Jarv's Rigging notes - Oct 09
- Laurel fully Derigged, metal + slings taken out
- Urinal series ropes pulled up
- Zimmer rope pulled up
- Bellow zimmer 'fully derigged' - JKP, gmail 8th Oct 09
- Rest of main pitch series left fully rigged?
- Any deviation krabs rescued if remembered
- Happy Monday derigged, ropes coiled at top (hopefully out of stream!). Believe I took metal work out.
- Pitch named Sue - rope pulled up + I believe I derigged the rebelay so you could kick loose boulders down on first trip
- Walk the line - far side pulled up + coiled, near side (climb) left fully rigged
- 2 minutes to midnight - rope pulled up to rebelay (+30m)
- Wet Hammer - metalwork derigged + taken out, as rock was oozing water + already rusting things, yet no drips?!
- Mirage canyon - metalwork taken out, believe I took rope back to bottom of dark tranquil. Dried to take sling deviation out, but was too cunning in original placement.
- Rest of Kangaroo --> Surface left fully rigged
Took all carabiners off deviations [if we remembered to]
- Unless otherwise noted, left fully rigged
- Based on hearsay at Bivi,
- Left fully rigged for the October Boys to sort out!
- Believe was left (08-->09) with higher pitches rope pulled up, Silos and below fully rigged.
Welcome Back Barrel
- Beanfeast, muesli, savoury rice, noodles, veg soup
- Lots of chocolate (5 people)
- Bog Roll
- Tea, Sugar, Nido (will go rancid), salt, NO coffee
- Stove + 2 Cannisters (CV270s)
- 2 Mess Tins, KFSx2
- 1 x Bolt Kit
- 10x hangers, maillons, spits + cones
- Bit of rope
- Paracord
- Tape
- Small coffee maker (Nb: espresso maker)
- 1 x snap gate crab
- 1 x screw gate crab
+ 4 hangers / 3 drivers
Cave Food Barrel
- 25 (corrected to 40?) small packs noodles
- 20 packet soups (smls)
- 30 Double Deckers etc.
- 40 Rocky Mint Orange
- 10 Jellys
- 4 bars milk chocolate
- Some Vegan stuff (not much)
- 30 Snickers Duo
- 16 Twix
- 14x3 cupa soup
Caving Gear '09
- 127 cones
- 122 spitz
- 15 hangers/maillons
- indeterminate number of rawls
- (+ 10 S+Cs, H+Ms in welcome barrel)
- Nb: I recall squeezing all this into one small Daren + WD40'ing it
- Incredibly long list that I can't be bothered to type in just now, even though it's really important, sigh.