, Jul 13, 2012

Our van a strange squat bug, six proud barrels cutting forwards through a swathe of red buses and hipster fixies as we orbit the Elephant

5:24 PM, Jul 13, 2012

Last mad desperate packing rush, but it looks like the minibus might just might make Dover + the ferry tonight!

1:40 AM, Jul 11, 2012

Latest Slovene M2 survey data processed, we start the expo with Sysmig: 11846/970m, Vrtnarija: 11025/888m.

11:15 PM, Jul 10, 2012

15 crates packed in the back of the Transit, barrels slowly filling. So much still to do - but we will get there! Adv Party flown out.

12:24 PM, Jun 20, 2012

23 days till the van leaves, yet feeling unprepared! Most big things sorted, just a never ending list of small essentials.

11:19 PM, Mar 20, 2012

"Sledi Vetra 2012" is the name of the five week expedition this summer 13th Jul - 19th Aug