Vodna Sled Tweets

Static Archive of Tweets from @ICCC

11:21 PM Aug 15th, 2010

Van returned, all safe and sound, gear unpacked into the familiar dusty cramped confines of stores. Plans already fermenting for 2011! Out.

12:34 AM Aug 15th, 2010

Slideshow well received, van left in torrential rain at 2230. Now gliding through empty austrian tunnels. ETA stores 8pm, for the unpack!

4:31PM Aug 14th, 2010

End of Expo Slideshow slides, talk at Tolmin this evening: /slovenia/slov2010/Tolmin2010.pdf

7:12 PM Aug 11th, 2010

Cave&UG camp fully derigged last night.Beaut weather for carries down,raspberries ripe. Stunning last sunset as an end to an epic expo. ICCC

11:50 AM Aug 10th, 2010

Latest data takes us to 2.2km new passage,perched sump,avens,steamway and crawls.Derig in full swing,5bags out from camp,cave closing to ...

2:24 PM Aug 7th, 2010

Latest round of camps:now 2km of new cave,all found deeper than 500m.Korita finished&derigged,final effort on pitch series off PrinceCon ...

10:16 PM Aug 2nd, 2010

Camp back at full capac after rain, finds keep storming in. Korita connects into low level via envy. New finds off leopard full of crystals

8:54 AM Jul 31st, 2010

Couple braved the wet pitches at the ebb of the flood pulse to bring us all ok from camp, and 550m of horiz survey, PALACE OF KING MINAS!

12:52 PM Jul 30th, 2010

Now 808m new passage, inc active pitch series to 798m deep. Just had 26hrs heavy rain, snow on high peaks.More leads than people,rope,time!

10:03 PM Jul 27th, 2010

First few push trips back with data, 500m new passage, 4 leads at heads of big pitches, camp in full swing! New horiz gallery is v pretty.

9:20 AM Jul 25th, 2010

Camp set and VRTNARIJA rigged to 550m. First 3 pushing couples down, found 300m+ in the book.LEOPARD goes in a massive way,loads of leads.

11:04 PM Jul 20th, 2010

10 cavers, 260m new rope, 3 bolt kits, 5 UG camp tackle sacks. VRTNARIJA rerigged to -300m, top of CONCORD. Great trips, cave is lovely.Jarv

10:07 PM Jul 19th, 2010

Load of caving carries, now pretty set up! First trip down VRTNARIJA to rig to ICE SCREAM. Klag out on top and super windy.

10:24 PM Jul 18th, 2010

Van safely T'min sat evening.Alpine start delayed by thunder. Carries in rain. 15 up the hill,1st slop and tea.Great to be back in the bivi!

2:42 PM Jul 15th, 2010

From Tet SLO:"Weather good. Barrels filled with snow, bivvy set up. Tetley."

8:18 PM Jul 14th, 2010

From Tet SLO:"Advance party watching sunset over Krn STOP Drinking wine STOP".

4:55 PM Jul 13th, 2010

T-3 days.Adv party fly out 2day (JKP,WF,JH) to get H20.We're expecting 68 caver-weeks in total.Weather pushing mid 30s with thunder storms.

10:13 PM Jul 1st, 2010

VODNA SLED 2010, T minus 15 days and counting! Gear sorting this w'end, food shop the next. Adv party fly out tues 13th, van leaves fri ..